Chap 10 - Turmoil

Cold & Hot


No One POV:


After Hyoyeon arrived both boys got separated from each other, one oblivious to the whole situation and the other trembling with rage. How could she dare to show up without previous note? The two siblings kept glaring at each other until Donghae felt tired of it.


“Hmm, hi I’m Donghae, Eunhyuk’s friend and if I’m not mistaken you’re his sister right?” – he greeted with a gentle smile


“My ONLY brother died almost 3 years ago because of this piece of stupidity” – she spat the words


“YAH you have no right to talk about Hyuk like that no matter what kind of relationship you share!” – Donghae yelled protective of the blond


“Oh how cute~ now you need toddlers to protect you, killer? Weak” – Hyoyeon said in a disgusting tone


“Enough Hyo! Why did you came?” – Eunhyuk asked


“No matter what this still is my family house so I have all the right to come here”


“I didn’t say you couldn’t come, it’s just that we had a deal. Whenever you want to come you should text me so that I could leave the house avoiding any encounter”


“It was a last minute decision to come, I didn’t have time to text you. Anyway I’ll stay here thrice a week including saturdays ‘cause I need to practice my dance routine for the coming school’s festival”


With that Hyoyeon went upstairs with two suitcases she had brought with her while the boys stayed in the living room absorbing everything that had happen. Donghae didn’t understand why the girl said her ONLY brother had died when Eunhyuk was also her sibling, it didn’t made any sense in his head, perhaps because he didn’t know the whole story of their past. He wanted to ask the elder about it but was afraid to make him angrier, he would wait until Eunhyuk trust him enough to tell.

After some minutes Heechul and Hangeng come to pick him up but after knowing what happened they convinced the blond to move to Hangeng’s house whenever she decided to crash in that house. Since they knew how the brothers’ relation was it was better to keep them separate. Whenever Hyoyeon stayed at the house to practice he would leave and only go back there the days she was out. After the tragedy that broke their family she changed to an all girls school and moved in the dormitory, that’s all Heechul had told Donghae. The latter tried to ask for more information but no one provided him that and talking to Eunhyuk was out of question, each day that passed he turned more cold towards people.

Two weeks passed and nothing changed, Donghae was frustrated and become more annoying, even Henry couldn’t take it anymore at school, it was driving him crazy


“ENOUGH FISH!!! If you want to know about their past then go ask Hyogun!” – Henry exploded one afternoon after they left school


“Ask who?”


“His sister, who else?”


“Her name is Hyoyeon, not Hyogun and hell no, she creeps me out” – Donghae


“If you’re that sissy then don’t annoy me, I also don’t know anything about them! Wait, I’m helping in the festival organization so we can use that as an excuse to talk to her”


“How? I don’t get it”


“It’s simple. All the schools in the city are participating in the festival so if we tell her I’m helping in the department that organizes all performances and I’m checking if everything is alright then she can’t throw us out” – Henry said smiling


“OMG… Mochi you’re a genius” – Donghae said squishing the other


“Tell me something I don’t know… someone needs to have a brain between the two of us” – Henry teased earning a smack on the back of his head.


With that excuse they their way walking now to Eunhyuk’s house, luckily it was a day that the girl was there. Donghae was afraid to go there after their first encounter, he didn’t like the way she treated Eunhyuk, it was too rash. No wonder he’s cold with everyone if his family members treat him like this. Speaking of family, he hadn’t know about the blonde’s parents, they were never around and if Hyoyeon stays at her school dorm does it means they left their children alone? What were they doing then? There was so many questions building on Donghae’s mind that it was driving him crazy!!

Arriving at the house they rang the doorbell but no one answered, Henry thought she wasn’t around so he wanted to leave but the other boy asked to try and see in the studio at the backyard, probably she was practicing. And he was right, after they opened the door the girl noticed their presence and stopped the music.


“Who are you?” – she asked


“Hi I’m Henry, I’m helping in the department that organizes all performances and I’m checking if everything is alright or if you need any help… oh and this is Donghae, he’s just making me company”


“Wait I know you, you’re Eunhyuk’s friend right? – she asked and Donghae nodded. – “I’m sorry about the other day, it was not the best way to introduce myself, it’s just that the situation was a little messed up” – she continued and smiled


Donghae was astonished. She was acting nicer than the last time, less sarcasm and yness, it made him wonder if it was the same girl.


