You wish

I fell for a jerk!



Bomi POV


     I look up to see my mom running out of the kitchen.

     “I just saw! He walked you home!” she squeals excitedly.

     “Calm down mom… He just lives in the same direction. He specifically told me…” I say and lower my head remembering the embarrassment.

     “Tsk tsk! You just don’t understand men.” She says and guides me to the table and sits me down. She takes the seat across from me.

     “So did you say anything to him as he was leaving?”

     “I-I told him to go home safely.”

     “Aish! You should have asked him out!” She yells and slaps me on the arm.

     “Ow! Why hit me?!” I yell and rub it.


     “Actually that’s not too bad…” She says to herself as she undoubtedly was imagining the scene… She is completely in her own world right now…

     “Oh! Did you ask him what his favorite food was?”

     “Yeah, he said it was kimchi.”

     “Kimchi? That’s it?”

     “That’s all he said.”

     “Hmmm… I wonder what he likes kimchi in…”

     “Soup maybe, I’m not sure.” I say. He never eats in the cafeteria and when I do catch him eating it’s always something small like a bun.

     All of a sudden she claps her hands together and smiles.

     “What?” I ask.

     “I made Kimchi Stew for dinner! So we’ll save some and you can bring to school tomorrow as your lunches!” She yells in excitement.


     “Oh this is perfect!” she yells.

     “What’s perfect?! I can’t possibly bring him lunch!” I yell. I say that but I was starting to blush just thinking about it…

     “Look at you! You’re blushing!” She says and points at my face.

     “No I’m not!”

“Yeah you are! See you like the idea too! Just do what I say and bring him the lunch tomorrow!” she says and skips to the kitchen.

     I sigh and then bury my face into my hands…

     What if he rejects it?

     I think to myself and plop my head on the table.


     The next day I nervously walk to school with two lunches in hand. I have never done something like this and it was making me extremely nervous… but I was also excited. Somehow I found myself smiling.

     “What are you so happy about?”

     I look up and see Eunji looking at me. Looks like she has two lunches too…

     “It’s personal… Why are you so happy?” I ask noticing she has the same stupid smile I had too.

     “W-what are you talking about?”

     “You have a weird smile and that…” I point at the extra lunch she had. She sighs and lifts up one of the lunches and smiles shyly.

     “I made one for Dongwoo.” She says and giggles.

     “Are you guys dating now or something?” I ask not really being serious.

     She starts to blush then nods slowly.

     “What?! Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask shocked. I didn’t think it would happen this fast.

     “I didn’t tell you because you were so against him! I was going to tell you later once you got to know him more and see that he isn’t a bad person… I just didn’t want you to judge me.”


     I wasn’t sure what to say… I feel like a bad friend… and a hypocrite. I always go around and say that Myungsoo isn’t a bad person and that people just misunderstood him… and now I’m being the same as them and judging Dongwoo without understanding him.


     “I’m sorry Eunji. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. And I’m not judging you… I just don’t want you to get hurt… Besides, he protected you… or at least didn’t abandon you during the courage test... And he offered to take you home that night. I can see that he is a good guy. So you don’t have to hide it from me anymore.”

     Eunji smiles and comes over and hugs me.

     “Thank you.” She says and squeezes tighter. I laugh and hug back.

     “Just to let you know, if he does hurt you I’m gonna kick his .” She laughs at that and breaks the hug.

     “I know.” She says and laughs some more. “And I’ll support you too!”

     “Huh?” I ask in confusion. She smirks and points at my extra lunch box. I quickly hide it behind me and pretend like it didn’t exist.

     “That’s for Myungsoo isn’t it?” She asks. My eyes open wide.

     “What?! What are you talking about?!” I ask and laugh awkwardly.

     “Pshh! Yah! You may be a genius but you have no idea how to hide your feelings! It’s clear you like him. You blush like crazy whenever you see him.” She says and giggles. I sigh.

     “Do I really show it that much? It’s only been like two days.” I say and sigh again.

     “Well Bomi, I have to tell you that you have liked him way longer than two days. You just didn’t realize it, but trust me, Chorong and I have noticed.”

     “Really?” I ask. I guess I have always treated him differently, now that I think about it.

     “Yeah really.” She says and laughs.


     “I don’t know what to do, I feel so nervous when I see him now.” I say while smiling shyly.

     “Oh look it’s Myungsoo!” she says and points behind me.

     “What?!” I yell and immediately duck behind some sign. My heart was beating fast.

     “Pfft! PWAHAHAHA!” She starts to laugh at me. “You’re so gullible!” she says and laughs at me some more.

     “Yah!” I yell.

