Dinner and fluffiness

Cold & Hot

Donghae POV:


Yesterday Mr Lee brought an exhausted Eunhyuk, he had to be carried from the car to the room, and it scared me. Hyoyeon hold me back in the living room, she told everything that happened while the other two stayed in the room. Listening to his story broke my heart, I can’t even imagine the pain inside Eunhyuk knowing he has been judged unfairly for three years, he should be devastated. Their father stayed with him for an hour in the room, I don’t know if they talked or whatever happened in there, Eunhyuk has been sleeping since then and it already passed 14 hours.

But I let him sleep, his body needs all the strength after what happened so I’m doing what I promised to his father before he left: I will take care of him, give him the support, friendship, love that he needs the most. We don’t want to him try to end his life again, it was the second time since we met.


I made the breakfast: pancakes in shape of smiley faces and a heart (just to make him laugh, it have no other meaning (oh who am I trying to fool? xb)) with strawberry syrup, strawberry milk and vanilla ice cream to put in the pancakes.  I put everything on a tray and took it to his bedroom, I knocked on the door but got no answer. He probably was asleep so I opened the door and walked to his side, put the tray on the bedside table and squatted next the bed. He looked like an angel, sleeping so peaceful but you could see traces of tears on his cheeks, he probably cried in his dreams. I lifted my arm to hesitantly reach his face and pulled away the bangs from his closed eyes. With my finger I traced from his forehead to his eyes, contemplating the long eyelashes; to his pointed nose, moving on to his perfect sharp jawline, the one I wanted to so many times before; until I finally reached his plump, juicy lips. The desire to kiss them was growing but I couldn’t do that, I wanted him to be awake and willing on our first kiss, if that ever happen. Instead I planted a kiss on his cheek and kept the lips.


“If you at least would let me stay this close when awake I would be the happiest men on heart, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the same feelings as me. it will be enough just to be around and take care of you, to give the love you’ve been missing for so long” – I whispered so that he wouldn’t woke up and stayed there for a couple more minutes until I heard my mom calling.





No One POV:

Donghae got up and left the room, going downstairs where his mother was. Inside the room Eunhyuk stayed lying down but contrary to what Donghae thought he was wide awake. A little before Donghae had bought the breakfast he had already opened his eyes but when the other knocked on the door he just pretended to be sleeping. Maybe that way he would be left alone again and continue to cry all his sorrows, but Donghae isn’t someone to do what is expected. When he started to touch Eunhyuk’s face, the latter wanted to panic but the caring way the other did it somehow calmed him. He enjoyed feeling some kind of love after the heart-breaking events the day before, it gave him hope to expect support in whatever he does.

The only problem was to open his heart again. When he heard what Donghae whispered he wanted to stop pretending and embrace him, to encourage him to keep fighting and never let the blond go down again. But at same time there was a voice on the back of his head telling it wasn’t right, he shouldn’t trust other persons because, in the end, he would only get hurt. Eunhyuk knew it would take a lot of effort to let others in after what he have been trough but as long the brunet stayed by his side he would never give up.


Putting worries aside, he ate the heavenly strawberry filled breakfast, starting first with the ‘smiley’ pancakes. Finishing that he was going to ‘heart’ shaped ones (there were only two) when Donghae went back to the room. His mom only nagged him about messing the kitchen


“How do you feel?” – Donghae asked




“Hmm, are they good? It was me who made them”


“They’re good” – Eunhyuk said like he didn’t care but inside he was touched that Donghae had made an effort for him.


He remembered how the brunet was afraid to enter the kitchen since the fire, which is also the first time they met. Donghae stayed by the door just watching, hesitating is he should approach the elder or not, fearing it was too soon for that. The blond noticed that and was also debating inside his head if he should say something for him to approach or send him out. He looked down at his half eaten heart pancake and decided to risk


“You can come near me Donghae, its ok” – the younger slowly approached with baby steps until he was by the bed side – “Uhhh… you can sit, you know?”


