She will be loved

Valoruos Girl

The next day

Jiyeon can’t figure out why by any chance she had not seen kai when going to school. Even if kai doesn’t talk to her she felt that she can tell everything to him, something she is doubtful to share suzy or iu or even to the members of tara.

She can’t help herself on seeing kai dance, she just admire how he move.. She found herself gazing at him while dancing but the truth is that she is thinking about L having unrequited love on yoona..and the bet on her, She didn’t notice kai stopped dancing and approaches her.

Kai hit her lightly on her head.  Jiyeon suddenly realized what happened, she touches her head.

J: bwo..

K: have you gone crazy?


K: I thought you are possess..

J: possess?

K: you gaze I don’t know elsewhere but its creepy..

Jiyeon realizes what kai is trying to tell her. She laughs

K:your crazy

J: I'm just happy..i didn’t know you care that much about me…

K:not’s just creepy..

J: well.. Look this is the longest conversation we ever had…even if I told you a lot of things before you just answer few words..Like ‘okay’.. ’fine’ or ‘whatever’ (imitating his voice)..

Kai smiled and shook his head

J: and your pretty cute smiling…just keep smiling…I forgot I have problem because you smiled,,,

K: really?

Jiyeon smiled… Kai sat at the floor and lean on the wall, while jiyeon is just beside him with crossed legs. Jiyeon is flustered and stared at kai. Kai tilt his head a little to give her a blank stare..

K: I'm not going to let you make me smile just to keep your energy up..tell me what’s up..

Jiyeon told him all about the unrequited love and about the bet, well basically she just told him everything. Almost all from the time she got in dream high until the time she figures out about unrequited love..

K: honestly I didn’t know what to tell you…

J: my life is crazy huh?

K: not story is way difficult..


K: I can’t tell you anything enough to make you feel up… should I just smile?

J: I would really appreciate it though

Kai grinned..

J: you are just a sweet guy did you know that?

K: no..and I don’t want to know that..(eyes widen)

J:whatever(using a deep voice)

K: not sure if your bf likes you or not, but one thing I can assure you is not really about give and’s actually give and give you don’t have to wait for something in return, don’t always expect to receive something back…

Jiyeon dropped her jaw when she realized how deep kai was. He amazes her. Kai get uncomfortable so he stand up and started dancing. Jiyeon clapped her hands.

J: you are such an amazing guy kai..

Kai just stared back at her..

J: your back to the mute kai huh?well..just in case you decided to become an idol count on me to be your number one fan arasso..


Jiyeon smiled and told kai that she will be leaving. Jiyeon just told her few sentence but somehow it gives her the idea of continue her relationship with L, whether L would really love her or whether L still clings unto his feelings with yoona, all she just wanted to do is not regret that she shows what she feel about L.

She texted L that she wanted to go home with him.

Surprisingly L was waiting for her after the class..

L was leaning on the academy’s gate while his right hand on his pocket and his bag was just hanging on his shoulder. When L notices her he smiled. As soon as jiyeon went closer to him, he just grabbed her hand and winked at her.

L: you miss me huh?

Jiyeon hesitated but she asked

J: yoona? Where is she? Would she be okay?

L: yes, I ask bum hyung to fetch her here

Jiyeon nodded

J:I see

L: I don’t have any my ride today so I'm sorry that we have to ride the sub

J:I'm fine with that

They just continue walking. The whole time they are both silent, however L didn’t let go of her hand not even once. She enjoyed the trip on her way home, even though silence has been occupied their time she felt comfortable. She misses the times whent hey were like this. All she did the whole time was stared at his face, face that she slowly memorizing. She didn’t even notice that they already reach their house.

L squeezes her hand as if he don’t want to let her go. She sigh deeply

L: wazzup?

J: what?

L:is there something bothering you?

J: nothing..

L (looked away then let go of her hand): I see..if you say so..

Jiyeon nodded

L:I will go now

he turned his back but then jiyeon grabbed his cloth and that makes L stopped making a step away.

J:I actually I wanted to ask you something

L( her way): what is it?

J: you seemed really close to if you really cared for her

L:ofcourse I do..i treasured her a lot

Jiyeon was hurt but still brave enough to talk and asked him more.

J: do you like her

L: I do..

L didn’t even blink that’s make jiyeon felt uncomfortable

L:are you jealous…

J: do you love her?

L:are you jealous?

J: what?

L hugged her tightly and smiled

L: don’t worry…..

J: do you love her?

L just gave her a kissed on her lips that soon become a deep one…That she can’t help herself from drowning from it. She nearly forgot to ask further. They just kissed there for quite such a long time her hands now was on his neck and his hands where now on her waist. They stopped when they heard someone.

H: you know if you going to do that..Do that inside..

It was her sister hanbyul, seriously her sister always interrupts but she was quite thankful cant she is drowning with the passion that she forget that they were outside.

They greeted her.

H: you know my sister is an idol..There are a lot of paparazzi that doesn’t bother enough to capture images..Come inside(he pointed as she opens their door)

L:ah no need noona..Actually I'm on my way home..

He winked at jiyeon, then afterwards his on his way home.


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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update