sidestory: the best of friends?

Valoruos Girl

Suzy was already on the jyp house.. Taecyeon is already at the recording studio. They are going to record the song he wrote today.

T: suzyssi we are going to start with you..

Taec didn’t even looked at suzy he just plainly said it like that just like strangers..Suzy already went inside wears the headphone and started singing her part

T: again….

After couple of seconds

T: again…

Again ..lets do it again…

Suzy roled her eyes .she was really pissed off.. she cant believe that taecyeon is getting back at her this way.. Unprofessional!! She exclaimed to herself

T: suzy.. do you even have heart?

S: bwo?(her eyes widen)

T: you sang without any emotion.. perhaps your heartless?

S: yah..!!taecyeon!!

T: yah.. miss suzy bae I am your composer co producer I hope you can show me some respect..

Suzy cant answer back..

T: lets do it again…( taecyeon just shake his head).. not good.. suzyssi why don’t you take a rest … fei you go ahead

Suzy went out the room annoyed. She gave taec this your dead glared..

T: is there any problem suzyssi?

Suzy was really pissed off she put down the music sheet and left them annoyingly but taec followed her and grabbed her hand

T: what the hell is your problem?

S: you?whats your problem?

T: I have no problem

S: you…(sigh) your making it personally(hitting him)ungrateful unprofessional..

T: what?

S: not because I dumped you.. doesn’t mean you can do this to me.. I'm sorry but I am not a weakling mister…

T: who told you a weakling?

S: whats with the emotionless..

T: you are emotionless..have you heard your recording?(smirk)

S: will stop smiling you .. jerk..(hitting )

T: yah!! You have hit me continuously..your too much..

S: I dont care..

T:(grabbing her hand) look.. I didn’t intentionally want to attack you personally.. didn’t know you are vulnerable to those kind of words.. I'm sorry..i wont do it lets get back your unnie’s might be waiting

Taecyeon while holding her hand pulled her back to the room. As soon as they have entered everyone was just looking at them. Well atleast to their hands specifically, to describe drop jaw literally?.. that’s when suzy noticed what have surprised them so she pushed his hands and there she sat at one of the swivel chair. All her unnies are giving her the look of what the hell was that? While grinning at her.. To avoid that she put her arms crosssed over the table and started leaning her head..

T: lets take  break shall we?

Oh no?!!!

As expected her unnies started interrogating her about what they have saw.. She just keep giving them sigh ..

M: comeon suzy tell us..

J: we would like taecyeon to date you…so don’t worry.. and its within jyp so it wont go out within jyphouse..

S: unnie.. whatever..nothing.. there is nothing about us

F: okay there is indeed nothing between you two(sarcastic)

S: so annoying…

She stands up ..

F: where are you going..

S: restroom..

She walked out the recording room while shutting the door closed…She was surprised that Taecyeon was already standing in front of her

S: yah!!!

T: what?did I scare you?

S: why the hell are you appearing like a ghost there…(she glared at him)

T: im sorry.. why the hell are you raising your voice!!..

S: aissh.. (She walks and passed by him)

T: where are you going?

S: why do you care? Mind your own business..

T: you are my business.. we are recording miss a song..

Suzy didn’t listen o taec so she keeps walking Taecyeon just follows her.. suzy finally settles to go to the opposite building of jyp .. She enters dunkin donut and there she purchase donuts about 3 boxes of random kinds apparently Taecyeon is still following her. There are fans who spotted her as she concludes they are international fans.. She bowed down and took some pictures for fan service then she bid her goodbye before everything got a lot worse..

She wanted to give the other box to the staff and to her unnies but then she decided to go straight to the rooftop of jyp building. Taecyeon was just following her without even uttering a word.

She looked down the building and she can still spot the fans..She opened one of the box and she eats alone..Taecyeon just stares at her and smile. Or more like a mocking smile

T: are you gonna eat all of that?

S: hell do you care..mind your own business..

T: yo keep on telling me those words..

S: are you a lap dog you keep on following me.. don’t you have another business aside form annoying me.?

T: actually no.. and I also don’t have any other business aside from you.

Taecyeon grabbed some donuts. Suzy slapped his hand

S: thief..

T: bwo?

S: aren’t you rich? Why don’t you buy your own donut?

T: (scratch his head) I don’t want to go down and just buy ..and why do I have to buy when you have boxes here?

S: what if I don’t want to give you?

T: im gonna tell your unnies about us

S: what us? There is no us..

T: us we are school mates..(evil grin)

S: jerk

T: then if you don’t give me some then I will make you suffer while recording..

