so a bit worried about yoona..

Valoruos Girl

So what if Kai likes you why does it bother you park jiyeon? come on get yourself together… What did I do to this cruel world to deserves this much of problems?.. First I got halt from the activities of tara and to some of my dramas then met L and there is yoona,, now kai..and this.. this stupid stupid heart of did you fall for that guy huh jiyeon? You knew he was just playing with you

She kicked a stone. She talks to herself on her head while other students just look at her.  That’s when she saw bunch of students gathering at the school board. She can’t help herself but too look at what they are paying attention. She saw picture of Suzy and Iu.. As she read what was included in the picture

Suzy bae is fat!!,.,She looks incredibly bigger when next to IU. ..Blah blah blah,,,

There are also comments from netizens and student

>Why dont you lose weight?you are disgrace to miss a.

>look at those thighs..they are like 4x bigger than iu..

Blah blah blah

What rude people..she isn’t that fat at all..

Then she didn’t notice that suzy was on her side..Jiyeon felt sorry.. But suzy just stared for it for few minutes and then turned back and walk away..She followed her

J: yah!!dont believe them are not that know people just do things to hurt others,,

S: I don’t ..

J: you don’t care?

S: ofcourse I care what others think..but it doesn’t bother me at all..

J: chinja?

S: neh

J(applaud): daebak.. that’s our suzy bae,,

S: they can think whatever they wanted to think about us..i just really don’t care\

J: great(as she nod).. by the way who do you think is brave enough to post those in the board?

S: molla..i don’t care..

J: do you think its that rookie..

S:jihae?possible..she is one hell of ..

J: maybe she just can’t accept the fact that our group is way superior and more popular than hers

S: true..anyway have you talk to kai?

J: no..i didn’t see him in the dance studio instead I saw L dongsaeng Ray..

S: ray? Don’t tell me you

J: hell no..  it would be a headache,..i haven’t even resolve kai yet..

S: so what are you going to do now?

J: first I have to talk to kai.

S: I see. .. …I think he is on a break he has not been around lately

J: what do you mean?

S: he is in my class and lately he doesn’t attend class. Not that im surprised of it..

J: he don’t?

S: don t worry its not new at all…its like his hobby to ditch class..he does it like almost everyday

J: I see…(nodding)well I have no other choice but for kai to come to class then..

S: that’s right….

Jiyeon stared at suzy from head to toe

S: what??bwo bwo?

J: you are not fat

S: I am not..

J: what is your height??you weight?

S: 166 cm and 46 kgs.

Jiyeon stared again suzy from head to toe

J: chinja?we have the same height and im 45 kgs just 1 kg difference..

She brush her hair

J: aissh..Whoever post that is insecure about you…how can you call that fat? Maybe iu is just so thin..Doesn’t mean that your fat,, why do they have to compare you to her anyway?

S:you look like you are more bother than I am

J: ofcourse  I am if they call you fat Im also fat we almost have the same height and weight..

S: but we are y aren’t we?

Jiyeon grinned ..

J: neh,,

S: jiyeonnie,, (paused)how about L?

J: since that day we haven’t seen each other too..since im trying my best to look for kai..i excuse myself from him,,,but we often text each other

S: (nodding) I see.. aren’t you a bit worried?

J: worried about what?

S: chasing after kai, you might lose your chance or should I say the time remaining for you and L.. L is often with yoona.. aren’t you worried?

Jiyeon suddenly thought about what she said. Suzy was right.. Worrying and chasing a person who don’t want to be caught is same as wasting the opportunities to be with someone she truly likes. Time is running what if  L decided to end their relationship and be with yoona? Or what if he decide to finish the bet game?.. or what if.. What if their management decided for her to go back to her idol activities>? Less time with L. that’s one of the last things that jiyeon doesn’t want to happen. Its true that she want ther life back as an idol but it doesn’t mean that she wanted to be parted sooner with L. She should enjoy his company while it last.

Suzy snaps her finger as if getting jiyeon’s attention

S: where have you’ve been? Or rather where have your thought brought you?

J: were saying?

S: I guess I was wrong.. you are indeed worried about them afterall..

J:im not

S: says who?ha!!tell that to yourself jiyeonnie…

Jiyeon gritted her teeth

S: tell that to yourself again jiyeonie while looking at them

Suzy pointed out L walking with yoona. Jiyeon felt that everything was in slow motion.  She envied the innocent pretty face of yoona, guys definitely like guys who are innocent instead of girls like her. Yoona waive at her. Then L stopped few steps away from her. He smiled at her and kiss her lightly on her cheeks then winked..

L: we will go ahead of you .. I have to help her deliver this to her their club(pertaining to the box that he was carrying)

She just nodded as she smiled back. But in her mind she is wondering why the2 of them had to come to school together. She shakes her head.  That’s when she decided that she will only look at L. and she will only talk to kai if ever she saw him, but she won’t give so much effort in looking for him

It was lunch when she saw accidentally jihae with some students and they are talking to yoona. She was about to turn her back away when she suddenly heard L’s name so it wasn’t her fault if she eardrops a little wouldn’t it? But it was kinda weird because jihae has this aura of being friendly to her.

jihae: ahh unnie… I was just saying don’t you find L oppa handsome…you must have thought so ..