Donghae sat on the bed but not too close to the other, in fact he was almost falling from it. Eunhyuk saw the discomfort and felt his heart squeeze. After what they have been through, all the little changes they made on each other, in that moment all seemed to be in vain. He knew it was mostly his fault for that so it should be him to take the initiative and try to emend everything.


“Do you want some?” – he offered a piece of pancake on the fork. Deep inside Donghae wanted but just imagining being fed by his crush made him feel giddy.


“No thanks, you need it more than me. You’re too skinny”—he tried to joke


“Hey! Are you implying that I don’t know how to take care of myself?” – said Eunhyuk glaring


“N-no, of course not… what I wanted to say w-was….aish” – Donghae said flustered only to get even more when he noticed Eunhyuk was smiling, a gummy one – “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” – the younger said pouting


“Just relax Donghae, I told I won’t bite. Here take half of my heart” – he said jokingly offering a bit of pancake but to Donghae those words meant much more. He hoped the other was implying taking the heart as care and trust in him, a new ‘new beginning’ for the two of them to get emotionally close


And so they spent the rest of the day just lazing around the house watching tv shows, movies and eating.







A couple of days passed. Eunhyuk’s condition slowly improved. He started correctly working and going at home on decent times, having some meals with Donghae’s family. The relationship between the two was also getting better, they spent much time together, chatting and playing around. The older smiled more but it still wasn’t the truest smiles, anyone could see they were still a little forced but at least he was making progresses, which was better than the cold old Eunhyuk.


It was a Tuesday late afternoon, the blond was driving him and Donghae to his sister’s house. She had invited them to dance a little, convincing the older that no else was at home so he could go at ease. It wasn’t fear to meet the parents, he had spoken on the phone with his father one time after the reconciliation, the problem was his mother. Not once had they talked since that time at the cemetery and the others also haven’t spoken about her. He knew she was going to be the most difficult to talk to, after all it was her mom own mother messing with her thoughts, it would be talk to him and disappoint the elderly or respect the mother figure and never talk to Eunhyuk. That’s why he didn’t want to face her that soon, she probably would be on a internal fight since her husband and also daughter were already on good terms with him.


Putting those thoughts apart, he tried to focus on the time they would spend dancing. And indeed it was fun, Hyoyeon was a good partner, making him try even harder to be better, after all he was the one who thought her to dance like that, no way he would let her beat him. On the other hand Donghae still kept making mistakes, his clumsy feet never changed, but the blond thought those mistakes only made the other look cute so he didn’t mind help getting the right moves.


Their bonding time was interrupted only when studio door opened. The three, thinking no one was at home, got scared but Eunhyuk quickly changed to panic mode since it was their mother who opened the door. Donghae sensed the weird silence, excluding the music that was still playing, so he was the first one to greet.


“Hello ma’am! I hope we didn’t disturbed your rest”


She didn’t greeted back, her focus was only on Eunhyuk and vice versa. – “I didn’t know you would come this early mom!” – Hyoyeon forced laugh to diminish the tension but obviously didn’t work – “Do you need something?”


“Dinner’s ready so hurry, you can invite your friends to eat too if you want” – their mother said it as if the presence of Eunhyuk was indifferent and closed the door going back to the house.


They were thunderstruck looking at each other not believing the words the woman said. Eventually they surpassed the shock and were going to eat, but of course, not without a little battle on convincing the blond male to join the family at the table who didn’t want to make things even weirder. In the end he lost the argument and was literally dragged by the two teenagers.

The parents were already seated waiting for them, steam coming out of the pan. Hyoyeon sat on the right of Mr Lee and on his the left his wife who told Donghae to sit next her, leaving Eunhyuk to sit on the other side of the table next to his sister. It hurt him when his mother told Donghae to sit next to her, it was his seat in the past, although it was something he was already expecting, it doesn’t mean it hurts less.

