Old Hag Granny

Cold & Hot

No One POV:


With each day Eunhyuk got worse until the point where one day he would take a double shift just to disappear the next day, it became a routine and those days out no one was able to reach him in any kind of way. Even his friends who had been by his side for years started to get worried. Eunhyuk behaviour was the same as upon Junsu’s death, but even at work he didn’t talk unless it was strictly necessary, focusing in work only.

Inside his head was a huge mess. In those days out he would drive for hours without getting something to eat or drink, his only will was to get far away from that city but he was too much of a coward to let everything behind, to embrace the unknown. It was there where he met his ‘family’, where he grew with Junsu and Hyoyeon, where he once found true happiness.  It was also there where he lost all of that. Eunhyuk choose to come late at home when everybody was asleep to avoid seeing the ‘happy family’ moments between Donghae and his parents, he was afraid of letting his guard down and start crying. The last thing he wanted was others taking pity of him.


Still the worst day occurred a week after his parents kicked him out. It was Junsu’s death anniversary. In the years before he never went to the cemetery but this time he was reaching the limit, he was alone, feeling that everything that happened was his fault even if it wasn’t. He wanted to apologize to Junsu for killing him, for destroying the family he loved, for not protecting Hyoyeon and help her in years, for being the cause of their parents distance with her. That’s what he wanted the most, forgiveness from someone in the past.

In the cemetery, while Eunhyuk was walking to his tombstone he saw Hyoyeon with her parents and an old lady on a wheelchair he couldn’t recognize, so he decided to hide behind a tree at a safe distance so that no one would see him. The woman was kneeling and crying hard while the father was standing stiff and holding the wife’s shoulder with one hand. The old woman was squeezing the other shoulder while Hyoyeon, also crying, was holding hands with her dad. He could barely hear her pleading to stop but couldn’t understand what she was referring. Getting curious he decided to approach, still hiding on a tree closer to them and then he could listen what was happening.


“You know it’s true. If your parents didn’t adopted him your brother would still be alive” – said the woman in the wheelchair


“That’s enough granny!! Eunhyuk’s also my brother and it was not his fault neither anyone else. It was an accident” – Hyoyeon fought back


“Oh please, nothing went well every time he was near. Remember who made fall and went to the hospital? Who got in a fight at school? Who broke the vase my mother-in-law gave? She was so pissed at me, you were too little to remember”


“My fall was a pure accident, I don’t blame him. Second, he got in a fight to protect me, an older guy was bullying me. And about that ugly vase, c’mon he was 4 years old, they were just playing. Are you really that stupid to hold a grudge since then just because of that occurrence?”


“Hyoyeon watch your language!” – Dad warned


“You spent so much time with him that you learned to be disrespectful to the elders” – the grandmother said in disgust


“Please, it’s enough you two. Mom lets just stay silent for a while” – mom pleaded to the elder


“No, I’m sick of her putting venom on our brains. Since that day Eunhyuk broke the vase she started blaming him for everything, not once he felt the love from granny. She never let him go to her house, me and Junsu had to lie to him saying we were visiting a friend from another city so that he didn’t feel hurt for not being welcome in her house. He was just a kid for sakes. And you two have been poisoned by her, especially since Junsu’s dead. She made you hate YOUR son because she also hated, she made you blame him for everything and me too. But thank god I woke up in time to see the hell we have made Hyuk go through. One day to another he lost all the love, he was broken and still is. You are hurt for losing a son? He feels a thousand times worse because he blames himself for everything. I bet he doesn’t even recognize granny but I’m glad about that fact, at least he doesn’t know the monster his grandmother is!” – Hyoyeon yelled only to receive a slap from her father.


After that it was silent, everybody was shocked, especially Eunhyuk. He never knew about that, yeah he remember the accident with the vase but after it their parents told him that grandmother moved to another place far so he couldn’t visit her. Now he found everybody has been lying to him all his life. It was too much for him but then he started to put all the memory pieces together, why his mother was frequently angry after a phone call, why sometimes when his siblings came from a trip they would ignore him for a couple hours, why those two had the same necklaces hided… it was all their grandmother. She only recognized Junsu and Hyoyeon as her grandsons. It hurt, too much although the admiration for his parents grew a little. Trough those years till his brother death, they always tried to protect him, to be by his side, to hide the true that could devastate him, they stood strong as a real family. Only when they were weaker could she totally poison them.