     “Sorry!” She says and continues laughing at me.

     “Aish!” I hiss and come out from behind the sign.


     “Oh by the way, where’s Chorong?” I ask. Eunji and Chorong lived in the same neighborhood so they walk to school together.

     “Ah, she woke up late.”

     “She is so going to get in trouble!” We both laugh together. “Maybe Myungsoo and I won’t be the only ones cleaning after school now!” we laugh some more and then continue our way to school.


No one’s POV

     “OMG! I’m so late!” Chorong yells as she runs past the school gates.

     “HO-HUL!” the teacher yells as Chorong runs up the stairs while bowing.

      “Sorry!” she yells and bows again.

     “We’ve got another late student!” the teacher says.

     Chorong looks over to see who the other student was and sighs.

     Hoya was next to her bowing too. He winks at her and she glares at him and turns away.

     Just my luck. She thought to herself.

     “50 laps after school and 1 week cleaning duty! Now get to class!” he yells and walks away.


     “Aish! Why do I have to be stuck with you again?”

     “It’s your own fault you’re late… or maybe you’re late on purpose just so you can spend more time with me.” He says and gets closer and smirks. She puts on a fake smile.

     “You wish.” She says and walks away.

     “You’re right I do.” He says. She pauses and turns around slowly.

     “Neh?” she asks in confusion and shock. He smirks.

     “I wish you did want to spend more time with me. Because I definitely want to spend time with you.” he says and steps closer.

     “Haha! You’re funny!” She says awkwardly and walks away.


     “Oh my god!” she says to herself as she walks quickly to class. “What’s wrong with him?”


     “How cute.” He says to himself as she watches her walk away. He smiles and heads to class too.



     “Let’s go to lunch!” Chorong says and stands up. Eunji nods and grabs her lunches.

     “Bomi let’s go.” Chorong says when Bomi doesn’t stand up.

     “Ah… Um… I-I… um…” She didn’t know what to say. Since Myungsoo eats on the roof she had to go there.

     “Bomi has something to do Chorong. Let’s go!” She says and grabs her hand and drags her out of the room.

     “Neh? But…” Chorong was confused as she was being dragged out. Bomi sighs in relief… I owe you one Eunji. She thinks to herself.

     She nervously gets up and grab the lunches. She takes a deep breath and heads for the roof.

     She opens the roof door and sees Myungsoo lying down. She gulps and walks over.


     “M-Myungsoo.” She says lowly. He doesn’t answer. “Myungsoo.” she says a little louder. He sighs and turns on his side facing away from her.

     “Myungsoo… I have something for you.” He sighs again.

     “Leave me alone. I’m not in the mood.” He says in a harsh voice. Her chest started to ache a little.

     “B-but I…”

     “Leave me alone!” he yells and shoots up, accidently hitting the lunch out of her hand.

      She looks at the food spilt out and on to the snow and feels tears startign to sting her eyes. He opens his mouth slightly and immediately feels bad. He wasn’t mad at her… but he ended up taking it out on her.

     “T-that was for you… s-sorry… I didn’t mean to bother you.” She says and runs away. All the excited and happy feelings about this moment were all washed away...


     “Bomi…” he says as he watches her disappear behind the door.

     He sighs deeply and scratches his head in frustration.

     “I’m such an idiot!” he says to himself and looks at the food lying on the snow.

     “Kimchi…” he whispers to himself and kneels down. He sighs and starts to feel even worse. He remembered how she asked him what his favorite food was yesterday. So this is why she wanted to know…

     He sighs again and then picks up a piece and eats it.

     “This is good…” he says and takes another piece and eats it.




