Chap 11 - Eunhyuk's Past

Cold & Hot

Not proofread, it must contain some misspellings






~Flashback 3 years ago~

No One’s POV:


On that weekend their parents were out so the three teens decided to throw a party. Even though Hyoyeon was only 14 she would always stay with one of her brothers because she was their little princess and neither of them wanted anything bad to happen. The house was full of teens, some were their friends and some were unknown persons it didn’t matter. The music was loudly pumping and people were having fun dancing and drinking including the three siblings Eunhyuk, Junsu and Hyoyeon except that they weren’t drinking because of her. They loved each other more than anything not caring if one of them wasn’t blood related.

Very few people knew the fact that Eunhyuk was adopted when he was a little child. Junsu was 3 years when his mother got pregnant but she lost the baby in the first months. Day by day she was becoming more depressed for losing the kid so her husband convinced to adopt a kid so the two adults and Junsu went to the orphanage, that’s were they found little Eunhyuk with also 3 years. The parents never changed his surname Lee to Kim because it’s a part of him that they didn’t want to make him lose, if when he grow up he wanted to change then it was his choice but such thing never happened. One year latter a baby girl was born – Hyoyeon – completing the family.


Back to the party… in the middle of the people humping on the beat of sound, Eunhyuk spot his crush Gyuri making out with one of their school most popular guys. The view crushed his heart since he truly liked her so he went to the counter drown his sorrow on alcohol. After 8 shots of some he didn’t know what it is he was half drunk half sick since he usually didn’t drink so told his siblings he wasn’t feeling well and went upstairs to his room to rest while everyone stayed at the party. No one was allowed to climb the stairs so when he heard noises on their parents’ bathroom he got suspicious and went to see what was happening only to get shocked seeing his brother girlfriend ing with another guy. He got so furious to see that someone they trusted and adored, not only Junsu as her boyfriend but also Hyoyeon since they were great friends, was such a . In the state Eunhyuk was he couldn’t just grab Hyuna and drag her downstairs to his brother so instead he went alone stumbling along the hallway but he never got to the stairs. Halfway Hyuna grabbed and pushed him to his own room, they both end up falling on the bed with her on top.


“Get off of me ”


“No, you can’t tell Junsu. This was a mistake, the other guy was forcing me!!” – she said in tears


“You don’t fool me, I saw you were enjoying being ed. And to think we all saw you as family, what a revelation. Get off he deserves to know” – Eunhyuk tried to shove her but because he was drunk his strength level was low


“If you tell he will suffer, I’m sure you don’t want that. Please it’s out little secret”


“Shut the up , let me go”




“After I tell him you’ll be gone for good, I feel disgusted just to be in the same space as you” – he spat at her


The truth is that she only dated Junsu because of his family money, it was all interest and never love, no one was supposed to know that but know everything was at risk because of Eunhyuk. Of course she wouldn’t let him ruin all her effort so she grabbed his phone and texted Junsu to come to his room for help. After that she ed her shirt and jeans and right before the bedroom door opened she switched their positions so that Eunhyuk was now on top of her. Anyone that entered on that moment would understand that it was him the one to lead all their actions. That’s what happened when Junsu and Hyoyeon appeared. Eunhyuk tried to explain what was happening but the girl shed fake tears and said that it was him forcing on her, she never wanted something like that to happen but since he was stronger she couldn’t fight. Obviously it was all a lie but Junsu never let his brother explain, feeling betrayed by two important persons he ran outside followed by Hyoyeon who tried to reach him and Eunhyuk that by know had gain back a few of strength but the other never stopped.

Junsu got his motorcycle and drove out of there followed a little latter by Eunhyuk on his car - a blue honda civic crx del sol. They drove trough the city toward the less busy part of the town but on a road intersection Junsu didn’t stop on a red sign and crashed into a car hood.


The motorbike flew in the air along with him until it finally it on building wall originating an explosion when it fell while Junsu was left by its side covered in blood. By seeing that Eunhyuk immediately left his car and went to the flames trying to push his brother body out of there. He didn’t thought that he shouldn’t move the body to not create more damaged, all he saw was his bestfriend, his brother, the person most important to him lying in the floor, s twitched on wrong ways and all covered in blood.  He never expected or wanted to see that scene, it was killing his sanity little by little. He was cradling him on his arms not caring if his shirt was getting bloody, all that mattered was that his dearest brother was dying in his arms and there was nothing he could do to save him. It was all his fault, if he had never drank he would have had enough strength to stop Hyuna and call Junsu to explain what he had seen, everything happened because he was a stupid whinyhead that couldn’t handle his broken heart. People were gathering around them but in Eunhyuk’s it was only him and his brother there, he was crying nonstop pleading for the other to fight and open his eyes and like by magic Junsu opened them.