It’s true they were close to monsters to him but now, knowing their parents have been played, Eunhyuk couldn’t continue to feel hatred towards them, after all it wasn’t anyone fault except the grandmother. He didn’t understand how she could hate him that much without really knowing him. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t realize Hyoyeon had left her parents and was walking near his direction. She heard faint sons and turned to look at the tree only catch a shock


“E-Eunhyuk?” – She said loud enough to everyone hear.


They all turned their heads, including Eunhyuk. He didn’t expect to be discovered. They were looking at him with shocked faces but he only focused on the elder women, the one who wished he didn’t exist, that was glaring at him in disgust but he couldn’t take it to the heart. He knew nothing about her, all his childhood she was away so he couldn’t feel any kind of pain by being in front of her. No, it was the pain of knowing someone was capable enough to separate a family, to turn parents against their kid, to know that relationship maybe wasn’t strong enough. He couldn’t even take a glance towards them, he only looked at Hyoyeon and then ran away, ignoring her calls for him to stop, it only made him run faster until he reached the car, started the engine and drove away.


He was sobbing hard, barely seeing the road behind the tears but he could care less, the pain was too much, in that moment he just wanted to disappear, to end it all, to stop being a burden to them. Behind, a car was following him, inside it was Hyoyeon and her dad. The latter was confused about everything, his daughter have been trying to convince him that Eunhyuk was innocent, telling him all the pain her brother have been trough… it was reaching his heart. After all, nothing could erase a love that grew for years.  He started to doubt his mother-in-law theories since then, and now, seeing how broken their son was he couldn’t just let him go. After Hyoyeon ran after Eunhyuk, dad always went after them, that’s how they ended pursuing the blond one trough the roads.


Eunhyuk only stopped at the bridge where he once tried to kill himself but Donghae saved him. Standing there he thought about the cute brunet who have been by his side since they met, how he fought every obstacle to reach that cold heart only to be pushed, and hard. Eunhyuk was certain that by now Donghae would also hate him so there was no one to welcome him back and it was better, no one would cry for him if he ended his life, no one would miss him.

He was ready to jump when strong arms pushed him against a hard body, trying to drag him away from the wall, only to leave him in exasperation.


“Why?? Why can’t you guys let me end all? I don’t want to be a burden anymore. Please, just please let me finish it” – Eunhyuk pleaded, eyes closed and face covered in tears


“Shh, calm down son, everything is going to be alright.”


That voice, Eunhyuk recognized but could believe it was real, he never thought of hearing it call him son again ever. He thought that maybe it was an hallucination, in the end he had really jumped and was dead, that moment with his dad was not real


“M-Mr Lee? What are you doing?”


“Haven’t I taught you manners when little? Or did I hurt too much and now you hate so can’t call me dad?” – Mr Lee said nearly crying


Hearing that Eunhyuk tried to loosen a little from his dad’s embrace, he wanted to look at his face – “Dad?”


“Yes son, I’m sorry for being a monster these last years. I should have continued to fight for your happiness but instead I let granny take control of my head. We were so lost after your brother’s death that we believed all her lies. I know it will be hard to erase all the hate in you but will you try to let me compensate you?” – his dad pleaded


Eunhyuk truly believed that was heaven, he must’ve been dead. No way would he hear those words in real life – “Am I dead? This is must be heaven” – he muttered


“No Hyuk, dad is really here, he finally listened to me and broke off of the witch’s spell” – Hyoyeon, who has been watching from aside, said with a wide smile


“Hyo I already told you not to call her that. Even though it was her who broke this family she still his your grandmother.” – dad said making Hyoyeon roll her eyes – “Where are you staying? We will take you there, you surely need to rest. I’ll come back for your car later”


The three of them got in the father’s car and drove to Donghae’s house. The ride was quiet but Hyuk didn’t wish for more, just being there with them without any fight, it was peaceful. It may have occurred some events until that day that they wished to erase, some that would leave tiny scars in each other’s heart, but from then on they would fight to forgive and forget all the wrongs, try to rebuild the happy family they once were. It won’t be easy but those 3 hearts are willing to fight all. It will only been left the mother’s heart to change and the witch to fight against.




A/n: A lousy explanation of all the hatred.... I know  -.-'

But now better things will come, next is EunHae time ^^

P.s.: Don't forget to tell what you think of it


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~