Changes in Her Life

100 Reasons Why [Onew]

Waking up to Taemin landing near me, nudging me slightly while whispering “Hyung, this letter was on the mailbox.”

Quickly swiping it out of his hand I smile at him thankfully, to say the least Soon-Kyu’s last few letters have thrown me into depression. “Thanks Taemin.”

He just smiles. “Just leave the house more, that’s all I want, and not just to retrieve letters. Go out for you.”

Nodding my head I don’t waste any time with opening the letter, jerking it out of its encasement I quickly read her words, the ones that have been getting me through her absence.


Dear Onew,

                As I told you so many times you’ve changed my life so much, not just in small ways but in life changing ones too. I used to be a studyaholic, I know you told me to take a break and most of the time it was a fight to get me to stop studying or working, but you know you showed me to take a breather, look around see what’s around me instead of the book I had in my hands, you used to say to me all the time ‘Have some fun, school can wait a couple of hours’ Onew thank-you for that.

Reason Sixty Six: School is important, but so is having fun

Sometimes I even gave up on things, normally anything I decided I didn’t need in my life so I went without it, cooking for example, I hated it I couldn’t stand it but of course you helped me get better, even if the only thing I can really cook is chicken. Not just in cooking but in our relationship, work, school you always told me to keep trying so I did, just like you told me to and everything worked out in the end and if it didn’t you told me I could say ‘I kept trying.’

Reason Sixty Seven: For telling me not to give up, that in the end I could say ‘I kept trying’

After the whole episode with you and that girl you told me not to worry, and I’ll admit it bugged the hell out of me that you’d say that to me, not to worry, you’d already came clean and weren’t ever going to see her again, well I sort of adopted something mixed with the last reason. I can’t worry so much like you say, cause in the end what really matters is that I love(d). I care and love you.

Reason Sixty Eight: You made me worry less ‘The most important thing is that I love(d)’

I remember all the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes even seconds without you in my life and none of them compare to any of the times I have with you. The second I saw you my whole entire life seemed to glow more, I got happier even if I was only able to look at you, never did I imagine I’d end up loving you so much and I am so glad that I do.

Reason Sixty Nine: The moment you came into my life I was a lot happier

This last reason may seem a bit ridiculous but I finally had someone to hold my hand, to hold me close to keep me safe. Onew I may have so many close friends that know me, but I can’t think of anyone in the world that knows me quite like you do, that can answer anything about me, from just a glance knows how I’m feeling. Onew you took away the loneliness I had in my life that I had previously filled with studying and keeping my head in the ground. I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am that I’ve gotten to know you, my clumsy, chicken loving Onew.

Reason Seventy: I wasn’t alone anymore.


Onew thank-you for so much, I know this letter sounds a bit like the end but trust me I still have thirty more reasons to tell you, and I’ll admit I’m anxious to hear your reasons. To hear you telling me how much you love me and care about me I really can’t wait, but I’ll be patient, Onew I love you so much I can’t begin to tell you…but here I am trying.

The next letter will be waiting at the doorstep of Key’s house, I hope you beat him to the letter; sunrise sweetie.


Soon-Kyu <3


Staring at the last line, sunrise, Key’s house. He’s up before sunrise and out the door how am I supposed to beat him? Stay over…

Reason Sixty Six: I love you, even if you make me do difficult things

Reason Sixty Seven: I still feel nervous when I wake up without you

Reason Sixty Eight: You never let me forget why I love you, even if I don’t tell you

Reason Sixty Nine: You never look at other men the way you do me

Reason Seventy: You keep me working hard so we can be together forever and ever


Sorry for the wait, I'm having a hard time trying to write this series, D: That and I'm running out of ideas for reasons, I have  two more chapter's worth of reasons for Soon-Kyu, but I always end up writing Onew's last minute cause I can never thing of anything @W@;;

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Chapter 21: 1.When Mey (my bias) beat him...cute<3
2.Soon-Kyu likes simple things and Onew's luv for cute<3
3.When he remembered Sang Hee.....
6.I would like Key to be a diva...feels...
7.Yes!!Onew's so perfect...
kpop4u #2
pandawriter #3
i really luv this! ^^
onew-forever #4
Omg im not finished yet but im already wondring how will the end be? ???
Oh well...
P.S the way hes not giving up on her nor she giving up on him is just so romantic and the memories she writes are just cute and just make want to smile :-)
Thank you for this amazing fic :-)
pinkpajamas #5
i could just believe that the real onew is like the onew in your story. ;).<br />
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just gave me butterflies. ;DD
Aw, I'm so mad at myself for finding this amazing fic just now! I am so inlove with it! :') I love all the reasons especially the ones in chapter 19 and some others... Gah. They're all so good! I read this while at work. Keke. And I cried at some parts! Boohoo. This is such a beautiful fic! :D thanks for writing it!
1. Last one, cause They reunited C: keke.<br />
2. Soonkyu's reason: "Pretending to be reading books but really stealing glances at each other." Omagahh it's like soo cute. T_T Like NOT REALLY READING BUT GLANCING AT OUR LOVE. If that ever happened to me, i would melt til I am liquid. xD<br />
2. Onew's reason: "The way you smiled when I asked you to move in together". Omahgah like.. I guess they were serious about it. Like, you know most couples don't really move in with eachother but Onew wanted Soonkyu to because he really loved her. It just makes me go AWWWH. and their relationship was 4 years long. O_O THAT ALOT OF DAYS... *get woozy*<br />
3. I did not dislike any but I felt that some reasons were repeated but put into different words. But I understand because it's hard to write 100. xD<br />
5. Yeahh. But I really wanted Onew to stalk her. T_____T LOL.<br />
6. I want Onew to stalk her.. LMAO.<br />
7. Yes. because they're back together! :P HAHA.
bluefever #8
oh no!! it's supposed to be Soon Kyu<br />
sorry....anyway,...ur story is the best!
bluefever #9
new reader...your story is awesome. (I'll answer your questions)<br />
1. my favorite chap is the's really sweet<br />
2. the best reason from Sun Kyu is about how she loved Onew when he is talking about chicken. For Onew, the reason 100th is the best.<br />
3. hmmmmm....none? LOL<br />
4. yes!!! please write another one?! and can it be ONEW again? ^^<br />
5. Yes,, I like her...She's so smart<br />
6.change what? the story or any part of it?? hmmmm...well,, I wish there are romantic parts that they were together..haha<br />
7. yes!! the ending is amazing..but kinda lacking...they didn't kiss!!! awww...ahahaha,,,<br />
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You wrote this story very well! Its one of my favorites so far.. Maybe a sequel soon? *fingers crossed* =)