On the other side, dinner time wasn’t as awkward as he thought it would and that thanks to Donghae. The brunet always finding theme to talk to Mr Lee, asking thousands of questions about their trips and when the conversation seemed to die, Hyoyeon would in and keep it flowing. Somehow Eunhyuk adored the picture, maybe if things started to really go well from then on, if he got a chance to have his family back and, with lot of inner strength, to involve in a romantic relationship with Donghae, it wouldn’t be difficult to have all the support, that the brunet could be accepted as ‘another’ son for his parents. Having his head down, unconsciously he let slip a little smile, which didn’t passed unnoticed to Hyoyeon, who also smiled and squeezed his hand under the table, and to his mother.


Sometimes she took secret glances at him, hoping the others wouldn’t notice. She still had a dislike to him, his mere presence around her ‘family’ made her sick and restless but then, seeing that little smile appear somehow warmed her heart. To be honest, first it made her confused but then she remembered her mother hateful words and it just pissed her more because it was making her question the elderly words. Since little she was told to be nice and respect the elders, especially the parents, to never doubt or question them because they are always right. That’s why she listened to her and create that hate towards Eunhyuk but deep down she missed him, she couldn’t erase all the years they spent together, all the happy moments. Those conflicted thoughts made her angry for she didn’t want to go against her mother.




It was time for dessert; their father went to the kitchen and got back with a tray with five mousses. He put it on the table and began to distribute it according to their tastes.


“Here, a peach one for our little princess” – (Hyoyeon muttered she wasn’t little anymore) – “a blackberry one for my dear wife and strawberry one for the addicted monkey” – (Eunhyuk wanted to argue back but afraid that it will upset someone he stayed quiet – “for you Donghae, I didn’t know what you liked so I brought chocolate mousse” – he said furrowing his brows


“That’s ok sir, actually it’s my favourite one, thank you”


“Good. Oh and finally, one of white chocolate for me”


“And you call me little. You’re a grown up but at the sight of your favourite dessert your eyes literally glow and you get as excited as a kid. Seriously, sometimes I feel it’s not right to call you dad when you act childish than me” -- Hyoyeon mocked their dad only to get a little of dessert on the forehead thrown with a spoon by her dad who was pouting – “Really dad! It just gives more reason!!”


“Ok that’s enough kids. You should behave in front of the guests” – after so many time their mother voice was heard. It didn’t sound serious, at least accord to what Eunhyuk remembers, which he missed.


“Yes mom~” – both Hyo and her dad said at the same time only to make Donghae giggle.


If any person could look at them they would think it was a happy family, having fun at table and putting the talk on day. No one would be able to guess that, in reality, it was a broken family.




Eunhyuk POV:


I loved this bounding time, it wasn’t the perfect one with mom being silent and absent of it but it was enough to warm me up inside. Only when was time to say goodbye (which mom avoid by going to her room) did dad confessed he eavesdrop mine and Hyoyeon phone call so he convinced mom to get back home to have dinner with the excuse he invited friends to eat. That’s why she didn’t suspected anything. I hugged him tight and whisper a ‘thank you’ which he replay by hugging me even tighter.


We are now on the car riding back home in silent, Donghae was looking outside the window but I could still notice the smile plastered in his family, which secretly made my heart thump a tiny little bit harder. It was awesome to see him and dad get along so well, I only wish mom would be more open, at least with him, she only holds a grudge against me, but whatever.


“Did you have fun today?” – I asked him just to get his attention. What? It’s not my fault he made me dependent of hearing his voice.


“Yes, I did. Your dad is really funny and bit childish, I like him a lot. How about you Hyukkie?” – he said with his overexcited self


“Hyukkie?” – did he gave me a nickname? I kind of like it, especially said with that excitement voice.


“Oh sorry, you probably don’t like, it’s a childish nickname” – he pouted so I choose to tease a bit.


“Hmm for how much time have you pick that one?”


“One month after we met” – he was so red by then


“And never once you tried to call me that, why?”


