First Date.

Perfect Two?

Kyu Ri's POV:

I got home after shopping with Eunji & plopped down onto the couch, extremely tired! I couldn't seem to get Sungjae off my mind. That adorable smile of his was the only image I had. *sigh* Why'd he have to be so cute?! I decided to text him.

Kyu Ri: Annyeong~! ^^ It's Kyu Ri~
Sungjae: Oh Kyu Ri-ah annyeong! ^^
Kyu Ri: What are you up to?..Oppa ^^
Sungjae: Keke~ Nothing with my hyungs at the dorm. & you?
Kyu Ri: Oh, you live at a dorm? That's cool! Nothing, I just got home ^^
Sungjae: Yeah well you see I'm.. I'll tell you once we meet! ^^ Glad you got home safe~
Kyu Ri: Oh~ Okay Oppa! ^^ when shall we meet..?
Sungjae: Hmm.. I'm kind of busy tomorrow so on Wednesday? ^^
Kyu Ri: Sure~! Wednesday it is ^^

Wednesday came & you were so excited to meet with Sungjae. You were going to meet up with him for dinner at 7:30. It was already 6 so you started getting ready. First, you curled your hair & braided your bangs back then put a cute little bow clip. You did your makeup which was pretty neutral. An almost skin toned eyeshadow with some thin eyeliner & mascara, a touch of blush, & coral lips. You couldn't decide what to wear so Eunji helped you out. She picked out a cute mint floral dress that you loved. You tied it together by wearing a braided beige belt on your waist. For shoes, you put on some flats since you thought heels would be a bit to much. You used your cute beige bag that matched your belt & you were off to meet Sungjae. 

You two were having dinner at this cute cafe that you heard had some of the best food in Seoul. You walked their since it was only about a 15 minute walk. Once you got there you saw Sungjae sitting waiting for you. When your eyes meet, you blushed & gave you one of his beautiful heart stopping smiles. He got up & pulled your chair out & greeted you, "Hello KyuRi, you look beautiful~!"
You blushed again at his comment, "Hello Sungjae Oppa~ Thank you, you look handsome too~" You sat down & the waiter came over to ask what you wanted to drink. "Mm, strawberry lemonade please." Sungjae asked for lemon water.
"Thank you so much for meeting with me Kyu Ri" he beamed.
"Oh, I'm glad I got to meet with you Oppa~ So.."
"Let me tell you the reason I live in a dorm with my hyungs." 
"You see, we've been training now for about 2 years under Cube Ent. We're set to debut in about a month~"
"Chincha?! Wow! That's so cool!" you thought it was so cool how he was going to debut in a boy group. You LOVED K-Pop.
"Keke~ Yeah, I'm really excited that our hard work's paying off but I'm nervous at the same time."
"Oh don't be, I'm sure you guys will do fine, plus, you're from Cube!"
"Yeah. I hope all goes well." you two continued the conversation & got to know a lot about each other. Sungjae was as you thought a cute, shy, outgoing guy who loved nothing more than making others happy. You really enjoyed yourself on the date. You guys ate then left. 
"May I walk you home KyuRi?"
"Oh, sure Oppa~ It's about a 15 minute walk."
"Okay, let's go~" as you two were walking, your hands kept brushing against each other making you blush & Sungjae would cough every time, you thought it was so cute how he tried hiding his awkwardness. You arrived home.
"Well thank you for today Sungjae, I had a lot of fun, it was nice being able to go out with you & thank you so much for walking me home."
"You're welcome KyuRi, I had an amazing time~ Hopefully we can do this again sometime." he smiled which intensified your heartbeat. Something about that smile of his that could just make your legs turn into jelly. It was the most beautiful smile you had ever seen.
"Goodnight Sungjae~" he pulled you into a hug. "Goodnight KyuRi~" then he left. You walked into your apartment & started squealing & jumping, flailing your arms at your excitement. 
"I'm guessing the date went extremely well." said Eunji. You ran & hugged her while you screamed in happiness.

Wahhh, isn't Sungjae so cute? ;___; <3 haha~ hope you guys liked it! ^^

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Angelz6 #1
Chapter 6: LOVING IT SO FAR!!!! XD
MeiPlus #2
AMAZING story! I love it ~
Chapter 17: If you find this comment rude, then I'm sorry, but how can i enjoy chapters when Sungjae and kyuri Are at the bad times of their relationship.
Chapter 30: Sequel! Please?
You better make them have kids or...I'll cry (?)
Chapter 30: waaa! what a nice story! and they're married now. hope they have kids. Please put a sequel on. jebal?
Chapter 26: Hooray! Finally! A nice girl!
Waah...Cheondung T-T it's okay <3
HYC1999 #7
Chapter 25: Oh god is tht his gf!?!? Please not...
Chapter 24: Choose Cheondung. Who the heck does Sungjae think he is talking like that? >:(
HYC1999 #9
Chapter 24: Sungjae!!!! Choose sungjae!!! But th Elton now is that sungjae must say everything out on why he leave her and etc
Oh my gosh, that text conversation is so cute :3 Short but sweet chapter ^^