Can't pretend forever.

Perfect Two?

You just stayed there, crying, not knowing what to do next. A female employee came over to you, "Miss, is everything alright?" she looked at you with wide eyes full of concern. "No, everything's not alright." you said in between tears. She helped you get off the ground & you sat down on a chair. She sat in front of you, "Tell me, what's wrong?" she asked you. You could tell she was really concerned for you, did you look that bad? "My boyfriend.. I think h-he just b-bro-oke up with me!" you managed to get out between sobs. You were crying uncontrollably & you couldn't stop. The girl looked like all she wanted to do was hug you & cry with you. "Tell me what happened." You told her the whole story.

"Wow. I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. But, just because he bought up breaking up doesn't mean it's what he wants." you looked up at her confused & she went on, "He bought it up either because he feels like it's what's best for you even if it hurts both of you. Or because he was mad & jealous that he saw you with another guy that wasn't him." Her words made pure sense. Maybe he didn't want to break up, he just used it as an excuse to hide how he was feeling. "B-but, he didn't even give me any answers, he just let go & left me here." you said. "You're right, he did just leave you here. But, maybe he had no idea how to deal with this. Or he felt that if he stayed you might've just broken up with him & that's not what he wants. Just give him a day or two to think & if he doesn't contact you, then go ahead & give him a call." 

Her words brought a smile to your face. "Thank you so much for helping me & giving me this amazing advice. I really am thankful." You bowed & she chuckled, "No need to thank me, you really needed it." She gave you a warm smile. "I never got your name." You said. "Oh, that's right, my name's He Sun, Cho He Sun." She gave you another smile, "& what is yours?" she asked back. "Kim Kyu Ri~" you said brightly & she giggled, "It was very nice meeting you KyuRi-ah, maybe we can hang out sometime?" "Sure! I'd love that." You guys exchanged numbers & you made your way out of the restaurant. You had just practically lost your boyfriend, but you made an amazing friend & got really good advice. Yeap, this day could definitely get better. 

You decided to go shopping to get your mind off things. You walked into one of your favorite clothing stores, the owners of the store made everything that was sold there! They made the cutest clothes & accessories! They already knew you & what kind of clothing you liked since you were practically always in there. You greeted the store owner & she showed you some new items they had. You ended up buying a floral dress, a cute bright floral dress perfect for the beach, high waisted tie-dye shorts & a pair of boat shoes that were pink with yellow stripes & white polka dots. You left the store & saw that it was already going to be 7. You called Eunji to invite her to the mall & to eat dinner. She got there an hour later & you two shopped some more. 

You guys went into an Italian cafe that was known for having some of the best food in town. You sat down & ordered. Once your food got there you debated whether or not to tell Eunji what happened earlier. You decided that the time & place wasn't the right way to tell her so you waited till you got home. You tried your best to seem yourself & not look sad in any way. But, your eyes said everything. That was something you couldn't control, the look in your eyes said what you really felt. Eunji noticed but decided not to say anything until you were ready to tell her. You finished your dinner then went to get frozen yogurt. You walked home eating your froyo & you thought it was the perfect time to tell her what happened.

"Eunji-ah.." you started.
"Yes?" she looked at you.
"I need to tell you what happened earlier.." it hurt you to even think about it & you had to bring it up & recall everything.
"What happened?" Eunji asked with concern.

You got home when you finished telling her everything that happened in the restaurant earlier with Sungjae. Her jaw was open in shock the whole time. She really couldn't believe it. You tried your best to hold back the tears because you had been in public but once you got inside your house, you completely lost it. You fell to the floor & let it all out. Eunji got down on her knees to be eye level with you, "Kyu Ri please, please don't cry don't do this to yourself!" No words managed to come out, just cries. You were a complete mess. Your hands were tangled in your hair, you were thrown on the floor & you were crying as if it was all new to you. Eunji could do nothing but just be there for you, hugging you. You knew that there were more nights like this to come. You weren't going to be yourself for the next couple of days, maybe even weeks if Sungjae really broke up with you. But, you weren't officially broken up, it was just a bad fight & you were like this. You couldn't imagine how you'd be when you really lose him.

Sad chapter again ;___; I make myself cry, haha. Hope you enjoyed~ ^^
I'm probably going to write 2-3 more chapters just because I want to. :p

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Angelz6 #1
Chapter 6: LOVING IT SO FAR!!!! XD
MeiPlus #2
AMAZING story! I love it ~
Chapter 17: If you find this comment rude, then I'm sorry, but how can i enjoy chapters when Sungjae and kyuri Are at the bad times of their relationship.
Chapter 30: Sequel! Please?
You better make them have kids or...I'll cry (?)
Chapter 30: waaa! what a nice story! and they're married now. hope they have kids. Please put a sequel on. jebal?
Chapter 26: Hooray! Finally! A nice girl!
Waah...Cheondung T-T it's okay <3
HYC1999 #7
Chapter 25: Oh god is tht his gf!?!? Please not...
Chapter 24: Choose Cheondung. Who the heck does Sungjae think he is talking like that? >:(
HYC1999 #9
Chapter 24: Sungjae!!!! Choose sungjae!!! But th Elton now is that sungjae must say everything out on why he leave her and etc
Oh my gosh, that text conversation is so cute :3 Short but sweet chapter ^^