Things That Make Her Heart Skip

100 Reasons Why [Onew]


At practice with the guys completely focused, “Alright guys that’s it.” Our manager says smiling. “Let’s go.”

Following him out, and getting dropped off first I see the green envelope sticking on the side, quickly hopping out with a sudden burst of energy I tear it off smiling, I can read her words again. The paper smells like her, I can smell it wafting towards me, or at least I think I do.


Dear Onew,

                Sorry for the wait, I didn’t mean for so much time to go by, but I couldn’t write. It hurts not to have you here with me, but I’ll be strong just for you like I know you are being for me. I’m hoping you’re continuing on with your life, not waiting for these letters, writing down your reasons as you realize them.

                Do you remember when we went on walks and you’d walk behind me and your hands on my sides? You’d then proceed to rub my sides, causing me to melt into you incandescently. Becoming completely elated that you’re there for me and knowing you’d always be there.

Reason Twenty-One: When you run your hands up my sides

I know your know what you do next, you spin me around dancing completely and totally in love dancing around like fools until you pull me back into your arms with your waiting lips for mine. Kissing me, people stared and said ‘how cute!’

Reason Twenty-Two: Kissing me in public

Having you to sleep next to, I miss this a lot. I’d watch you sleep some nights when I couldn’t sleep or if I was upset about something. If I got lucky you were dreaming and would murmur words in your sleep, mostly incoherent, but then you’d say ‘Soon-Kyu’

Reason Twenty-Three: While you sleep, you murmur my name

All these reasons made my heart soar, it made me so happy, but this one made me ecstatic, I mean who wouldn’t be? We’d been dating a while so we were having lunch with your friends, chicken of course, and you’d said “You know what guys?” Looking at your curious you answered while smiling at me. “I love Soon-Kyu more than chicken.”

Reason Twenty-Four: When you told your friends ‘I love her more than chicken’

Later that day I’d gone home after spending the day with you guys, tired I was watching T.V. when my phone began to ring and I saw your number flash on it, answering quickly and happily.

Reason Twenty-Five: When I see your number flash on my screen, when you call to say ‘hello’

Each of these reasons made my heart skip a few beats; each one is reminding me why I love you so much. <3 The next will be on your mailbox.


Soon-Kyu <3<3


Smiling at the letter I sigh walking into our house quickly taking a shower before pulling out the bad of paper with my reasons listed, jotting down my next five.


Reason Twenty-One: The face you make when I whisper ‘Hello’ in your ear

Reason Twenty-Two: How you lean into me while we sit in bed talking

Reason Twenty-Three: You’re distracting when you come to practice, but I love it

Reason Twenty-Four: How it only took a few days with you in my life to know you’re the one for me

Reason Twenty-Five: Knowing that you love me, the same way I love you


Soon-Kyu I don’t want the letters to stop, but I want you back in my arms…

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Chapter 21: 1.When Mey (my bias) beat him...cute<3
2.Soon-Kyu likes simple things and Onew's luv for cute<3
3.When he remembered Sang Hee.....
6.I would like Key to be a diva...feels...
7.Yes!!Onew's so perfect...
kpop4u #2
pandawriter #3
i really luv this! ^^
onew-forever #4
Omg im not finished yet but im already wondring how will the end be? ???
Oh well...
P.S the way hes not giving up on her nor she giving up on him is just so romantic and the memories she writes are just cute and just make want to smile :-)
Thank you for this amazing fic :-)
pinkpajamas #5
i could just believe that the real onew is like the onew in your story. ;).<br />
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just gave me butterflies. ;DD
Aw, I'm so mad at myself for finding this amazing fic just now! I am so inlove with it! :') I love all the reasons especially the ones in chapter 19 and some others... Gah. They're all so good! I read this while at work. Keke. And I cried at some parts! Boohoo. This is such a beautiful fic! :D thanks for writing it!
1. Last one, cause They reunited C: keke.<br />
2. Soonkyu's reason: "Pretending to be reading books but really stealing glances at each other." Omagahh it's like soo cute. T_T Like NOT REALLY READING BUT GLANCING AT OUR LOVE. If that ever happened to me, i would melt til I am liquid. xD<br />
2. Onew's reason: "The way you smiled when I asked you to move in together". Omahgah like.. I guess they were serious about it. Like, you know most couples don't really move in with eachother but Onew wanted Soonkyu to because he really loved her. It just makes me go AWWWH. and their relationship was 4 years long. O_O THAT ALOT OF DAYS... *get woozy*<br />
3. I did not dislike any but I felt that some reasons were repeated but put into different words. But I understand because it's hard to write 100. xD<br />
5. Yeahh. But I really wanted Onew to stalk her. T_____T LOL.<br />
6. I want Onew to stalk her.. LMAO.<br />
7. Yes. because they're back together! :P HAHA.
bluefever #8
oh no!! it's supposed to be Soon Kyu<br />
sorry....anyway,...ur story is the best!
bluefever #9
new reader...your story is awesome. (I'll answer your questions)<br />
1. my favorite chap is the's really sweet<br />
2. the best reason from Sun Kyu is about how she loved Onew when he is talking about chicken. For Onew, the reason 100th is the best.<br />
3. hmmmmm....none? LOL<br />
4. yes!!! please write another one?! and can it be ONEW again? ^^<br />
5. Yes,, I like her...She's so smart<br />
6.change what? the story or any part of it?? hmmmm...well,, I wish there are romantic parts that they were together..haha<br />
7. yes!! the ending is amazing..but kinda lacking...they didn't kiss!!! awww...ahahaha,,,<br />
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You wrote this story very well! Its one of my favorites so far.. Maybe a sequel soon? *fingers crossed* =)