Great Barrier

Love The Way It Hurts


Donghae's P.O.V. 


Great Barrier


"Donghae!" Siwon screamed my name. He said it over and over like he’s going nuts. He kept banging on my door, hitting it like he’s trying to break in. He’s going hysterical. He obviously had too much drinks again.

What should I do? I don't want to open the door. I can’t. He's going out of his mind and he’s scaring. 

"Open this door!" Damn it. What should I do to make him stop? Opening the door is clearly not an option. I'm all alone and God knows the things Siwon might do to me. 

"Please!" Aish... Stop this, Siwon! I want to scream back at him but I don’t to make him angrier. I ran to get my phone then quickly dialed Leeteuk-hyung's number. It rang and rang but there was no answer.

Oh, no, Hyung must be asleep already. Who else should I call? Not Eunhyuk. No. I don't want a fist fight in the  hallways.

'BANG!' Siwon started kicking the door. Oh god... This has to stop.

I dialed again and then... "Yes, Fishy?" An irritated Kyuhyun answered the phone. He must be playing video games again and I disturbed him. 

"Kyuhyunnie, I need your help. Siwon is at my door right now and he's gone berserk! I don’t know what to do, Kyuhyun. Can you come over?". 

"What?! Alright. I'll be there in 15". Then he hung up. 

Then suddenly, there was peace. Where's Siwon? Did he leave already?

 I walked back to the front door and looked through the peep hole. Oh, no... 

A knocked out Siwon was lying on floor. His back flat on the surface and his face was lost in dreams. Damn it, Siwon...

I opened the door to take a better look of him. Not knowing what to do, I crouched beside him and poked him with a finger. "Siwon?" 

I didn't get an answer. Not even a flinch. Aish... Siwonnie, you're such a pain in the !

I bent down and reached for him. I started dragging by his arms. His legs sweeping the floor as I take him inside my house. Aigoo! You’re too heavy, Siwon. 

"Donghae?" I looked up and saw Kyuhyun staring at me, trying to find out what I was doing. There’s a hint of a smile on his face.  

"He passed out. I didn't know what to do", I explained. 

"I'll take from it from here, Fishy..." I nodded. Yeah, good idea. "Unless... You really want to take him in. With you". He said smirking at me. 

"No, no. Take him with you. He's all yours." Kyuhyun walked closer then with one swift move he placed Siwon's arms over his shoulders. 

Siwon groaned. "Woah. take it easy, big guy." 

"I’ll just bring him back to his place. Goodnight, Hae. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Goodnight, Kyuhyun and thanks for coming. I owe you big time!" 

He lifted his hand to wave goodbye then winked at me. 

I watched them as they got to the elevator then I went back inside. I leaned behind the door and let out a deep sigh. And before I knew it, tears were streaming down again. 

"I love you, Siwon. But I have to do this, for you. For me..." I whispered to myself. 

I walked towards the window and watched Kyuhyun as he stumble trying to get Siwon inside the car. It hurts so much seeing a young man who has everything crash because of me... It hurts to see our love turn this way. 

I wiped the tears from eyes, walked to my room and forced myself to sleep. 

The next day I went to work wearing my eyeglasses. Attempting to hide puffiness of my eyes. 

I saw the guys lounging in the receiving area so I decided to join them. I acted like everything’s fine. This is really becoming a bad habit of mine.

"Hey guys", I said idly. Kyuhyun casted a smug look at me and the rest just nodded. 

Good thing they were in a middle of a talk about some game on the iPhone so they didn't pay much attention to me. I grabbed a magazine from the coffee table and decided to get lost with it. 

"Hey. Good morning, boys". I looked up and there she is again, Princess Stella standing before us. The happy tone of her voice didn't match the bored look on her face. 

"Stella. Good morning" Leeteuk-hyung greeted her with a smile. "Siwon's not here yet."

"Oh, I know, I just came from his apartment" she said matter-of-factly. "And I don't think he'll be coming in today". 

"Why is that?" Hyung asked. The rest of us just watching as they talk. 

"Well... He's not feeling so well today." She pursed her lips then her voice suddenly became lower. 

"I see. So you came here to tell us that? That's nice of you, Stella." 

"Uhm, yeah. And I would also like to ask if you guys were with him last night". Her face changed from looking blunt to curious. She looked down and continued, "he wouldn't tell me where he had gone". The atmosphere suddenly became serious. 

"Uhh..." Teuk-hyung muttered as his eyes turn to me. As if he was asking me if I know something. 

"He was with me last night". Kyuhyun butted in. Then all eyes were on him including Stella's. He looked at me for a second and I shook my head slightly at him. Don't do this, Kyuhyun! 

"Yeah. I picked him up at Donghae's place. He was all drunk and wasted and Donghae couldn't take him home, so I came to the rescue". Then he winked at me. Then the spotlight was on me. I looked at Stella and she was staring at me quizzically. 

"Hehe! Yeah. He went to my place last night to... uhm... borrow something". Then I gave them my most convincing smile.