“Please don’t give up, there paramedics are coming”


“Hyuk I…” – it was barely a whisper that came from the other lips


“I’m sorry Junsu, what you saw was all I lie, I would never do something like that specially to you. I love you man”


“I know Hyuk… it took me *cough* a while but I realize it must have been… something behind all that *cough* *cough*…I’m sorry I never listen…”—Junsu could barely talk.


“I’m the one who should say that, please don’t die we need you”


“Protect our little princess from *cough* now on, you must be strong for the both of … you and our parents. Never forget I love all of you, I always saw you as my twin *cough* even if our blood isn’t the same. Always fight...”—those were the last from him before his body got numb


No more air came from those lips, no more blood running on his body, not even a muscle move, the body was limp, dead. Eunhyuk cried nonstop, hugging the other’s corpse tightly against him. In that moment nothing else mattered, he wanted to die along with him. After that everything was a bluer, nothing made a connection in his brain. He remembered fragments like being in the ambulance, the doctors taking the other into the ER and being slapped by Hyoyeon but even the pain couldn’t be processed in his brain, his body was numb to everything. Eventually the doctors came out of the room


“We are sorry to inform but the patient couldn’t make, we tried everything to save him but the damage was too much, it’s better to call your parents. Once again we are sorry” – one of the doctors said


That’s when all world come crushing on them, the hospital waiting room became dark, full of sorrow and regret. Nothing more was the same. That night Hangeng and Sungmin came to pick them up and drive them to the siblings’ house only leaving when the parents arrived. For two days after the funeral barely anyone slept, Hyoyeon was always clinging on their mother mourning his brother death, their father was no better but Eunhyuk… he was suffering the most not leaving his own room. He blamed himself for everything, he should never have drunk any alcohol nor let Hyuna lie. If he wasn’t so childish, so irresponsible Junsu would still be there making silly jokes with them. Eventually he left the room to go grab some food from the kitchen and halfway the stairs he crossed with his sister that was coming upstairs but she didn’t said anything, not even a glance was wasted to him, it was like they were unknown to each other.  Eunhyuk had already lost one brother, he didn’t want to lose her too so he took a hold on her arm


“Take your filthy hands off of me” – she threatened


“I can’t lose you too” – he said with tears in his eyes


“Oh yeah? Then you should had thought of that before betraying our brother with his own girlfriend. You even forced her, poor girl felt so ashamed and in pain that had to move out of town to a relative’s house”


“I didn’t do anything it was all her fault, she was the one forcing on me”


“Then didn’t you push her away? You’re a boy therefore you are stronger than” – she yelled


“If I were on perfect conditions I would have done that but I was drunk and felt sick, you know that is true”


“Stop giving excuses and take responsibility for his death, you killer”


Those were her final words then she started climbing the stairs. Eunhyuk didn’t want their relationship to stay like that so he grabbed her arm again making her turn abruptly, that’s when she lost her balance and fell, rolling down the stairs. He couldn’t move due the shock of seeing another person being in danger right in front of his eyes and sure it didn’t help when their parents came to see what happened. The immediately called an ambulance when the young girl didn’t open her eyes, they told him he was a disgrace to the family and that he should had never be adopted. Because of him they lost their son and now the youngest was also suffering, picking him from the orphanage was the biggest mistake of their life. Before the ambulance left to the hospital with them they told Eunhyuk that they didn’t want to see him anymore, to them he was no more their son.

If his world was crushed then now it had no life, his heart was shattered into millions of pieces, he couldn’t go on anymore everyone he once loved more than anything were leaving him. Luckily his friends that were coming to visit him saw his state and asked him what happened. After hearing him they took him away from that house, he stayed at one of them for the weeks that followed but he never gave up on trying contacting his family to ask for forgiveness although it was hopeless, they never listed. Hyoyeon was ok, she only broke her foot. His mom suffered a depression and staying in that house was too painful, it made her remembering what she shouldn’t, so their father choose to move out to another city, sometimes even travelling to other countries just so his wife could get better. They asked Hyoyeon to go with them but she wanted to finish school first and since she was still a minor she had to stay in her school dorm leaving the house empty.