“Oh that’s ok, it made me confuse but I can’t criticize when I don’t know the story between you two sooo… yeah”


“How is that you don’t know? Aren’t you his friend? Oh and there’s no need to stay at the door, come sit here with me” – she signalled them to the floor next to her


“Thanks. I’m working on our friendship but it’s a little hard when he insists on keeping his cold self but I think I’m reaching his heart little by little” – he said confident


“If you allow me I would like to advise you to back away from him, it might bring only pain to your life”


“And why is that? Till now he already saved me 2 times, one when my house was on fire and the other at course exercise when I froze. I owe him my life” – Donghae


“Is that so? Can you tell me how did you two met and everything that happened till now?” – she asked and Donghae told everything from the start with Henry adding some embarrassing details and also teasing.


Hyoyeon kept listening attentively with a soft expression, she remembered the caring Eunhyuk always protective of his siblings especially with her, everytime his little sister was crying or having problems he would always listen and solve everything. She missed those times but since a certain moment she couldn’t stand being next to him, it brings so much pain


“Hey why are you crying?” – Henry asked. She didn’t even notice the tears leaving her eyes


“Nothing much, just remembering our moments in family. I really loved him you know, him and Junsu used to protect me so much like I was their little princess. I miss those times”—she confessed


“Then why are you treating him so badly?”


“Everytime I look at him I remember about the accident that destroyed our family and I can’t help to blame it all in him. They were 18 and I was 14 when the accident occur”


“Can you tell me what happened? Eunhyuk doesn’t want to tell me, everytime I try to ask he will turn colder and ignore me afterwards” –Donghae tried to plead


“Listen it’s better if you wait for him. If you like him the way you say then you should trust him and wait until he trusts you enough”


“And why don’t you tell him your version of the story? I thought you wanted me to be all alone, after all I’m just a despicable human who doesn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as others!” – Someone yelled from the studio door, the three younger turned to look and there it was Eunhyuk. Hurt and anger could be seen in his face.


“Junsu doesn’t even have the chance to breathe anymore because of you, my blood brother is dead because of you!!”  -- The girl hissed


Those words stabbed Eunhyuk right were it hurts the most, his heart. He couldn’t take it, to hear and see the hatred on his once precious sister face so he ran away of the studio without caring to where and ignoring the voices calling for him. It was hard to live day by day carrying the blame of his family disgrace plus hearing that hurtful words was the limit. He just wanted to end everything and join Junsu, ask him forgiveness. Maybe if he was also dead then their parents would be still at the house along with Hyoyeon, like a family should be.


Meanwhile Donghae was running after him, worried that he could do something he shouldn’t. He had never seen the blond in such a bad state physically, those emotions were always hidden although it could be seen in Eunhyuk’s eyes. And so they ran and ran and ran… the brunet was becoming tired but he would never gave up.


Then the blond stopped on a bridge and climbed the wall, under it was a traffic full road. Seeing that Donghae raced up more fearing the worst, luckily he braced Eunhyuk’s waist tightly the moment he was letting go of the wall.




“Let me go! She’s right I don’t deserve to live” – Eunhyuk said crying desperately


“Yes you do, everyone does... please I need you by my side”


“I will only bring you pain like I brought to my family. I killed a person Donghae, I don’t deserve to breathe” – the blonde struggled to get free of the embrace.


“Fine, if you jump I’ll join you” – Donghae said now grabbing only the other’s wrist and climbing the wall




“Only if you come with me, let’s talk about it, I can help with whatever is on your mind, just please don’t jump”


Donghae was now immensely crying, it was a vision that cut Eunhyuk’s heart deeply. He cared for the younger more than he wanted to and seeing that the other was willing to let go of his life for him made him feel special, that someone still liked him even if he was a monster, a killer. With new gained strength and hope he climbed of the wall bringing the younger with him and deep down he knew the right thing to do, he trusted him and was willing to rediscover the meaning of life.


“You’re stupid you know? Thanks anyway for avoiding me making a huge mistake and give me a new light of hope” – Eunhyuk said smiling and hugging the other tightly.


“You can count on me whenever you need, I’ll be free to listen, you don’t have to carry that burden alone I’ll help you, just don’t do this again”


“You’re sure?” – Donghae nodded – “Then I guess I owe you an explanation after all this. I’ll tell you my life story” – Eunhyuk said kissing Donghae’s forehead.





A/n: Finally I know, it took so long... ready to know what happened in Eunhyuk's past? ^^    this time it won't take so long to update again, I swear

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~