Side story:suzy and taec

Valoruos Girl

After talking to jiyeon suzy went back to her classroom right then she saw taecyeon. Taecyeon wave at her.

T: could you be friendlier?

S: I don’t want to

T:you know it won’t kill you if you smile a bit.

S: hahaha(sarcastically robot laugh)

T:that’s weird but we can improved that somehow

S:what do you want?(stopped walking and stared at him)

T: I said before I just want to be your friend

S: I have enough friend..i don’t need to add up another one

T: then boyfriend…I bet you don’t have one so you need to have?

S:is that even a basic necessity? All I need water air food and shelter..there’s no word for namjachingu.

T:come on you need to loosen up a bit

S: you do know that we are not permitted to date anyone?idol like us…so NO..(Raising her eyebrow)

T: I know but most of you break the rules anyway..

Suzy was pissed off she rolled her eyes and just walk passed taecyeon

S: If ever I will.. I won’t do it for you..i don’t even like you

T:I can make you like me

S: I still don’t like you(went to the ladies room so that he can’t follow)

T:im sure you will soon..i will make you..(smiling)

So taecyeon continues to walk..

--next day—

Suzy was watching girls playing volleyball…She know one of the players. As she watch them she saw taecyeon on the top of their building waiving at her..She was really annoyed to see his face, and she didn’t notice that the ball went towards their side and it hit her on her head.It really hurt really hit her hard bigtime..Though it really hurt she just acted that nothing happened..still show her poker face

Student 1: im sorry suzyssi sorry

Suzy:its okay..

Student 2:are you sure? Cause its kinda swelling..

Suzy touches her forehead..she just acted cool.

Suzy: iwill go to the clinic then

Although she really felt pain…she just rubbed her head..

At the clinic—

School nurse gave her ice pack so that she can put it on her head taecyeon arrived

T:yah gwaenchana?

S:do you think im ok?ofcourse.. I only got swell on my head..(sarcastic tone)

T:  still stubborn as you are guess you are okay then..(nodding)

Then suzy kick teacyeon on his right leg because of that taecyeon jumpped and rubbed his right leg

T: are you a soccer player?you sure can kick

S: do you want me to kick you again..cause I can see your still okay ..

T(step back) not okay you can skip the kicking part..

S:(glared at him)its your fault that I was hit In my head

Taecyeon step closer to suzy

T:why me?

Suzy kick him again on his left leg this time..

Taecyeon jump and rubbed again left leg this time..

T: ya~

S: stop being an eyesore..

T: I just waive to you that’s all..

S: don’t waive to me then..(Stared blankly)

Then suzy standup and left the ice on the bed and so she walk

T: where are you going?you just arrived here right?

S:so(continue walking.)

T: really this girl (shaking his head)


Taecyeon approach suzy

S:give up..Stop bothering me..

T:im not doing anything..

S: whatever,,,

Teacyeon grab suzy’s hand and he run fast

S:what the…let go of me..stop dragging me,,

T: come with me,,

S:yah!!let me go..

Taecyeon just smiled back

S: do you want to die?

T: if I let you go know..who knows you might still kill me..(smile)

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update