Chap 12 - New start

Cold & Hot


Donghae POV: 


I felt so bad for my Hyuk; life hasn't been easy on him. Although he didn't want to talk about his 'parents' we talked about his siblings, he loved them so much, it didn't matter that they weren't blood related, to them the bond connecting was more powerful than anything. That's why I made in my mind that my new mission would be to join him and Hyoyeon back together first and then maybe, with a little luck, join them with their parents, like a family should be. Talking with her should be easy, the tricky part would be his parents but lets think one thing of at the time. It has been a couple of days since Eunhyuk told me his past and to be honest, nothing much changed. He's still cold towards me but sometimes you can see that he makes an effort to be nice. It's those little things that give me strength to never give up when it comes to him. 


After our talk that day he brought me home, something that I never expected, and even gave me a hug as a way to show he was thankful that I listened to him vent. Back to plan one, I have to find a way to make Hyoyeon let go off some of her rancour, but what? She can't stand being near him without flipping out so it's early to put them in a room alone... aish really this two are so complicated and stupid, it annoys me. Hmmm I know... first I'll become her friend and then, little by little, we could try to talk about it. Uh uh I'm such a genius and since our fire training was yesterday I’m bored as hell so why not tell Henry to come?


I called him to come over at my house so that we make a plan and I could tell he was eager to do it, what it’s weird since he has been objecting most part of my schemes… something’s fishy here and it’s not me for sure. Since we live relatively close, like a 20 minutes walk, I didn’t expected him to take long or something like that but he actually took less than ten minutes. Did he come running? 0.o  woww he’s getting weirder day by day, maybe I really am a bad influence



- “Hi Hae! So tell me, what the plan is this time?” – he said all smiley, like seriously! Do I only call him when I want some favor from him?


- “Talking like that makes me look like someone who only have crazy ideas..!”


- “And don’t you have?” – he teased me


- “Yah, want to die?” – I tried to threaten but he only giggle, crazy – “Now cutting the crap. We really need to make those two siblings get back together; I thought of including her in our outings, get to know her a little bit, what do you think?”


- “Fine by me; when do you want to start? Tomorrow, today, now?” – he asked too much excited perhaps.


- “Why do I think you’re anticipating this plan; do you, I don’t know, like probably, may be interested on Hyuk’s sister?” – I asked shocked and his cheeks instantly became red as a strawberry. It didn’t matter how much he tried to deny with words, his body signals would always betray him – “No way Mochi! I don’t want to be in the same family as you, no offence, but friends shouldn’t mix with family” – I said puffing my cheeks.


- “Oh really? Then if you’re becoming friend with her you shouldn’t mess with Eunhyuk right?” – touché, that’s a valid point, stupid genius…. Huhhh how I hate you!!!!!


- “Fiiiiine, you win. Sometimes I wonder why you’re my bestfriend, you know? Gosh so annoying”



So I gave up and we started to think of things to do with her, and since it was still early we agreed to take a walk around the park near the river, a calm place where we could talk and have some fun. It was one of the days she stayed at their family’s house so we went there to invite her hoping she would want to go, and to our surprise she immediately said yes. We waited for her to take a shower since she had been dancing before and then went out. At the park he took a stroll, bought ice creams, played a little by the water and even danced a little using phones as music players, it was so much fun you could even see the little spark between Henry and Hyoyeon. Seeing her so carefree and smiling all the time, I just wished Eunhyukkie to see her like that, like the old times. Now everytime they were close he only saw distaste and rage on her face, it truly hurt him so I grabbed my phone and took pictures of those moments, sometimes it was Henry turn to take.


It was getting late when we walked back to her house, she only went there to grab some things to go back to the school dorm since the day after we all would have classes. Henry went upstairs to help her and while they were at it I texted Eunhyuk to come there saying there was an urgency at home… poor gullible soul believed me. Just means that he starts to truly trust me eheh. It didn’t take for him to arrive and at the same time the other two came back to the living room.