“I’m shyyyyyyyy…….. and was afraid you would get mad at me” – he whined  but then muttered the last sentence. How cute


“Yes, you’re right…” – I paused just to see him looking shocked and hang his mouth open


“Sorry I’ll…”


“You’re too shy for your own good. I like the nickname.” – I cut him to continue my previous sentence. It only made him even redder. Damn boy is so cute


Our conversation stopped there since no one knew what to say more, I guess we still aren’t that comfortable around each other. But I’m not going to give up on him, even if he gets sick of making an effort first I would continue until we at least become best friends. It’s the minimum I can do to thank him for entering my life and save me from becoming a cold person.



Donghae POV:


What should I do? What should I say? Aishh I’m freaking out inside while keeping a normal posture on the outside! I risked by calling him that nickname and fortunately he liked but now I don’t know what to do or say to keep him talking. It’s better to take advantage of it while he’s in a happy mood since he may return to his cold personality when he tomorrow wakes up. Although I don’t entirely believe it, I get this feeling he is trying to change, to be more reachable.

I switched on the radio and searched for a nice radio station to listen. On one it was playing “Love at first sight” from ‘Jori King’ and since it sounded nice I let it be. It was easy to catch the refrain and before I realized I was already singing along to it, although my Engrish



You you make me believe in love at first sight 
And I never felt this way before 
You you make me believe in love at first sight 
And I wanna give you all my world cuz 

You you make me believe in love at first sight 
And I do, yes I do, I-I do, yes I do 
You you make me believe in love at first sight 
And I do, yes I do, I-I do, yes I do 

*Verse 2* 

Oh first it was hard to believe but I'm starting to see 
I'm slowly falling in love from what you do to me 

And I can't help myself girl you're good for my health 
I'm so addicted to you can't see nobody else 


Then it was ‘Hero by Claude’, a song that I like so much. While singing I kept thinking of the person next to me, how much this song fits him. I kept sinking to it, singing with more feeling, hoping he would think I’m singing just for him.


I could be your hero
You will never have to be afraid
If I was a hero, your hero
Baby we can fly away.
I could be your rock tougher than the steel 
See right through your heart 
Know just how you feel 
‘cause I’m powerless without you 

I can save your heart in a single bound
And I could take away all your pain with no hope that it knocks you down, knock you down 
I can catch every single tear you cry 
And when you call on me I’ll be there in the nick of time 
And now I know it’s hard for you to trust at all
But baby don’t go and thinking I would ever let you fall

2 x Chorus:
I could be your hero
You will never have to be afraid
If I was a hero, your hero
Baby we can fly away.
I could be your rock tougher than the steel 
See right through your heart 
Know just how you feel 
‘cause I’m powerless without you.

Don’t you wanna say I’m your superman 
We can fly away just take my hand 
You don’t have to panic 
I won't take advantage the way he does 
No I never do that girl I got your back 
Nothing can stop me for loving you no 
Nothing, no, nothing who can take me away from you ooh


“Wow you have such nice voice” – he complimented me making me blush

“Thanks, it’s one of my favourite songs”

“I never heard it but I enjoyed the lyrics”


After it other songs came but there was one I’ll never forget. ‘Loving U’ by SISTAR started playing and I sang with squeaky voice just to have fun by acting silly but what left me jaw dropping was that EUNHYUK sang along too, making that weird and funny voice. I never imagined he could do that, it made my heartbeat accelerate, that moment just made me fell more in love with him.


“Why are you looking at me like that? Can’t I sing too?” – he pouted, he freaking pouted, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh I just had to squeal out loud


“OH MY GOD! You’re so damn adorable Hyukkie, now you have no other choice than to sing every song with me” – I said full of excitement and he also laughed.


We kept joking the rest of the car travel. In that moment I didn’t want to arrive home, I preferred if we kept riding until the car battery ended just to see him having fun and smiling. But to my astonishment and happiness, when we arrived home and he parked the car, we stayed for a while inside making us looking like crazy persons who ran from the asylum. This day was the better and funniest day since we met, I just hope we can make every day like this.




A/n: I'm not a fluffy person so I'm sorry if when it comes to those parts it's awakward  :b

Oh and comment, yeah?





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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~