School's Festival

Cold & Hot

Donghae’s POV:


Finally the festival day has arrived, the last two days were chaotic with all the schools organization being preparing the little stands, decorating the place and making sure all the performances are good. Today is Saturday so all that aren’t in charge of something for the festival can stay away until late evening, which is my case. I’m so bored alone at home, my parents went out, Heechul is with Hangeng until the later goes back to work and switch turns with Hyukkie because I asked him to make me company. Since his sister is going to perform he wanted to be there to support her, you know, making up for the lost times and so we are going together, he’s picking me up later.

Until then what do I do? I just ate lunch, my homework is all done, the house is clean… aish there’s nothing to do!! I’m just going to sleep until it’s time to get ready


~ ~ ~ ~ * * ~ ~ * * ~ ~ ~ ~



Eunhyuk just texted me saying he’s on the way. I feel so fresh after those hours of sleep and a warm bath. The weather is also pleasant, the fresh breeze of spring and the warm sun of the coming summer. It’s not long until the end of school, only two months and the firefighter course it’s finishing too, then I can start working there sometimes, I think I can manage with school schedule.  I don’t care if sometimes I go to school without any hours of sleep, as long as I spend time with my blonde angel at the same time I save lifes it’s all worth it.


*Ding Dong*


Someone rang the bell, I bet is my Hyukkie. I opened the door and bingo, it’s him alright, all dazzling with a white tank top covered by a black jacket and black jeans finishing with white high sneakers. Oh and his platinum hair its combed on little waves, how can exist such perfect masterpiece? He should be kept safe as the most perfect human being, I don’t mind to take that role and keep him locked on my room eheheheh…..NO, bad Donghae, he is no doll for you to do whatever you want. Aish really, I’m getting crazy here.


“So are you ready to go?” – He woke me up from my daydream


I nodded and we went to his car. Hyoyeon and Henry are already at the festival local so it was only the two of us on the ride which was awkwardly quiet, as usual. It seriously need to change but I just don’t know how I can do it. It’s true we get a little close every time we met but it’s always him who speaks first. With other people I’m not embarrassed, I can talk freely and even act like the little brat I am (don’t tell Heechul I admitted, ok?), but near Eunhyuk I get all shy and awkwardly quiet, it’s so nerve-wracking. I grabbed the phone from my jeans pocket and sent a text to Henry saying we were on our way there, knowing Hyoyeon would also be informed. Those two keep getting closer, it will be no surprise if they start dating but it will be frustrating if that happens before me and Hyukkie be friends. Why must he be so complicated??!!


“Hey, why are you pouting and frowning?” -- he said while looking to the road


“Thinking about wicked stuff, why? Have you been watching me?” – I tried to .


“No but it’s quiet annoying when you also start squirming, it distracts me from my drive”


I knew he wasn’t speaking serious because of the tiny little silly grin on his lips which instantly makes me smile as well. Nowadays he keeps smiling more around me, it’s so cute when it happens. It didn’t took long to arrive at our destiny and go to the ticket booth for Eunhyuk to buy his entry, since it’s free for students. Henry was near the entrance to greet us and give us a little orientation for this huge space, the performances would start at 10pm so we still had two hours to wait.

Henry left us to I don’t know where, so me and the blonde next to me kept walking around, visiting the various booths. The girls on those places kept drooling at the sight of Eunhyuk, I don’t blame them since he’s a complete God but it’s disgusting watching some of them trying to flirt with him, back of es, he’s mine. We passed by a candy booth, the candyfloss was so tempting, we had to stop to get some. I asked one to the girl and she looked at Eunhyuk battling her eyes as if she was cute and asked with a disgusting sweet voice


“And you hottie, want something?” – Hyukkie narrowed his eyes to her, showing his dislike on the nickname but it didn’t affect her, she kept flirty


“What else do you have?” – he asked coldly. That’s it Hyukkie, show her you don’t care for her


“There’s gummys, lollypops, caramelized apple and the sweetest of all, me” – ewwww  gross girl, no one taught her to be decent??


“Lollypop is enough, thanks”


While the girl was making the candyfloss Eunhyuk secretly handed me the money without any words. I didn’t get why he did that but when she was handing me the pink sugary he took that and lollypop quickly, I noticed she tried to touch his hand but he avoided that well. That’s when I realised, if he was the one to pay then she would definitely grab it. Oh my baby is such a genius. Eheheh her face showed she was frustrated and I giggled by that receiving a glare from her but she didn’t want to give up.


