Chap 1 - Burning

Cold & Hot



No One POV:




Heechul called his younger brother from the kitchen. The house was silent due the fact that was early morning but that was going to change, the moment that little “brat” steps into the kitchen to have breakfast it will become loudly in an instant.


“Hyung, why can’t I skip school today? Mom and dad aren’t home so they wouldn’t find out, please I want so sleep more” -- Donghae finally come and, as usual, whining to not go to school.


“They may not be here but I’m in charge, so hurry up, I need to go to school earlier today”


“Are you so needy to get some by your boyfriend that you can’t wait until classes end?” – Donghae said smirking


“Watch your mouth fish, and remember to who you’re talking to. Gosh, how can people say you’re a cute angel? They definitely don’t know you and your ert side. You’re lucky that I love you n matter what, or else you would be hanging by a leg on the rooftop”


“Yeah yeah, I love you too Heechul hyung! Oh by the way, did mom tell you how long they will stay at Jessica noona?”


“One or two weeks perhaps, now hurry up and get ready or I will not give you a ride.”


Their parents went to visit their older daughter Jessica in the UK, where she moved after graduating, and since Heechul is old enough he stayed to watch after Donghae who still was a high school student.

After getting ready and eat breakfast Heechul drove him to school, the mood wasn’t so bad since it was Friday, which mean next day would be weekend, all house for them without anyone to tell them what to do. Donghae was already making plans to invite Henry, his bestfriend, to stay at his home, maybe setting a little party would be cool.


“Do you have plans for the weekend?” – The elder asked.


“Maybe, I’m thinking of inviting Henry, why hyung?”


“I want to go on a date with Hangeng this night, so you can invite your friend for today, he can even stay the night at our home and I can spend it out. Deal?”


“Yey, thanks hyung, you’re the best”


“I know I am. You have some food in the fridge, just be good kids and don’t destroy anything, I trust you!”


“Arasso~ . Bye hyung, have a beautiful ert day !” – Donghae teased while exiting the car, not hearing the nasty words Heechul was throwing him.


The day at school went well for Donghae, he’s not one of the smartest student but manage to get good grades and all the teachers like his cute and responsible attitude, in fact all school likes him. Girls drool for his hot body, even some boys, every week he receives love letters and is invited to parties but, despite all that he doesn’t have friends which he can relay on except from Henry, this one knows the real Donghae that other people don’t see. Having both the same personality it was easy for them to get along pretty well, even though Henry is half Canadian – half Chinese he quickly learned Korean.

On their way out of school Donghae invited him to go to his house but was rejected, the other was needed at home, much to Donghae disappointment, if there’s anything that he hates is to stay home alone.


Later at night, it was dinner time but he didn’t want to eat what Heechul left on the fridge so he began to cook with some ingredients they still had, he wasn’t a good cook, in fact he barely managed to do simple dishes but his hunger was bigger so he tried to do some pasta. He had just put spaghetti on the heat when his mother called him to tell how his sister Jessica was and to know how everything was, of course he lied telling Heechul was in the shower so he couldn’t talk. Being the clumsy and careless person he is, he left the kitchen not noticing the towel close to the fire. After some minutes the call ended and he went to continue his work but the view in front of him terrified him, the stove was already on fire, he tried to throw some water but was not working so he called the firemen’s. He was desparate, trying to control the fire but after giving them the address he slipped on some water and fell, bumping his head on the ground and passing out.



Luckily they didn’t take too long, while some were dealing with the hoses one of them speeded into the flames trying to see if there was someone inside. The flames haven’t reached other divisions yet so he headed to the kitchen where he found Donghae huddled on a corner.



Donghae’s POV:


I felt dizzy, my head was throbbing, and this air? It’s so hard to breathe… slowly I opened my eyes only to be terrified by the view, it was all on fire, the flames blocking the only way out. I ran way to a corner but to no use, soon they will reach me, I don’t want to dye yet. Soon they were so close to me, it was unbearable to breathe and, I don’t know what happened but something with fire fell on my harm burning it, I was so afraid, I knew it was my end, all the strengths were leaving my body but then an angel appeared. He was wearing all red and a helmet but I could notice his blonde hair and those endearing eyes before surrendering to the darkness.





A/n:  Yeah I'm back with a new one ^^

I haven't write this yet so it might take some days to update, let's hope it doesn't take long and next chapter wil be longer

see ya  =3

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~