
Super Junior Dating Game

I woke after a couple of hours, again; I wasn't used to the new bed yet. I stood up, ignoring the unforgiving pain in my head and legs, and started towards to bathroom. Upon opening the door, I saw a familiar sight. Alissa and Eunhyuk on the sofa. But this time they weren't talking. I turned away from the kissing couple, shutting the door behind me, and sat on my bed. I really needed to go, but I couldn't just intrude on the two of them like I did last time! As I sat down, I realised I'd disturbed the sleeping Kyutie.

"What up, bro?" I whispered, shocking him.

"Bro? What?" He frowned at me, fringe over his one eye and half his face covered by blankets.

"Ah, never mind," I shook my head. "I mean, why are you up?"

He pulled the blankets off his face and blew his hair out of his eyes. "I'm not sure if you know this, but you move about a lot when you sleep." I looked horrified; I knew I moved a lot, but I never realised it bothered anyone! "It's okay," he continued, "I'm normally awake anyway, I find it hard to sleep."

I scoffed at him. "You only find it hard to sleep because you stare at a screen until god-knows-what-time!" I threw my pillow at him, but he skilfully caught it and grinned at me, picking up his own pillow to throw at me, along with mine.

"Yah!" I said, quickly covering my mouth. I forgot how loud I could be, and I didn't want Ally and Eunhyuk knowing we were both awake.

"So, why did you suspiciously open and close the bedroom door just?" Kyu asked, walking over to pick up his pillow and sit on the bed next to me.

"Suspiciously?!" I exclaimed, shaking my head again. "But yeah, I needed to use the bathroom but-"


Crap. I forgot about not being supposed to tell anyone.

"You can tell me, Suzi...?" Kyuhyun looked at me with wide eyes, making my heart melt a tiny bit.

"I- Erm... Okay, it's Alissa and Eunhyuk."

"What about them? Are they together?!" Kyuhyun demanded, getting more and more excited.

"I don't actually know..." I trailed off, thoughts going back to them. They kissed, yes, but neither of them ahve said anything to me about being a proper couple... Alissa hadn't said anything to me at all... That thought made me a little sad. Didn't she trust me? I voiced that last thought aloud.

"I'm sure she trusts you, baby," Kyu spoke softly, my hair to calm me a little. "We know how hard it is though."

"Yeah, exactly, that should be why she'd come to me, right?" My voice was muffled against Kyu's pyjamas.


I sighed against him, sliding my arms around his waist. 

"She'll talk to you about it eventually."

I hoped that was true, but things didn't turn out the way either of us espected...

- -

"Um, Suzi?"


"Mind if I talk to you for a minute?"

I looked up from the book I was reading, putting down the spoon I held in my other hand. "Sure, what about?"

Eunhyuk smiled sheepishly and grabbed my free hand, taking me into Kyuhyun's room.

"Honestly, what is it?" I questioned, his expression making me nervous.

"I- How do I put this?" The boy had an internal debate before lifting his head, obviously coming to some decision. "I want to ask Alissa out properly, but I don't know how."

I grinned. Widely. Like an idiot.

"Eunhyuk that's great, really amazing!"

"Thanks! But I still have no idea how to ask..." He lowered his eyes and bit his lip.

I pondered over it for a moment, then said "Well, do you want to do it in public or private, firstly?"

"Erm, public. I want everyone to know, without me having to tell them personally."

I understood. "Alright, so why not ask her over dinner? Or spell it out in chocolate chips on a cookie or cake... Or sing her something romantic and ask her afterwards... Or-" I started to ramble about even more cute ways to be asked out.

"Okay, o-okay, yeah I think I know what I'm going to do. Thanks, Suzi!"

I stopped talking and smiled. "No problem, Hyuk! Eh, I can call you Hyuk right?" 

"Of course, why would you even ask? Just call any of the members by a nickname, they'll like it!"

I nodded, and we escaped into the living room again. Alissa, whom was eating toast at the table, eyed me suspiciously, but once I grinned and winked at her, she calmed a little, smiling back at me.

"What was that about?" She asked, gesturing to Eunhyuk. I tapped my nose and winked again, jumping as Kyuhyun put his hands on my shoulders.

"BOO!" He yelled, laughing loudly at my reaction. "You really are a scaredy cat." He smirked at me as I chased him, tickling his sides. I made him giggle a few times, teasing him about his lack of manliness, until it was time to get ready for practice again.

- -

"What were you and Hyuk talking about?" Kyuhyun asked me as I grabbed some clothes from my drawer.

"Hyukissa!" I grinned, laughing at his vacant expression.

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Chapter 25: Awwww!!! AMAZING!!
Chapter 25: I only had one reaction throught thischappie.....D'AWWWWWSSSS!!!!! THAT SOOOOO ADORBSSS!!!!
Chapter 24: I had to put the Kyumin photo, I just had to :3 It waqs so adorable <3
Chapter 23: Keke minnie high fived kyus face>.< matching outfits? Good job minnie and fishyy!!!
Chapter 23: Aawwww Kyuzi's date!!! awww soo kyute!!
Chapter 22: I do see what you did there ;) and thank you! Oh and just so you all know, this chapter [22] is in Kyuhyun's PoV, until I put that it's in Suzi's!!
Chapter 22: AAAWWW!!!! Soo Kyucute!!! Hahah see what i did there?!?! LOL!!
EmmWest #8
Zoe_bug #9
Chapter 20: O__________O BWOH?! Chullie, what did you do?!
Chapter 20: I bet they had some fun already!! hahahh HEECHUL!!!