S: bwo!!(widen eyes while staring at her) unprofessional jerk

T: I don’t mind you calling me that.. how about you?are you willing to record over and over and over and over again?( evil grin while looking at suzy mockingly)

S: aisshh..

She handles over the box that she just recently opened taeceyeon cant help himself smiling while getting some donuts

S: you know you should mind your own business,,(looking away while raising her left eyebrow)

T: I don’t have any other business aside from you.. and also miss A.

S: you don’t have any business? Huh (smirk) really?

T: what other business could I have?

S: yoona.. why don’t you take care of the precious girl

T: ahh I see.. so your acting strange just because your jealous?

S: bwo?jealous?(rolling her eyes while smirking) over my dead body..

T: oh comeon.. have you seen your reaction when I went to yoona? I want to laugh at your face but I cant since im also worried about yoona…

S: reaction your face!! In your dreams boy!!!

T: jealous>? (tapping her shoulder using his elbow)

S: Taecyeonssi.. you are not making sense .. ahh maybe you are just hungry

She puts a donut to his mouth forcefully. Taec almost choke.. She just laugh over it..

T: yah(mouth full )

Suzy just keeps on laughing

After taec swallowed the donut he smiled back at her..

T: are you sadist?i cant help myself but think that you enjoys to watch other people suffering..

S: what?

T: but you know its okay how much you want me to suffer.. I can endure much as long as I can see you smile and laugh like that..

S: akkk(push taec).. gross….you are giving me goosebumps..

T: are you sure you don’t want to date someone like me?

S: im pretty sure..

T: are you sure you didn’t even like me ?even just abit..

**krukru ** silence**

T: ha!! You cant answer.. meaning you must have fallen for me so deeply ..

Suzy hit him in the head

T: why are you keep on hitting me?aissh are sadist? Masochist? Aren’t you?

S: (raising her hand as if attempting to hit him again)what?

T: I said suzy is really pretty..

S: I thought so..(frowned and raising her eyebrow again)

T: seriously cant I be your bf?

S: I cant date at the peak of my profession I don’t want any nuisance.. specially someone like you..

T: I want be a nuisance..

S: even so..i don’t think im that ready to commit..

T: you explains having relationship as if committing suicide..

S: it was just like that.. look at jiyeon.. she made her choice and slowly she is dying

T: (sigh) what would I do to you suzy…im really inlove with you

S: you should stop being like that..  or else I might get annoyed to you.. and stay away from you for good.

T: don’t do that

S: then stop telling me that you like me.. I feel uncomfortable..

T: okay.. if you don’t want to be my girlfriend can I just offer to be your boy-friend?\

S: bwo? I said no!! you jerk

T: I mean a friend that is a guy.. a close friend just don’t stay away from me.. and don’t stop me from being around you..

S: fine.. that’s fine with me..i don’t oppose that Idea..

T: really?

S: yah sure just behave yourself whenever you around me!!

T: yes mam!!!

S: ahh the donut!!i will have to give this to my unnies

They went back together at the recording studio. Which made the other miss a grinned with accompanied by suspicious looks..

When they started recording taec gives pointers for her to release right emotions… while he coaches her miss a are whispering behind them ..

It was all thanks that they are done recording… Taec just went off the phone after talking to someone

M: lets eat together… nice work.. yeey..

T: im sorry I cant I have to go to a friend

S: who?is it yoona?(raising her eyebrow)

T: ahh neh.. do you want to come with me?

S: why would I come?i don’t want to be a third wheel.. I don’t want to disturb you guys..(looking away)

F: suzyssi are you jealous? Who is this yoona?

S: her girl-friend..

Her unnies are giving her this mocking looks and smile..

T: if you say so.. juts take care… and you(pointing to suzy) don’t drink…

S: says who?(gritted her teeth)

T: me..

S: or else what?

T: or else I would drag you home…

S: yes dad..

M: what is that?dad? is that you term of endearment?

S: yuck..Endearment his face… then grand pa.. you go ahead..dont let yoona wait for you jerk

T: fine.. bye..(wink)

S: gross.. I hope you stumble and fall you jerk!!

T: I will miss you too (giving flying kiss)..aniyong!!(waiving)


Author:For those myungyeon im gonna give you a preview on the next chapter :)



J: are you gonna stay with her?

L: yes.. she needs me…this is the best time to help protect her..

J: and you are just gonna leave me hanging?

L: its my fault..

J: so are we breaking up? Are you breaking u p with me?

L just looked down

>>>>>dugeun dugeun duguen duguen :) see you next chapter

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update