Even if she blamed Eunhyuk for everything bad that happened she wouldn’t leave him without anything, she was fourteen years and until then she always relied on him since he always protected her so she let him stay at house but never when she would go there. Seeing him would bring too much painful memories. That’s how things have worked for 3 years, the girl still kept her close relationship with the parents even if sometimes they spent weeks without seeing each others they always talked by phone but the elders never tried to contact Eunhyuk, they considered him dead. Deep down the teen girl still loved him but remembering the pain he put her trough was too much, it was hard to forgive him. That’s why he became cold to everyone, he thought that if anyone got close to him they would suffer just like his family. The only way he found to try and emend his sins was to join the fire workers, that away he would be saving lives instead of taking them away.



Eunhyuk’s POV:

It hurts to tell my past, to recall the emotional hell I’ve been going through. I understand why my family left me, if I wasn’t a wimp I would have killed myself already but I know if I do that Hyoyeon, although she hates me, she would still feel pain to lose another brother. She isn’t really mean it’s just that the pain she suffers doesn’t allow her to see the light and listen to my explanation so I can’t blame her for not talking to me and treating me like .

After I told Donghae my story he became a crying mess in my arms, he kept repeating the same words ‘I’m sorry’ , ‘you aren’t at fault’ , ‘it’s just a misunderstanding’… but the ones hat really affects me are ‘I love you’, ‘I’ll not give up on you’….

Oh precious Donghae you give me so many hope that I’m afraid I’ll just ruin everything again and take that beautiful smile away from your face. But even if I want to protect your innocence I can’t, I became too much attached to you that I can’t leave you no more


“Silly stop crying, it’s not you who is suffering”


“I know but *hiccup* I feel so sad for you. If I *hiccup* could I would take away your burden, fill your life with only laughs and happy memories *hiccup*. I want for you to trust me, I will not leave your side” – Donghae said with those mesmerizing eyes looking at me like if was trying to reach my soul


“I know, I trust you already that’s why I told my past so what do you say, do you want to became a reliable friend and help me to overcome all the sorrow?” – I asked him smiling


The look on his face was similar to the ones of a little kid opening his gifts on Christmas, full of joy. He squished me into a hug saying dozens of ‘thank you’. That moment I knew it was the best option to tell him everything, perhaps I will not feel alone and empty anymore because I found an angel that will show me the way back to happiness.





A/n:    Maybe it was a little rushed, tell me if you didn't understand... my friend have been reading this and sometimes he gets a little confused so it made me think if I was doing anything wrong... if I do leave a comment and I'll try to explain

So waht do you think of his past?


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 17: poor hyuk, hope their relatioships will get better and become happy family once again...
love it, please update soon <3
OioiAureliEioiO #2
Chapter 17: Mr Lee is so cute ^^ And Mrs Lee still loves her son but her own mother is such an evil woman. Cute Eunhae moment in this chapter ! <3
Chapter 17: Awwwwwww this is such a nice chapter! I hope Mrs. Lee and Hyukjae will be okay again.. Donghae please keep loving him
Chapter 16: ah thank god ! Im so happy hyoyeon n her father accept eunhyuk back n eunhyuk its not ur fault !please be happy n be nice to hae.... I want see ur gummy smile XD
Chapter 16: Omg, I'm so happy for Hyuk!! Now his parents (or at least mr. Lee) got some sense into their heads and forgave Hyuk T^T But that grandmother is really a monster.. How can she hate Hyuk without knowing him ;__;
But now I'm glad that things are getting fine ^^ And waiting for that Eunhae time ;)
Update soon :)
tekkie0210 #6
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
tekkie0210 #7
Chapter 16: uwaaaa!!! this make me cry!! i cry early in the morning like getting rejected confession!! poor hyukjae.. at least everyth
Chapter 16: OMFG THANK YOU MR. LEE at least now Hyuk understands.. Poor guy.. He doesn't deserve all the hate.. =(
Chapter 16: glad things are going well with hyukjae now ;))))
now please be nice to hae baby!!!
Chapter 16: Thanks for update, I was dying for boredom and u literally saved me - even thought this chapter made me cry a little. Good to see that Eunhyuk's fathers eyes finally opened, hope that their relationship will become good~ waiting for new update, but just do it when it's good for you~