Making A Wish to Last

100 Reasons Why [Onew]


It wasn’t a matter of finding the letter this time, but of time. When was she going to put the letter there, should I go check every day? Hour? Week? When?

Thinking about The Tree, we’d carved our names it a couple years back when we first started dating. I’d taken her out to lunch, and for a walk, past our tree.

Sighing I get up from my chair and walk over to the pictures we had hung when we moved in together.  Of us together laughing and smiling, holding hands, kissing, or just in each other’s arms.

Reason Eleven: Your smile

Reason Twelve: When you’re in my arms I feel complete

Reason Thirteen: You came into my life

Reason Fourteen:How happy you are when I sing to you

Reason Fifteen:Being near me, even if it's just in my heart


Looking through our photo album we put together when we had time. I see a picture of our tree with the date scribbled on the corner, four years ago tomorrow, exactly. Sighing I look at the ceiling, "Is it a coincidence or is it she remembers that day perfectly?" I decide to go tomorrow, right after lunch, just like the first time.


“You know these ‘clues' are getting a bit far-fetched don't you think?” Minho asks me as we enter the park.

“Yeah, well even if I’m wrong I’d rather know I tried as opposed to giving up.” I mumble walking along the path.

“Why don’t you look for her?” Taemin asks me.

“Yeah, it sounds easier than this.” Jonghyun agrees.

“Guys she wants to know that he loves her, not if he’s impatient.” Key says hitting the two of them.

Smiling at him thankfully we continue on to the tree in silence as soon as we get close enough I see a yellow envelope stuck on the front of the tree, running to it I carefully remove it from the tree reading the words she wrote.‘ I knew you’d remember’.


Opening it gingerly I pull out the letter breathing deeply before I read the contents of the letter, my heart beating fast.


Dear Onew,

                I’m glad this one wasn’t so difficult. As a secret I never told you, but I used to come here all the time when we couldn’t be together, or if we were fighting. It helps me to remember all the good times we had, Onew do you remember this date? I hope so, because this was one of our first. It help start what we have, could have, had and everything possible for the two of us together.

If you remember right, we’d just had lunch when we walked by here you singing for me, any songs you could think of, some originals…


Reason Eleven: Your voice when you sing just for me


We’d been walking for a little while, holding hands because the date was so wonderful. I never told you this, nor commented on it but I absolutely adore the way you were completely happy, so happy you were swinging our hands.


Reason Twelve: The way you swung our hands when walking around


At some point I’d jogged ahead of you, you taking your time pretending to be on your own until I called you, and the smile on my face grew as you ran to me, picking me up and swinging me around then kissing my cheek.


Reason Thirteen: You came running to me just because I called for you


Setting me down gently you took my hand again, this time however you told me something, that something stuck with me, even now. ‘Our hands are only whole when in the hand of the person we care about most’.


Reason Fourteen: The way your hand fits in mine perfectly


After we found this tree and carved our names in it, leaving behind our declaration of being together we had decided to sit there. I was leaning against your chest and you were holding me to you closely, mumbling songs into my ear, calming me, and making a wish... For us to last forever.


Reason Fifteen: How you mumble songs in my ear


Onew, you had me falling for you from ‘hello’. You had me as soon as your lips touched mine, said my name, took my hand and made me smile at you for the very first time. I hope you’re making your reasons because I love you enough to accept just one. My next letter will appear on your mailbox, so don't worry about it.




P.S. I love you <3


Looking at our names carved into the tree I run my fingers against the bark. “I’m making mine don’t worry.”


I liked writing this chapter a lot (: As for what Onew did, it'll be revealed later in the story, it has an important reason for Soon-Kyu. 

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Chapter 21: 1.When Mey (my bias) beat him...cute<3
2.Soon-Kyu likes simple things and Onew's luv for cute<3
3.When he remembered Sang Hee.....
6.I would like Key to be a diva...feels...
7.Yes!!Onew's so perfect...
kpop4u #2
pandawriter #3
i really luv this! ^^
onew-forever #4
Omg im not finished yet but im already wondring how will the end be? ???
Oh well...
P.S the way hes not giving up on her nor she giving up on him is just so romantic and the memories she writes are just cute and just make want to smile :-)
Thank you for this amazing fic :-)
pinkpajamas #5
i could just believe that the real onew is like the onew in your story. ;).<br />
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just gave me butterflies. ;DD
Aw, I'm so mad at myself for finding this amazing fic just now! I am so inlove with it! :') I love all the reasons especially the ones in chapter 19 and some others... Gah. They're all so good! I read this while at work. Keke. And I cried at some parts! Boohoo. This is such a beautiful fic! :D thanks for writing it!
1. Last one, cause They reunited C: keke.<br />
2. Soonkyu's reason: "Pretending to be reading books but really stealing glances at each other." Omagahh it's like soo cute. T_T Like NOT REALLY READING BUT GLANCING AT OUR LOVE. If that ever happened to me, i would melt til I am liquid. xD<br />
2. Onew's reason: "The way you smiled when I asked you to move in together". Omahgah like.. I guess they were serious about it. Like, you know most couples don't really move in with eachother but Onew wanted Soonkyu to because he really loved her. It just makes me go AWWWH. and their relationship was 4 years long. O_O THAT ALOT OF DAYS... *get woozy*<br />
3. I did not dislike any but I felt that some reasons were repeated but put into different words. But I understand because it's hard to write 100. xD<br />
5. Yeahh. But I really wanted Onew to stalk her. T_____T LOL.<br />
6. I want Onew to stalk her.. LMAO.<br />
7. Yes. because they're back together! :P HAHA.
bluefever #8
oh no!! it's supposed to be Soon Kyu<br />
sorry....anyway,...ur story is the best!
bluefever #9
new reader...your story is awesome. (I'll answer your questions)<br />
1. my favorite chap is the's really sweet<br />
2. the best reason from Sun Kyu is about how she loved Onew when he is talking about chicken. For Onew, the reason 100th is the best.<br />
3. hmmmmm....none? LOL<br />
4. yes!!! please write another one?! and can it be ONEW again? ^^<br />
5. Yes,, I like her...She's so smart<br />
6.change what? the story or any part of it?? hmmmm...well,, I wish there are romantic parts that they were together..haha<br />
7. yes!! the ending is amazing..but kinda lacking...they didn't kiss!!! awww...ahahaha,,,<br />
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You wrote this story very well! Its one of my favorites so far.. Maybe a sequel soon? *fingers crossed* =)