
Valoruos Girl

Jiyeon is enjoying the company of being in L’s arms she felt that the train is moving they have their own world and all the people on the train is in blurred. She is like watching movie and it is in 3d. The train stopped and they went out together.Then next thing she knows sheis in unfamiliar place.

J: This is not my way home are you sure you know where I live?


Then on a empty warehouse they went inside. There are lots of guys inside, scary guys to be exact

So it is true this guy is indeed a gangster. She have thought

Jiyeon stopped walking and turned her back

L: where do you think you are going?

J: you know my sister will get worried and I don’t want to make her I better go home

L:no I don’t allowed you..

Then L grabbed her arms ad drag her to an empty room.

J: bwo~yah..

Then L pushed Jiyeon. Jiyeon found herself lying on a dirty bed. As soon as she fell on the bed L went closer and hold her two hands..She can’t fight over L. She felt how strong he was.

J: what are you going to do?(she said while stuttering)

L:what do you think should a boy and a girl do when they are in bed(smirk)

J:please don’t…I'm gonna shout..

L:do as you pleased..i will do mine

Then L was already at her top. Jiyeon is trying her best to fight him .

J: !! help anyone!!!

But nobody seems to hear her….

L:you are too loud(glared at her)why did you go out with me then..if you don’t  expected something like this to happen?

J: I don’t like you..i…i..HELP!!!

Then suddenly Jiyeon saw L holding a knife he is about to STAB her when….


Jiyeon fell from bed.When she looked around she is already on her room. Technically on the floor.She scratch her head. IT was all a dream, well a nightmare…Her back hurts..then someone knock on her door her sister


J: ah neh(she shouted back)

Then she rubbed her eyes..and covered her eyes with her blanket that she also drag along with her on the floor when she fell..

No matterhow nice he was to me that was just for a day maybe next thing he will really kill me. I better tell him that I don’t want to go out anymore

Jiyeon said to herself..She prepared herself in going to school, but before going she stopped by to her bathroom and stared at the mirror.She practiced what she should say to L.

Jiyeon put her hands together..

Please spare me… Let me go..forget the bet..please. I know about the bet..please I know you don’t like me so you really don’t have to go out with me

She shook her head then she tried to make a really sad face, trying to put out tears as well

Myungsoo sunbae..My sister  and the company found out that we are dating they ask me to not go out with you so sorry.. I really am..

Then she rubbed her eyes and gritted her teeth ..she sighed..She put her hands below her chin, trying to act really cute..making her voice as cute as possible as well.

Oppa..oppa ..please don’t go out with me..i like oppa,,but I'm an idol I cant do this my fans owned me..i am only created for my fans..

She scratch her head..She shook her head more.Then she glared at herself in the mirror. Then crossed her arms on her chest

Yah.. I really don’t want to go out with you anymore..i deserved much more better..and I am already dating a celebrity so..

The she stomp her feet..

IF I said that I'm gonna die..WAAHH!ottoke?how can you be so badluck park Jiyeon..what did you do in your past life to deserve this??

Then she sigh and grab her bag.When she went down she saw her sister’s bf dongwook or in music industry also known as Se7en. She greeted both of them

7: Ahh is your vacation?

J: well far worst than what you had in mind..(she rolled her eyes)

7: little Jiyeon are you mad at me..

J:no..(she stared at her unnie)

7: your mad at your sister?

H: don’t mind her..she is just throwing some tantrums..

J:let me guess.. you can’t drop me off the school bec. You guys have to hang out here in the house

H: yes..

7: I'm sorry..

J:you know what don’t worry about it..(she almost  on her way out when she turned back again)…you know if you’re gonna announce your relationship to the public it will be a lot more easier for both of you..(then she turned again and went out)

Se7en and  jiyeon’s siter hanbyul has been dating since Jiyeon was still young..or more like since hanbyul and seven was still in highschool. Then the 2 become celebrity. Seven has been really successful singer and hanbyul been a great actress,they haven’t went out to the public which annoys Jiyeon a lot since they have been dating for a very very long time. Jiyeon like seven as her brother too ..she is notworried about her sister and if there’s anyone that deserve her sister she knew it was only seven.. She also imagined herself like her sister she wished she will find someone like her sister’s bf seven.

Jiyeon closing the door..Then she walked out..She is till thinking about her nightmare...She is still scared of L, not to mentioned that she dont want to go out with him.

why am i having those nightmares?(sigh) maybe i am just not used to my room anymore..why do i have to be kicked out of the dorm as well?(sigh)

She was gazing out of nowhere when When a automobile running really fast and then stopped in front of her.She is surprised that she thought that she will be hit by the motorbike.  She glared at the person who is driving the motorbike..That person took off his helmet .Jiyeon’s eyes widen..It was L..She step back.

J:what are you doing here?

L: came here to pick you up..

