Chap 13 - Shopping

Cold & Hot

Donghae POV:


Days passed and it turned to weeks. I and Henry kept going to Eunhyuk’s house sometimes to hang out with his sister whenever she went to practice, and believe me when I say our dear Mochi is falling head over heels for Hyoyeon. Every time I ask him if is having a crush on her, he always deny but his eyes only focus on her and I’m not stupid (even if Heechul hyung always says it) to not see. I wish I could say the same about my blond dancer. He gives us rides at the end of Hyoyeon’s practice, the siblings’ relationship is gaining its strong base back, but the two of us are still apart, more than I wished to. At the fireworks training he behaves professionally leaving barely anytime to have a casual talk. But seeing a positive side (and the only one), he’s really trying to lose is cold behaviour around me. Every time he to lose his temper, he takes a deep breath and make a little smile, which is a little awkward and leaves us both without knowing what to do. Oh well, I shouldn’t complain, at least we spent a few minutes together.

7 more days and it’s the schools festival, Henry’s going to be busy checking all the students’ rehearsals and Hyoyeon’s going to be practicing every day which means I’m stuck at home alone after classes. AAAAAIISH so boooooooooooring and today is only Monday, at his rate it will be inscribed in my tombstone “Perfect teenager died of boredom”. Ok maybe I’m exaggerating but still… what can I possibly do to kill time? Mom and Dad are working, and Heechul hyung is at the fireworks along with Sungmin hyung. Seriously, tomorrow I’m going to look for other friends at school even if it’s only for a week.

One hour have passed and I’m still spread out on the bed not knowing what to do and I’m too lazy at the moment to think, that’s when a buzzing sound came from the bedside table so I moved a little on the bed until I was able to reach my phone. Curiosity kicked in when I saw a text message, who could it be? Everybody was too busy to remember me. Oh well, I pushed the button to open the message but I didn’t recognize the number, that’s odd



“Are you busy at the moment?”



I sent one back asking who this person was before responding to the question, it could be a psychopath trying to reach me who knows (cocky brat as always xb). After two minutes it came the answer, I think my heart made a triple flip after seeing from who it was: my perfect blond angel Eunhyukiieeee hyung, and he’s asking what am I doing, perhaps he wants to go on a date. It would be awesome but I doubt he would ever want that. So I saved the number and send him that I was dying of boredom at home alone. It only take a few seconds to get a text back.



“Do you want to come with me to the mall? I want to get something for my sister and I need a second opinion, since you know her”



Oh well it’s not considered a date but still I will spend an entire afternoon with him. Just thinking about it makes me all giddy inside. So I text him back that I would love like to go with him and after setting the phone back on the bedside table I run to the wardrobe to change clothes. At least I should look perfect, nothing less. Oh I must take a shower too, a few days ago I bought strawberry scented soap since Hyoyeon said he was addicted to the red fruit, I wouldn’t mind if he took a bite on me just to taste it… OMG what am I saying, Donghae focus! I need to hurry. On the way to the bathroom I looked at the phone seeing a new text where he said that he would take 40 minutes to be here at my house door. I took a shower and wear the clothes, I was just finishing getting my hair the best it could look, although he decided not to cooperate and stay like I wanted but I didn’t have time since Eunhyuk rang the bell. I dashed downstairs and opened the door just to see the most dashing human walking on earth right in front of me. He was wearing a red wife beater and jeans complimenting with high white snickers. It was a simple outfit but in him it looked the best, I kept my mouth opened, mesmerized, just looking at that masterpiece.


“Huh Donghae, mind to come back to earth?” – He said waving a hand in front of my face.


“O-oh sorry, I was making sure if you were an angel or not but I’m still no sure!” – I said with a sheepishly smile making him role his eyes and walk back at the car – “Hey I’m sorry, wait for me Hyung!”


I locked the house door and ran to the passenger seat. The whole ride to the mall was quiet, none of us knew what to say. He kept that cold side again while I didn’t know what to say to not make him snap or something like that, I preferred this silence than cold words. It didn’t take much to reach the city mall, and when we left the car to walk inside we still kept quiet and a little far from each other, it looked like we weren’t even friends at all. And we kept like that for 10 more minutes until I couldn’t stand it anymore and stopped. He was entering a sports store when he notice I wasn’t by his side anymore.