Hyukkie, who's sitting across me, raised his eyebrow. Teuk-hyung was looking at me with an 'Oh, please!' expression. While Kyuhyun was biting his lip trying to contain his laugh. I narrowed my eyes at him. You are so dead, Kyuhyun! 

"I see. Alright. I'll get going then. Have a nice day, you guys" She flashed us that bright smile of hers again. "See you around". Our eyes met for like two seconds then turned to leave. 

We had a recording for a new commercial that were going to star in. Since Siwon was here, he lost his part to Shindong-hyung. 

Going to work helps me a lot. It temporarily takes me out from my sad, somber world.

I left right away after my part was. Trying to avoid Hyukkie and Teukkie-hyung. I knew they didn't believe my pathetic lie. I knew they were going to ask questions and I just didn't want to talk about what happened last night. 

On the way home, I passed by a coffee shop and decided to buy myself a piece of Strawberry Cheesecake. I placed my order at the counter and waited for it at the side. Then out of nowhere, a girl called my name.

"Donghae?" That voice. That sweet and girly voice. Before turning around, I closed my eyes and hope that it wasn't her. 

"Hey!" I said trying not to sound too fake. Stella was sitting beside the window on the side from where I'm standing. She stood up from her chair and invited me to sit with her. Ugh... JUST MY LUCK. I didn't want to be rude, so I walked to her. 

"Just the person I was thinking about! Please, sit." She said smiling."This is perfect. I wanted to talk to you about something". 

"What do you mean, Stella?" I asked innocently. Oh, crap. Not about Siwon, please.

"I want to talk to you about Siwon." Great!

"Oh. Sure, why not. What is it?”  

"Siwon wasn’t really sick this morning when I visited him. He was pretty wasted and with bad hangover. He must be pretty drunk last night.”

It took me a second before I can finally say, “Yeah, he seemed a little tipsy last night. But that’s not really new to Siwon right?” Of course, she wouldn’t know. Nobody even remembered her existence until she came back.

“Oh, yes. He got drunk the other night as well, when we went out with the girls. I know something's bothering him. And he won't tell what. But I think I might have an idea what it is" 

"Oh..." Her smile was gone.

"He started talking about you, when he got drunk. All the things you did together and how you smile when you’re asleep and all that stuff. It’s quite fascinating actually... How he knows so much about you." 

I flushed crimson. 

She noticed my embarrassment and said, "Yeah. He talked about you a lot."

I looked down at my knotted fingers. 

"I'm telling you this because I want to ask if there's something going on about you and Siwon."

"Oh. Stella...we---“

“His eyes glistened while he talked about you. His voice was full of passion. As if... As if he was madly in-love with you.”

I swallowed hard. She knows... But I can’t let my guard down. I swallowed hard and said, ”Siwon and I are just close friends and... there's nothing else between us. Siwon may just be having a rough time now. He always gets like this, don't worry".

"Hmm..." I can tell that she wasn’t convinced my answer.

"Thanks for waiting, Sir. Here's your order." The arrival of the waiter broke the stare between Stella and I. I smiled at the young man and said, “Thanks”.

I turned back to Stella and said, "I better get going now. Goodbye". I stood up and took my cheesecake. I want to get out of this coffee and away from this witch as soon as I can.

"I'm glad I got to talk you, Donghae."

"Likewise." I smiled then I was on my heels.

I went back to my car and sighed. I didn't realize that I was holding my breath for so long. I shook all the tension away and started driving. Back to my safe zone, my home.

I don’t know what Stella is up to. But she definitely knows about Siwon and I... and she is obviously not happy about it.



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posting 3 chapters tomorrow!! are you ready? ;-)


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Chapter 36: This sequels of 'It hurts so good' is just as great and hot and y like the previous story of yours,author-nim...^_^
I'm sure the next sequel,'until it hurts no more' is also as great as the previous two story.Always Fighting,author-nim!^^
Chapter 11: I lost count of how much I read this story ! It's just so hot (≧∇≦)(it turns me on) ♡
Exofan12345 #3
Chapter 36: My second time reading this story, the whole story is really good
Chapter 36: Enjoyed reading this fic for the 3rd time. Thank you for such a awesome story, author-ssi^^ I loved it~~
vince1108 #5
Chapter 36: finally. finished both ff in 2 days . gosh XD
Howlingwolf #6
Chapter 36: Most dark yet very BEAUTIFUL story I've ever read.. Keep it up.. And please more SiHae fanfics will ya? (^_^)
beautiful i have been read
beautiful i have been read
Chapter 36: Omg that was beautiful :-D
Shixil90 #10
i don't know donghae got hurting and abusing by siwon, but he doesn't look like fragile at all,the named love which made him like that,and he doesn't look totaly blind by love, coz he can withstand when he want too,but he didn't do coz, perhaps he only want to see siwon got matures line, that why he survived those a long
and i got it from your simple description and naration author, (really, i love how your write a simple word, but full of meaning)

and to stella, haha i wanna laugh 4 her, really huricane stella,he is too confident by herself, but i think she is right on her speach but not for her action. thanks to stella

P.s : I love the way hae hold back stella's hand when she want to puch him. Donghae absoutly knew how to treat a girl, and you did't creat hae's character too weaks here. i love that