J: why?(stuttering)

L: we are going out right?so…

L get the other helmet and handled it to Jiyeon but Jiyeon just stared at it..So L put it on Jiyeon’s head she is obviously shocked her face really blushed.

L: get in

J: idont want to..and where the hell did you got this anyway?

L:its mine..i haven’t use it for quite some time..thanks to you..i have reason to run its engine..

Jiyeon just looked at him.

L:  are you gonna get in?or you want me to drag you here and ride?

Jiyeon widen her eyes and just ride..She is holding into the back of the motorbike

L:what the hell are youdoing?


L:if you don’t want to fall off while I drive you should hold unto me..

J:excuse me?

L: (smirk)hvent you ride a motorbike yet?i guess not

L grabbed jiyeon’s hand and put it on his waist but Jiyeon pull back her hand and just hold into his shoulder.

L just glared at her and shook his head then smiled…

L ran the motorbike really fast that Jiyeon called it more like flying than driving..

L(shouting): hold tightly..

J:I am..dont worry I'm okay here(shouting)

Then L smiled and run it faster…more furiously …Jiyeon was surprised and got scared o she grab L’s waist. L smirk and run it more faster than before..So Jiyeon because she was really frightened hold him more tightly or can also be called embracing while closing her eyes..She was really scared but L is enjoying the fact that he is scaring her..


Taecyeon grab suzy’s hand .Tacyeon brought her to a really tall tree..

S:what do you think you are doing?

T: you can see the school from here..


T:lets climb..

S:idontwant to..

T: don’t tell me your scared?.

After what taecyeon said suzy climb up the tree..both of them reach the top of the tree..The tree is located at a hill top near the academy..They can definitely see the view of the academy from where they are… Suzy might have regret if she have not come in the tree..

T: isn’t it great here/

Suzy just nodded while looking at the academy..

T:This tree do you know how many lovestory have been witness by this tree?

S: why did you talk to this tree? did you found out(sarcastic tone)

T: (scratch his head) from here at the top to the bottom there are ots of engraving of names..Many lovers have come here..

Suzy looked at the tree

T; do you think its romantic?

Suzy stared at taecyeon and looked back at the tree

S:I don’t think any of this engraving is romantic nor sweet..

T: wae?(widen his eyes)

Suzy touched the tree and rubbed it..

S: this tree..i pity this tree.. Not thinking how the tree might have felt when they are engraving their names here..They have never thought how they bruise this creature….(looked down the tree) even if this creature is only a tree..It’s still a living thing that could get hurt by their selfishness. It might have hurt you…(staring at the tree)people most of the time think only about their self..They never thought that other s got hurt..

Taecyeon surprisingly looked at Suzy..He smiled..Suzy noticed that taecyeon stared at her so she stared back..


T:look..who would ever thought that..Ms. suzy bae..i mean “the” suzy bae has emotions…when you talk like that you look harmless..

S: harmless?

Taecyeon smiled and suzy got annoyed so she is kicking taecyeon lightly

T:yah!!!i might fell down

S:that’s what I wanted

Continue kicking him

T:yah..i might really fall down..

Suzy laughed and still continue..While taecyeon is holding tightly...when

T:look!!isn’t that park Jiyeon?(pointing)

Suzy stopped and looked where taecyeon pointed. Taecyeon felt relieved and sigh. He almost thought he is going down..

T: she is with that delinquent flower myungsoo..

Suzy gritted her teeth. When she saw the 2 arrived in a motorbike..

S:that girl I already warned her.

T:why are you concern about her?

S: I am not(stared at the 2)

T:stay out of their way..they looked good together, you know maybe they really like each other

S: I don’t care..i really don’t care about them..i don’t care if she got played..fine park Jiyeon that is your business..(Looked away)

T:(sighed and smiled)you look really worried about her..

S:I said I'm not(kicked taecyeon really hard)

Then because he was not aware that she is gonna do that taecyeon fell off the tree..suzy’s eyes got widen//

L:we are here..

But still jiyeon is still holding him tightly..When she opened her eyes she saw that they are already on dream high academy..Most of the students stared at them..She pulled back her arms…and took off the helmet and gave it back to L. After getting the helmet L went closer to Jiyeon he fixed jiyeon’s hair that got mess up a little because of the helmet. Jiyeon was embarrassed…She step back and she fixed it herself. They waked together, s he can definitely sense that the eyes f every students is looking at them.She hates it, cause it gives a different aura..She felt more uncomfortable when others are staring at her alone and staring at her with someone and not just someone this someone is quite popular as well. She just stared glared back she ant barely lose,, that’s when L put his right arm around jiyeon’s shoulder. Jiyeon looked at L surprisingly. L didn’t looked at her he just continue walking with her,,Jiyeon can’t shake off L so she just bit her lower lip and just ride L’s intention…



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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update