The fight

Super Junior Dating Game

After we had cleaned her up, Sarah launched into her story.

"Well," she started, snuffling a little. "We were being mean to each other, as usual. Then after a while I started ignoring him, just for fun. All of a sudden he tried to speak to me, saying he needed to tell me something important, but-"

"But you kept ignoring him." I finished for her. "Aish Sarah..."

"I know, I know, but I thought he was just trying to call my bluff. After I ignored him for a while, he started yelling at me, telling me that he really did want to talk, calling me things... I know it was my fault, but he didn't need to yell. Once I realised he was actually  being serious, I was too distraught to talk any more, so I came down here once I relaised Izzy wasn't around..."

I sighed at her as Alissa went to talk to Eunhyuk, who was knocking on the door intently asking if everything was alright. She had stopped crying, thankfully, but still seemed a little shaky so I took her to the dining table and got her a glass of water.  She gulped it down as Sungmin came over to hug her, asking us to retell her story for her.

After the fourth repeat, everyone in our dorm knew what was going on.

"Ugh, of all people." Kyuhyun grumbled, threatening to go up and talk to him.

"No," Sungmin said softly, "They have to sort it out by themselves."

I agreed with him, happy that someone else voiced my opinions.

- -

I went into my bedroom and put my clothes back into my drawer; they were okay to wear again, since I'd only worn them for a few hours. Kyuhyun was in the bathroom, so I took that as an excuse to take a peek at the book on his side table. It was quite interesting, all about quite old fashioned people in Korea, there was something about a war as far as I could tell, and a marriage, but before I could read further, someone coughed from behind me.


"Heh, I see you've made yourself comfortable!" He said, gesturing to his bed on which I was lying. "The book's good isn't it?"

I nodded and he smiled, coming to sit next to me. He my hair as we chatted about the story, and about Heechul/Sarah.

"Will they sort it out?" I asked him, genuinely concerned.

"I think so, Heechul always fights with the members and we always get back to best friends in no time!" He enthused, trying to cheer me up. "Come on, don't think about them for now."

"Is there something else you want me to think about?"

"Yes." He said, and he kissed me.

But this time, he didn't stop.


- -


My friend Jodie decided to write an extra scene, ignore this! ;) I do love her though:

Just then my phone rung and it was Obama and he was like 'Heeeeey gurl heeey," and I was like OH LAWD JESUS IT'S THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD and he was like "I got my girl Jodie here and stuff, we hanging out and we're going for a maccies, probs a 20 mcnugget share boz if ya get me. She just wanted to say hi. Here she is!" He put Jodie on the phone, but I had fainted. Kyuhyun tried to help me up but just then I came round and PUNCHED HIM IN DA FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE he went to hospital and was severly disabled 5ever.

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Chapter 25: Awwww!!! AMAZING!!
Chapter 25: I only had one reaction throught thischappie.....D'AWWWWWSSSS!!!!! THAT SOOOOO ADORBSSS!!!!
Chapter 24: I had to put the Kyumin photo, I just had to :3 It waqs so adorable <3
Chapter 23: Keke minnie high fived kyus face>.< matching outfits? Good job minnie and fishyy!!!
Chapter 23: Aawwww Kyuzi's date!!! awww soo kyute!!
Chapter 22: I do see what you did there ;) and thank you! Oh and just so you all know, this chapter [22] is in Kyuhyun's PoV, until I put that it's in Suzi's!!
Chapter 22: AAAWWW!!!! Soo Kyucute!!! Hahah see what i did there?!?! LOL!!
EmmWest #8
Zoe_bug #9
Chapter 20: O__________O BWOH?! Chullie, what did you do?!
Chapter 20: I bet they had some fun already!! hahahh HEECHUL!!!