“Hey y, don’t you want …”


“Here baby take your candy” – he cut her, turning instead to me all smiley and sweet leaving me speechless and the girl with dropped chin. Either way I grabbed it and put some in my mouth, it instantly melted. It was so good. – “You’re so mean Hae, don’t even offer some to your boyfriend. You’re making me sad” – he said again with a pout.




What the hell is happening? Who is this person? Is he Eunhyuk twin? Wait he doesn’t have any twin

I must be in HEAVEN, or dreaming, perhaps I never woke up this afternoon and it’s all a dream. If it his I don’t want to wake up


“wait! Is he your boyfriend?” – she said narrowing her eyes at me


“Of course I am. Do you think I would let this cute angel alone for long? Someone would steal him from me” – he said to her and opened his mouth for me to give him some floss – “Hm it tastes good but you’re even sweeter baby” – he kissed my forehead and grabbed my free hand.


I was still in state of shock when he turned us around and started walking. The few girls who watched the scene backed away, whispering between them. We walked around seeing the various activities and booths still holding hands and with me sometimes feeding hi candyfloss every time he asked until it finished. No more girls flirted with him so I was feeling pretty good about that. It was almost like we were a real couple, I think that’s what I think everybody else watching us is thinking, but the truth is I’m so damn confuse about all this. Yeah I like the attention and care he is giving me, perhaps the only time I would be this close to him, but it’s such a rare case and it’s giving me hopes for the future which I shouldn’t have. It will only make me hurt in the end.

Thinking about that made my mood go down so I asked I’m to go to the bathroom just to have a little break from the ‘wonderland’. I wanted to go alone but he insisted to make me company. Once inside we found ourselves alone and he immediately let go of my hand.


“Thank you Donghae!”


“For what?”


“For playing along without asking, and I’m also sorry for using you for my selfish benefit. I was getting sick of all those girls hitting on me so the only solution that came on my mind was to pretend being a couple. Please don’t misunderstand me, we’re friends so it’s ok to act like this right?”


Of course it didn’t mean anything special, I should had thought it was just to avoid the girls. Ughhh I’m so stupid to hope for something else, it totally ruined my good mood. I just did my things and in few minutes we were outside, once again holding hands and waiting until it was time to take a sit and enjoy the performances. We walked until the stage and choose the middle row at the centre as Hyoyeon had told so that it was easier for her to spot us. People started to fill the seats, there were so many. I could recognize some of my class and school but others I didn’t must be from the other schools. There also plenty of adults, must be teachers’ and family members of the ones performing.

I was trying to find some of my friends when Eunhyuk squeezed my hand that he was holding hard. I glanced at him to know what was wrong, we was facing up front. I looked the same direction but saw nothing out of normal, only people taking their seats. A men helped a women to sit down and then looked at our direction. His eyes narrowed and Eunhyuk held my hand even harder until it started to hurt for real, he was cutting the blood circulation.

I tried to take his hand out of mine and said it was hurting but it was futile, he wasn’t even listening to me. I looked at the men again, he was whispering to the woman by his side and then she also looked at our direction widening her eyes. I felt Hyukkie’s body stiffening beside me, his reactions were making me so worried, and my hand was already numb. The couple finally looked at the stage leaving me the chance to grab Eunhyuk’s face and let him out of the trance, that´s when I noticed his horrible state. He had tears in his brown eyes, the usual coldness in them replaced by feelings as fear, sadness and despair. He was broking.

I didn’t care about the place we were neither the persons surrounding us, the only thing important was to comfort him, making the fear go away, so I hugged him. I could start to feel his tears trespassing the t-shirt fabric on my shoulder, this sight was too much for me, and I hated seeing him like this. I waited until it seemed that he had calmed down and pushed him a little away from me so that I could see his face. His eyes still showed some hurt but nothing like before. In the middle of our gaze exchange I heard the festival MC talking on the mic and then some people got up and cheered when music started. I didn’t noticed who the one on stage was, the most important thing in the world right now was Eunhyuk’s wellbeing. So I asked him what happened, who were those people to make him lose his emotions control.


“It’s her family, Hyoyeon and Junsu’s parents”




A/n: Problems are coming...



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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~