Chap 15 - Rejected

Cold & Hot

Eunhyuk’s POV:


I should have thought they would be here, after all it’s their daughter performance. But why choose to sit near me, even after see me they didn’t move to another. Is it because Hyoyeon also told them to stay here? If so then we will have a serious talk about hiding stuff to me. Her parents didn’t said anything, thankfully, but the coldness in their eyes really hurt. I thought that, after this long time without see them, I would be unaffected, like been immune… I couldn’t be more wrong. It hurts too much being near them and be treated with such coldness and ignorance when I just wanted to simply hug them, especially her mom. I wanted to apologize infinity times, to get their forgiveness and live the four of us, like the family we once were, to have the right to call them my parents too. But that would as impossible as bringing Junsu back to life, no matter what I do nothing will be as before. Fortunately Hyoyeon is opening to me little by little, sometimes is still awkward to get a theme to talk about but we are spending more time together each encounter.

I kept on my own world, don’t caring for the others around. Donghae kept quiet beside me, not asking anything when I told they were my ‘ex-parents’ and I appreciate him for that, he must had understood I needed time to think and recollect myself.


After what felt like hours, Donghae nudged me pointing with his head to the stage. There I saw Hyoyeon getting ready to perform on top of a step structure. She was wearing a black top and a white hat, a red jacket, sparkly jeans that shined depending the hitting light and the shoes me and Donghae offered her. Speaking of it, she totally loved the gift, wearing it for every practice even if it hurt until it adapted to her foot. She didn’t let me see any of the practices saying she wanted to surprise me in this day so I’m really anticipating.

(if you want to see the performance

The music started playing for only three seconds when it changed for robotic sounds. She moved like a machine, and then music started again, her body popping very precisely. Those were the moves I though her and Junsu when we still lived all together, I remember she couldn’t made them the way I did thus making her really frustrated. I can’t believe the way she improved by herself… wow my princess brought a tear to my face

The rest of the performance just left me astonished, she became such a good dancer, from ballerina at young age to powerful teenager. Aish I’ve missed so much in this 3 years apart. When the performance ended everybody was clapping and cheering, I could see from the side her parents’ proud smile for the last time, I guess.


It took an hour and half for the show o end, people were leaving their spots to go home while I and Donghae quickly went to the backstage before it got too crowded with friends and family of the performers. We found Henry who guided us where Hyoyeon was, as soon as she saw us she hugged Donghae giggling and he said encouraging words and how good she was, it was a nice sight. When let go of each other she looked at me, waiting for some signal so that she could approach. I gave her my gummy smile and she instantly jumped on me, interlacing her legs on my waist. She would have fall if I haven’t grabbed her tightly.


“Congratulation, you were perfect out there”


“Thank you, I tried really hard not to disappoint you. I think it’s time to let the past go and start anew. Have I made the steps right as you taught me?” – she said now looking in my eyes with her sparkly ones


“Yeah, you did it perfectly my lill swan” – I said proudly


“Hey I’m not a kid anymore, big prince” – she teased me. These were the nicknames we used to call each when youngers.


By our side both henry and Donghae were smiling wide, the cute brunet even had tears in his eyes. Later I need to thank him, if it wasn’t for their effort I wouldn’t be holding my sister right now. But unfortunately good moments never last long, the door to our room opened and her parents enter, widening their eyes and looking shocked to our ‘brotherly’ scene.


“What the hell is happening here?” – Dad, I mean, Mr Lee yelled


Hyoyeon got stiff for a moment and then jumped off of my embrace. She looked troubled glancing between me and them, not knowing what to do. Mrs Lee called her name demanding an explanation. Hyo sighed and gave her a faked smile approaching them.


“Hi mom, dad. Did you like the performance?”


“First explain what the murder is doing here.” – Mrs Lee said, coldly eyeing me


“Stop it mom, it was me who invited him. Besides it was not his fault, you are being unfair.” – Hyoyeon said now serious


“Unfair? He betrayed your bother which led to his death!” – Mr Lee was already furious


“It was a misunderstanding, Junsu was too precipitated and Eunhyuk is also my bro-”


“Not anymore. Or you stop seeing him or we cut your allowance”


“Then cut it, I don’t care. I’m not going to ruin our relationship again!”