Jiyeon rolled her eyes because jihae did some aegyo which she think is only used in tv programs or guesting.  She listened carefully anyway.

Y: L is a handsome guy.. but I haven’t look at him as a boyfriend or something like that

jihae: comeon unnie… cant you see?L oppa like you.. you should give him a time and give him your attention and for sure..

Y: for sure what?

jihae: we had observed that you have this special thing for L. You also like him but you just didn’t know yet, maybe you just didn’t pay much of attention to it

Y: what?that is crazy..

jihae: think it over…

Y: I have someone I like..and so does L.

jihae: but L likes you we can see from the way he looks at you and how he threat you..and afterall what can you get from your first love? Its better to be loved than to be in love one sided don’t you think so?(she blinks her eyes countless times)

Jiyeon wants to puke on how jihae acts, if she would be an actress she would be a terrible one.. but her expression suddenly got serious when she saw how yoona reacted upon her words, she saw how she thought deeply and smiled..

Y: I will think about it.. and maybe you guys are right.. maybe ..maybe I was just looking at the wrong side of the road..

Jiyeon’s eyes widen. This is one of the few times that she was scared of just few words..maybe,,this is what scared her that yoona will wake up and realizes that it was L afterall.. She signs deeply she cant bare to listen more.. She walks away, cant figure it what to do next..  She bite her nail countless times, not knowing that she did. Then


Jiyeon bump into someone

K: yah.. was kai..

K: you are really stupid aren’t you?

She blinks her eyes twice she doesn’t know what had happened

Kai pinch her face really hard that jiyeon shouted and push his hand and  then she touches her face.

J:yah,,,why did you do that?are you babo? Who gave you the right to pinch my thousand worth kwon face?huh???

Jiyeon talks nonstop…without even a period she continues.. Then Kai smiled that’s when she realizes that She was lost in space and that kai pinch her to wake her up.

Kai smiled….kai smiled? He wasn’t affected with what had happened?he just smiled just like that?

Then jiyeon smiled back. Kai’s face returned to the usual serious him. While on the other hand jiyeon amusingly stared at him.

K: what? Is there something wrong with my face?

Jiyeon shook her head

J: nothing are still as cute as you are before( it’s the right time for jiyeon to pinch his face too she made it a lot stronger than what he did to her)

Kai push her hand and yelled too. His eyebrows frowned. Jiyeon just smiled back and put out her tongue,  kai just smirk and shook his head and turned his back. Jiyeon followed him

J: gwaenchanna?

K: that was nothing..

J: well.. that was not I was talking about ..well what happened on your house.,,with your brother ..

K: ow that? Don’t worry about so used to it..

J: I'm really sorry..i didn’t meant to..

K: who said that it was your fault?

J: why didnt you mentioned about you being related to L.

K:should I told you that?

J:ofcourse.. you are his brother and I remember telling you everything ..and you knew L and I are you should have told me that you are his dongsaeng

K: he didn’t acknowledge me as his brother anyway why should I tell you that?

This shuts jiyeon up for couple of minutes.. Honestly she doesn’t know how to answer him. Then Kai sat on a bench and he pointed jiyeon to sat beside him. And so she did..

K: I don’t like people pitying me..Dont look at me as if im the most poor person here in this world..atleast I cant bear you looking at me like that

She swallowed all her spits and inhaled deeply

J: you are right!!i pity you soo much..

K: bwo?(looks disgusted)

J: you wanna know why? Because you didn’t got half good looking of your siblings.. look at sungje, bum, L and Ray (She wave her hand as if wanting to make a point)

K:yah!!( he pinch her face again)

J: not only that..sungje, bum ,ray and even L are a prince they are very nice to me unlike are so cold and mean..

This time a smile curved in Kai’s lips.. Jiyeon grinned

K: how about don’t look like your sister either..park hanbyul the actress is really y, and she is very lady like unlike you

Jiyeon frowned


Kai  smiled again

J: if you keep on smiling you might keep up on the looks of your brothers

K: If you stop talking nonstop and nonsense you might keep up with park hanbyul’s grace.,,

In the middle of their conversation Jiyeon remembered what ray had told her

R: by the way..kai had always had his eyes on you..

J: you are soo mean.. (she shook her head) that’s the reason why I cant believe what had ray told me..

K: what did he told you( smile had left his face)

J: that you like me..that you always had your eyes on me..(she unconsciously said)

K: what can I like someone like you? You are soo annoying..

J:that’s what I'm trying to tell him..(then late realizes what he have said she gritted her teeth)YAH!!!!Kai..

Kai smiled again..

J:annoying huh?then why did you brought our  cd and had a poster on your room too..that what ray told me..

K: what ?it doenst mean that since I like tara meaning that I like you

J: I am not your favorite member

K: anni..

J: then..who?

K: boram is more of my type and qri and eunjugn are pretty hot too,,

J: I'm not hot?

K: no act like a kid.. and you don’t have this (pointing to his chest)


Jiyeon hit Kai and they both laugh together..

J: you really don’t like me kai huh?

K: don’t be overconfident..anni..

He pinches her face again..then they laugh..

Jiyeon was relieved that kai doesn’t have any special feeling for her. She just can’t bare the complications..


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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update