“Aren’t you coming?” – He asked


“I think it’s better to go, this is just too awkward and it’s easy to see you’re still not comfortable around me, so I better leave” – I said, head down feeling sad that this “date” wasn’t going the way I wanted. I expected to at least talk a little and be more comfortable but it was totally the opposite side. That’s when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist and pull me a little bit.


“Please, don’ go. I’m sorry for my behaviour ‘til now but understand it’s still difficult for me to be social again. Besides, are you leaving me alone in the middle of all this people and without any help on what to choose for Hyoyeon? If so then you’re being mean” – Eunhyuk said pouting a bit. POUTING????!!!!!!!  OMG

I never thought to this expression on him this soon, it’s so…… weird


“What the hell are you doing?” – I inquired


“Humm trying to convince to stay?”


“Yes but you’re POUTING!!!”


“Well….. did it work to change your mind?” – he asked raising an eyebrow


“Just stop that, I’ll stay if you don’t that anymore. That look works on me but in you it just creeps me out, geeezz”


I said and walked in front of him to the sports store he was heading before. I could hear his soft laugh behind me and it make me feel warm to know it wasn’t a forced one. In rare moments like this I could imagine a playful and enjoyable Eunhyuk, one without that cold personality but it’s just it, only in my mind. I’m not ready yet to see that in reality.

Gosh that was so creepy…



Eunhyuk POV:


He was so cute making that scared (or what the hell was) face. It made me embarrassed to do such thing as a pouting but I couldn’t help it. Being near Donghae brings the weirdest behaviour out of me making myself stunned. I enjoy his company, I really do but his presence makes me nervous, I don’t know what to say or do to make him feel comfortable. In the end it’s the opposite, he must think that I’m still that cold monster he first met but inside I’m changing, it’s just hard to at least show a minimum of that change on the outside.  And I don’t think he even knows the effect he has on me.

We kept wandering around the store for some minutes looking for anything for her, I wanted to buy something for her to use on the performance at the festival but ‘til now I’m clueless on what to get that she may like. Moreover it’s for a GIRL! In the past Junsu would be the one to choose her gifts or help me when it was for other girls because I would always buy the stupidest thing available. Sigh, I miss him so much.


“Have you seen something already?” – the cute brunet beside me asked and I gave him a negative answer. He then asked what kind of thing I was looking for and I explained it was for her to use on the performance.


“I think she already has the outfit ready and all the accessories chosen, I’m not seeing what could.”


“I KNOW!” – I cut him practically yelling and drag him to some shelves at the end of the store. “What do you think if we get this?”


“Dancing shoes?”


“Yes. I know it will hurt her feet at the beginning but after a few times it will adjust to it. At the D-day it will be perfect on her!” – I was enthusiastic with the idea


“It seems good. I noticed the ones she is using are a bit old”


Being decided what to get her, we spent the next ten minutes choosing the right size and model without never agreeing. Donghae texted her, asking for the size so at least we had that correct but choosing the model was hard, there were too many. We kept kind of arguing although not too loud but I guess it was enough for a clerk to come our way asking if we needed any help. I didn’t change much ‘cause we kept bickering like too kids arguing for what was the sweetest candy. It must be had pissed of the clerk until he asked us to sit in a little while he went ask something to his boss. It didn’t take long for him to come back holding a box and with another person beside who took the initiative to talk.


“Hello I’m the boss, welcome to our store. Our employee told me the gentlemans were having troubles with choosing one of our display products”


“My sister is having a performance and I was looking for some special shoes like her, but we can’t find anything lets say… unique” – I tried to explain


“Well he searched in the storage and I think we found what you were looking for. These are new arrivals, they only go to the shelves in about two weeks but since we want our customers happy I will make an exception for you. What do you think of these?” – the boss said and the clerk took the shoes out of the box.


Me and Donghae look simultaneously to each other, there was no need for words, we knew this were THE ones for her. Without any more arguments we went to pay for them and exited the store heading to my house were Hyoyeon is practicing. I just hope she will love them.





A/n: Sorry it took so long, school and personal problems on the way... it's a little better but I better not promise faster updates. I promise I won't abandon this fic


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~