Things We Did Together

100 Reasons Why [Onew]

“Key I need to stay over for a while.” I announce sitting on his couch. Key eyes me oddly. “Here”

Handing him the letter he skims through it, getting to the last line. “You sleep in.”

“Not anymore.” I whisper looking at the sunset. “She’s making them a bit more difficult.”

Key nods his head, “You know, it’s a good thing I love the girl, otherwise you’d be out on your sorry .”

Looking at him thankfully I lean back on the couch. “I’m just going to go to sleep.” I whisper feeling the exhaustion take over my body. Waking up with a blanket draped over me and a letter taped to my forehead I rip it off looking around, Key gone, letter here.

“I didn’t think I could do it.” I whisper to myself. Opening the letter I, being adding to my list first.


Reason Seventy One: When we got too out of control, you brought us back to being calm and focused

Reason Seventy Two: You never let anyone talk about me badly, you stuck up for me

Reason Seventy Three: Your innate ability to fix things for me before they got worse

Reason Seventy Four: Never complaining about my hectic lifestyle

Reason Seventy Five: Fighting through the rumors


Dear Onew,

                Key probably beat you, and not that I blame you, I think it’s cute you sleep through something when you should wake up, but I like listening to you breathing, watching your chest rise and fall. Anyways…

We always did so many interesting things together. Remember that one time we went to the beach and we both ended up sleeping under an umbrella? I loved that cause when  woke up we were under a starry night sky, one you don’t get to see in Seoul... After all this maybe we should take another trip.

Reason Seventy One: When we went to the beach alone and us spending it together

Even though you’re always busy, normally with schedules you always seem to make time for us to have dinner together, always right before you leave to tour, even if it’s just one show you’re sure to show up at my work, picking me up for a dinner reservation you made for us. It’s something I always looked forward to, spending an evening with you just talking as though we had the rest of our lives to do that, I mean we do, but we didn’t right there, you had to tend to your fans as well…

Reason Seventy Two: Dinner dates you made before and after touring

Or the times when we’d both just wake up at 3AM, slightly confused as to why we couldn’t sleep so we’d take walks around our neighborhood, in the park or just around Seoul, just because we were both awake and it gave us time to appreciate each other’s presence, at least that’s what I did. I like those walks because that’s when we didn’t care what we talked about, we just talked everything out even if we were fighting, and by the next morning everything seemed to be alright, right in the world

Reason Seventy Three: Taking walks at 3 in the morning because we couldn’t sleep

Our sofa has books by them, ones we ‘read’ while enjoying a quiet afternoon, and that doesn’t happen too often, but when it did we’d sit on separate sides of the couch and read our pile of books. I could only get through a couple of lines before I snuck a glance at you just in time to see you look back at your book. I always loved these days because eventually it lead to you laughing about something we did or saw today, normally it would just be us talking and glancing away from our books.

Reason Seventy Four: Pretending to be reading books, but really stealing glances at each other

Sometimes we’d just sit together on the couch or at a table, us talking…Just talking sometimes about random things, other times about our fears and worries. I like these times because as a couple we grew, I’d tell you all my deep dark secrets and you’d tell my yours, and unfortunately, you told me about her one of these times, but I suppose I should be happy that you didn’t keep it a secret but told me the truth soon after…Our talks.

Reason Seventy Five: Talking about everything, everything


The next letter will be at Taemin and Minho’s house, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with this one right Onew? Three days from now. I love you, so let’s hope this all finishes soon so we can return back to our lives…


Soon-Kyu <3


Sighing I stand up and stretch out my sore limbs, Key needs a more comfortable sofa, walking out the door I walk the short distance to the park, and through it all the way home, a half hour walk. Soon-Kyu I want this to be over soon too, I want you to hear my reasons. Plus, I have a pretty good idea where I’ll be finding you after you last letter comes to me.




This one seems a lot shorter to me :/

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Chapter 21: 1.When Mey (my bias) beat him...cute<3
2.Soon-Kyu likes simple things and Onew's luv for cute<3
3.When he remembered Sang Hee.....
6.I would like Key to be a diva...feels...
7.Yes!!Onew's so perfect...
kpop4u #2
pandawriter #3
i really luv this! ^^
onew-forever #4
Omg im not finished yet but im already wondring how will the end be? ???
Oh well...
P.S the way hes not giving up on her nor she giving up on him is just so romantic and the memories she writes are just cute and just make want to smile :-)
Thank you for this amazing fic :-)
pinkpajamas #5
i could just believe that the real onew is like the onew in your story. ;).<br />
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just gave me butterflies. ;DD
Aw, I'm so mad at myself for finding this amazing fic just now! I am so inlove with it! :') I love all the reasons especially the ones in chapter 19 and some others... Gah. They're all so good! I read this while at work. Keke. And I cried at some parts! Boohoo. This is such a beautiful fic! :D thanks for writing it!
1. Last one, cause They reunited C: keke.<br />
2. Soonkyu's reason: "Pretending to be reading books but really stealing glances at each other." Omagahh it's like soo cute. T_T Like NOT REALLY READING BUT GLANCING AT OUR LOVE. If that ever happened to me, i would melt til I am liquid. xD<br />
2. Onew's reason: "The way you smiled when I asked you to move in together". Omahgah like.. I guess they were serious about it. Like, you know most couples don't really move in with eachother but Onew wanted Soonkyu to because he really loved her. It just makes me go AWWWH. and their relationship was 4 years long. O_O THAT ALOT OF DAYS... *get woozy*<br />
3. I did not dislike any but I felt that some reasons were repeated but put into different words. But I understand because it's hard to write 100. xD<br />
5. Yeahh. But I really wanted Onew to stalk her. T_____T LOL.<br />
6. I want Onew to stalk her.. LMAO.<br />
7. Yes. because they're back together! :P HAHA.
bluefever #8
oh no!! it's supposed to be Soon Kyu<br />
sorry....anyway,...ur story is the best!
bluefever #9
new reader...your story is awesome. (I'll answer your questions)<br />
1. my favorite chap is the's really sweet<br />
2. the best reason from Sun Kyu is about how she loved Onew when he is talking about chicken. For Onew, the reason 100th is the best.<br />
3. hmmmmm....none? LOL<br />
4. yes!!! please write another one?! and can it be ONEW again? ^^<br />
5. Yes,, I like her...She's so smart<br />
6.change what? the story or any part of it?? hmmmm...well,, I wish there are romantic parts that they were together..haha<br />
7. yes!! the ending is amazing..but kinda lacking...they didn't kiss!!! awww...ahahaha,,,<br />
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You wrote this story very well! Its one of my favorites so far.. Maybe a sequel soon? *fingers crossed* =)