Her parents were shocked. Well it’s the first time she is standing against them, she always was their perfect princess. The rest of us kept seeing the scene by the side, not wanting to get caught in the discussion.


“Are you disobeying us Hyoyeon? After all the support we gave you to get over your brother’s death, all we have done… is this how you reciprocate us?” – Mrs Lee yelled


“It wasn’t enough to take our son away from us now you’re turning her against us? We pay for the house rent and fees, we put Hyoyeon on dorm school, all that so that you stopped bothering our family. I guess it was all in vain. From today you have 3 days to remove all your things from MY house, understood? Now leave” – Mr Lee demanded


By now tears are staining my face. It hurts to know how they still think of me. Hyoyeon came to hug me again saying that everything would be alright, she would talk to them calmly but I knew it would be in vain, they wouldn’t change minds so I just told her to let go, it was better if I left their house and found another. I left the backstage with Donghae quietly trailing behind me. I had no idea where to go, I just knew I had to leave that house that night. In the past Hangeng let me stay at his house whenever my sister came home but it was just temporary and I didn’t go every day. Besides, his house is too small for the both of us, there’s no space to put all of my things.


“Eunhyuk!!” – Donghae shouted – “Where are you going? The car is right here”


I was so absorbed on my thoughts that I completely ignored our surroundings. I sat on the car waiting for him, then put the safety belt and start the car engine heading for his house so that after that I could head to my ‘ex-house’ and pack everything. Maybe I will spend his night on the car, if go to a motel and leave st0fuf inside the car someone may steal it.


“When are you planning on moving out?”


“After I leave you at home”


“Do you need help?”


“No” – I didn’t have more strength to act nice to him


“Where are you staying then?”


“Gosh I don’t know Donghae, stop asking!!” – I ended downloading my frustration on him


The rest of the trip was quiet, he just kept head down. I think this time I went too far, after all he has been doing nothing but helping and in end I treat him like trash. It will be no surprise if someday he gets tired of it and leave like all the others and I won’t have the right to blame other than myself. He looks just like a kicked puppy, it’s cracking my heart.


“I’m sorry Donghae, it’s just I’m exhausted after what happened”


“That’s ok, I understand” – he muttered without looking at me. This time I really pushed it




Donghae POV:


I feel so bad for Hyukkie, he’s been changing from his cold self and now his parents just had to ruin everything.  I’m afraid all my effort will go wasted. Now he said sorry but I know it won’t take long before he keeps himself away from the ones around him, it’s just how his personality works. It shuts down after one simple person treats him bad.


“If you still want I would appreciate some help on moving out”


“As long as it won’t bother you I can go”

He changed the route to his house. I texted my parents telling them where I was going and they texted back saying that if Eunhyuk needed he could stay with us until he everything sorted. We have one guest room, although Heechul uses it to put the clothes that doesn’t fit on his wardrobe anymore, but it’s still usable for others.

While he packed the clothes I packed the books and other objects. It was already 1am when we filled the car with the maximum things we could bring.                


“I guess the rest they will throw out, I don’t have more space here to keep them”


“Can’t you put these wherever you stay and come tomorrow to pick the rest?”


“Donghae, I have no fix place to stay. I’m just spending the night in the car and tomorrow I’ll see.”


“Then come to my house, it was my parents idea. Come on pweaaaaaaaaaaaase?? At least until you found another place”


“Thank you but I don’t want to bother your parents. It’s my problems, it should be me who fix them. And don’t argue back, it won’t change my mind”


Aish this stubborn monkey, always trying to do all by himself. But this time he is not going ahead with his will, I can be more stubborn. I texted my parents (who luckily are still awake) to wait at the front and convince this blockhead to stay at least today. They really are angels for accepting it.

Once we arrived he had no other choice to stay after the talk. My parents can be very persuasive. Since it was late to be transferring things for his new bedroom, he parked in the garage.


The days after it just broke my heart. He took all his things from his now parents’ house and stayed at ours but he backed away from everyone again, even from Hyoyeon who tries to phone or come here after school. He just greats my parents and then leave early to come back late. We just went back to scratch one.



A/n: Don´t hate them.... Ii will get better next chapter

oh and no silent readers yeah?  ^^



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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~