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Chapter 23: It's good that Sunggyu understands Bomi being in love with Myungsoo and decides to give up on pursuing her. Luckily, Sungjong was nearby to intervene before that one creep dragged her far away to do unspeakable things to her. That does give the student population a negative impression of her as a player when it appears that she's messing around with their feelings. Taehyung's entrance must be the catalyst needed for Myungsoo's true feelings to surface in order for him to face himself. Those are some nice words of wisdom shared by Sungjong regarding Bomi. At least Sungyeol can still be good friends with Bomi and give her emotional support if needed. He's so sweet to try consoling her when her spirits got dampened from realizing her mistake. By "magic", Taehyun is probably referring to his plan in helping Bomi with Myungsoo if that's his true intention. Things seem to be getting a little more interesting with Taehyung involved. This could be an interesting development to push things forward for them.
Chapter 22: Since he couldn't resist her while they were alone in the bathroom, it's not surprising that Myungsoo didn't bother stopping Bomi's advance towards him. That's indicative of his love for her when he accepted her kiss and returned it. It's quite amusing to see Namjoo and Bomi put their plan into action in getting the attention of their love interests. The two seem like they'd be as close as sisters. Myungsoo seems to have better control over his emotions in order to not make himself out to be so obvious. Even if he's unhappy at the prospect of Bomi getting close to another guy (Sunggyu), he doesn't show it due to his poker face. He's pretty sharp to be able to easily catch on to their attempts at eliciting jealousy about Sungjong and him respectively. Sungjong must realize that Namjoo is of great value to him for him to get worked up over her being friendly with other guys. It's good that he's protective of Bomi to care enough to warn Myungsoo about having to face his wrath if he were to badly hurt her. Connecting his past with Bomi is a way to progress towards bonding with her.
Chapter 21: Myungsoo saying such hurtful words to Bomi is uncalled for when she's suggesting that he notify his parents about his whereabouts. Even though she doesn't know anything about his home life, that's still no excuse for him to be mean to her. His personal family situation must be a touchy subject to him based on the tone he took with Bomi. Since he obviously didn't want to talk about it, he could've said so. That way, Bomi would get the hint that he's not ready to talk about it to her. By reading her diary filled with personal stuff, Hyuna has proven herself to be a vindictive person whom has no remorse for hurting others. That was brave of Sungjong to step in to Bomi's defense and pull Hyuna aside to give her a piece of his mind. Despite his coldness, Myungsoo is sweet to still care about Bomi by assuring her of their past memories being only special to them when others weren't present to witness their time together.
Chapter 20: Myungsoo is thoughtful to bring Bomi to his favorite place for them both to grab a bite on their rough journey homeward. It's a good thing that Myungsoo intervened before Bomi would end up doing something she'd regret. Being the cool, collected type in contrast to her uppity, fiery disposition, he provides her the balance she needs as complementary to her. He's good about calming her down with some distraction. That was a nice opportunity for them to face each other regarding their true feelings for one another. The sudden blackout must be a sign that the time isn't yet right for their romance to blossom, especially when they felt uncertain about whether to proceed in taking it further.
Chapter 19: Naeun sounds like a nice addition to their friendship circle. It seems that Myungsoo was testing Bomi to see whether her feelings for him are true and for his own amusement to see her reaction. At least he cares enough to go after Bomi to console her when she's emotionally troubled. He gives sound advice on dealing with the situation regarding Sungjong and Hyuna. For Bomi to get this worked up about her presence, Hyuna must be Sungjong's first love in the past who'd terribly broken his heart to the point that he's not opening himself to love. Myungsoo acting coldly towards Bomi is probably a way to hide his flustered state regarding his feelings for her.
Chapter 18: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/226912/18'>Lost Puppy</a></span>
It's a good thing that Myungsoo didn't take his eyes off of Bomi to see to it that no harm comes to her. He's like her "Knight in Shining Armor" when she's a damsel in distress. Having hope is good for resilience when faced with negativity like being mocked as a "lost puppy," which is a positive mindset for Bomi to have in dealing with it and pursuing Myungsoo. Eunji is a good friend to set aside some time for Bomi when she's not with Dongwoo. The interaction between Hoya and Chorong is sweetly romantic, especially when he's proven himself to be a very considerate boyfriend by including Chorong in his life. Stumbling upon the bracelet that she'd given him in their childhood past appears to be the green light for her to deeply connect with him. It seems to be indicative of Myungsoo's love for Bomi when he accepts her holding his hand.
Chapter 17: To still ignore her, it seems that Myungsoo is afraid of getting close to Bomi thinking that he’d just bring her misfortune due to his past mistake. Despite that, he cares about her and wouldn’t want her in harm’s way. It’s a complicated mess with this turning out to be a love square when Sungyeol and Sunggyu get thrown into the mix. What Sungyeol’s proposing doesn’t make sense with regards to love. Forcing it onto someone isn’t right when that person doesn’t feel the same way. That’s not how love works. Sungyeol is getting the wrong idea. Bomi was saying that she’d show Myungsoo her true colors for him to get to know her better and get close to her to fall for her...even though he really is into her but doesn’t want to show it. True love is something that develops naturally between two people. It’s not like an overnight miracle that happens out of an attempt to create something that wasn’t planted in the beginning to take root. On the other hand, Chorong and Hoya has a sweet development happening. That’s like a soulmate connection upon realization that they’re meant for each other. It’s time for her to move on when Sungyeol doesn’t reciprocate her feelings.
blackpanda1710 #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon
Linlin123 #9
Chapter 23: Please update it such a good story