- “Donghae what’s wrong?” – Eunhyuk asked worried


- “What the hell are you doing here?” – Hyoyeon asked almost at the same time


- “Calm down, since he’s coming back today I thought he could take you to the school dorm, this way you wouldn’t have to carry the bag on the bus” – I tried to appease 


- “Tell me you’re kidding me... no freaking way I’m going to ride that thing with him driving” – Hyo


- “Just for today please, it’s the only favour I ask from you” – I gave her the best puppy eyes I could arrange, barely anyone could ever resist it. And she was no exception; I could see she was starting to give up on resisting me


- “Fine just stop acting like a stupid child. Goooooosh you’re annoying as hell”  -- ah I knew it, it still has to born someone who could resist me muahahahah


- “It’s ok if you don’t want Hyo, i understand it’s still difficult to forgive...” – Eunhyuk


- “Just shut up Hyuk or else I’m changing my mind”


Hyoyeon didn’t let him finish the sentence cutting him abruptly but I don’t think it was because she was angry or anything, I caught her slipping. She called him by a nickname “Hyuk”, it must mean something no? I still have hope their relationship is going to turn to a good one, dream doesn’t kill yet, right? Eheh

We all went to Eunhyuk’s car in the house garage, I purposely left the passenger front seat for her giving the excuse that he would leave me and Henry at our house first. She fidgeted a little but eventually settles down. We left Mochi at his house first and then we drove until mine. I wasn’t able to stay much with my y blond this day but seeing the two siblings next to each other without fighting was so much worth than that. I said a quickly goodbye to the both of them and went inside my house. I just hope they behave the rest of the trip...




Eunhyuk POV:


After leaving Donghae at his house the ride until her school dorm was painfully quiet, the awkward silence between us totally opposite to some years ago were we would always be playing and joking with each other. No matter how much pain in the past that caused this kind of relation to be like this I still love her as my true blood sister even though she never was, and I miss all the moments we lived together. Now that I get a chance to be this close with her I can’t stop stealing glances at her... she sure is much more mature and pretty, her face features are more defined and sharp  although it still have some child cuteness. She’s already a young lady and I didn’t get the chance to help in this last years, to see all the development and the only I can blame for that is myself. If I wasn’t so reckless and stupid before we could still be together and happy, but I guess now is too late to regret and feel sorry, what’s done is done, unfortunately time can’t go back. I just should be grateful to Donghae for giving me such opportunity to be this close to her, I guess telling him about my past was definitely the best choice I made since a long time, with his help maybe I can get her back in my life even if it’s not like before I will be happy no matter what.

Eventually we arrived at the destiny but it didn’t seem like she wanted to leave since she kept without moving out from the car. I looked at her waiting for something, anything at all, I even held my breath... that is until she thanked me for the ride but that was it, no more was said, she didn’t even looked at my direction. That hurt a little but I guess it was better than nothing; at least she’s not yelling or offending me. She stayed seated at my side for a while until she finally stretched her arm to grab the door handle then I quickly held her other arm stopping her from getting out of the car.


- “Thank you for making an effort to come with me” – I said with a gentle voice


- “No problem”


- “I’m sorry, I know it’s still hard for you, it is for me too. I really regret everything!”

- “It is but looking at you I guess you’re not better than me”  -- she said now looking at me softly, she looked beautiful like that

- “Would you tell me every time you need a ride? Or anything else, I don’t mind”

- “Sure let’s begin with the rides first. I’ve been thinking about us and this whole situation and I think is time to forget the past and have a new start”


At that time I just wanted to jump at her and her in my arms from how happy I was to get such chance, we both have growth not only physically but emotionally as well.


- “Thanks Hyo” -- it means a lot to me




A/n: I know I know, it took ages to update, sorry I didn't had tought about the end of this fic so it was hard to write but now that I know (and it's going to be a little harsh, maybe with some tears) it's so much easy to write

Comment yeah?  See you all soooon ^^




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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~