why are you being like this?

Valoruos Girl


As days passed slowly she is learning or at least trying to shift her attention to other things. It was bum’s bday(kai and L’s brother). And jiyeon was invited to go to his bday party that will e held on a hot spring outside seoul. Jiyeon can't say no to the convincing power of bum.

Kai also makes an assurance that l and yoona might not come since yoona have to go some elsewhere…

She arrived with kai ..then suzy arrived with taecyeon. Some of the people there are very familiar face like kai’s friends ray’s friends.. etc.. Jiyeon gave suzy a suspicious look.

J: are you guys dating?(changing glance at taec and suzy)

S:no!!  T: yes(they exclaimed at the same time)

Suzy hit taecyeon

S: what do you mean yes? Do you want to die?

T: I'm just kidding…

Jiyeon just laugh .. some of the bum’s guest already started singing at videoke… Her smile almost drop when she saw yoona and L arrived..

K: I'm sorry I didn’t know.. I though(he whispers)

J: that’s okay..its fine with me..

K: are you sure

J: 101 percent sure..

Ray/kangjoon/luhan(kai’s friend): the idols sing…jiyeon suzy ..jiyeon ..suzy

Jiyeon and suzy was forced to sing..They didn’t know what to sing.. But suzy volunteered to choose the song.. she chooses the song “roly poly” by tara

J: yah!!why did you choose our song.. change it to miss a

S: (stopping her hand) no.. we can sing our song later..

They started singing and dancing.. They found it funny specially jiyeon she just keep on laughing..She suddenly felt embarrassed with their song.. then next song was “badgirl good girl” by miss a and next song was chosen by bum “why are you being like this” by tara

She suddenly remembers L. So while singing and dancing she can't help herself looking at yoona and L.

She is singing but her mind is trying to notify her  ‘everything is okay..you r fine super fine super duper fine’ and perhaps L felt that someone must have been staring at him he turns to jiyeon. And without breaking the eye contact she keeps on singing..

Trans to eng

I love you like crazy ... o.o o.o.o



Yoona shift L head to face yoona..then they are talking to each other. Yoona wraps her arms around him while L puts his arm around her shoulder…then they both stands up and went out.. but before leaving the room yoona gave her a mocking smile..

She was really pissed off.. really..really really pissed..She also went out  .. timing that sungje arrives..

J: oppa .. may have the key to your car?let me borrow it

Sunje gave her the keys without saying any other words. Jiyeon hop in to the car and started the engine..And VRooom// like a speed car racer in just manner of second she flew like literally flew the car..Kai who was worried went out as well.

K: where is jiyeon?

S: I don’t know she borrowed my car..

K: car? What car hyung?

S: my car..

K: but she doesn’t know how to drive…she doesn’t even have license

Kai and sungje look at each other

K/S: sH*t..

And thatv time they are panic how to follow her.. sungje immediately went inside and tries to look for a solution.. That’s when L and yoona went back…

L saw kai helpless looking around…

L: whats up?

K:hyung.. I mean jiyeon she drive sungje hyungs car..

Kai wasn’t even finish what he was saying when L immediately hop in to his automobile…. He run it soo fast.. faster than the wind …

As jiyeon was driving, well annoyingly driving .. she saw that someone already followed her.. When she finds out that it was L she steps at the gas more..making the speed a lot faster.. But L is more faster he manages to be beside the car..

L is gesturing to stop the car..Jiyeon didn’t even budge . She gave him a glare and continue driving so furious..

L was really annoyed.. he bit his lower lip and run faster… way way faster he even pass jiyeon’s car… then he turned and drift at the middle of the road..

Jiyeon was shocked.. L was already in front of her.. She was dead nervous, she suddenly steps at the break…

Crap!!it wont stop ..this darn car wont stop.. L is at the front..gosh L move move out

But not a single step did he move..  Jiyeon tries her best to step on the break and as a span of time she shut her eyes afraid to see the outcome..

The car stop..L??... ohmo

When she opened her eyes she saw the car is just an inch or rather some inches away from him. She is panting really hard.. L went down and opened the door of the car..that apparently she forgot to lock as well

L: get off the car

She didn’t answer she is still shock

L: get off the godamn it car…

Jiyeon finally realized what is going on she went down ..

J: are you crazy?(crying )

L: I should be the one asking you that…what had come into your mind that you have to drive that car,,

J: I was just annoyed ..im sorry..

L: (he annoyingly brush his hair with his finger)just annoyed? Are you trying to kill yourself?

J: so what if I want to.. I cant bear to see you with yoona.. so what.. its better to be dead..

L: F******* ..the hell is wrong with you.. how many time s should I told you.. would you stop thinking about me..move on.. find someone who deserves you..someone better..

J:I'm sorry..

L: think about yourself and apologized to yourself..you fool..


L: lets just wait for hyung..he will be arriving here some what time now..i texted them..

J: I'm sorry..

L: will you quit it?(he said while looking at her blankly)

J: I'm sorry for liking you….

L turned around and looked at jiyeon…he bit his lips and walked around the car.. Then he leaned at the back of the car ..Helpless he is soo helpless at this kind of situation..He just looked at the stars ..at this time all he can do is hold his head up high..

After couple of minutes sungje arrived with taec, suzy and kai… Taec volunteered to drive the car back.. and so Jiyeon just sit beside suzy while L? he drives back using his motor…

>>>from the author donghae861015

yorobeun aniyong haseyo..

i just ahd a small cut on you guys i would like to appologized for not updating this fanfic entitled Valoruos girl, i was quite busy with my currently work and i hope you do understand ,and i know i hve some free time though i still cant update due to the fact that i am all stress out that i cant think of anything to write up and this is also goes with my other fanfics specially the i love you or noreul saranghe, i am so block out whether how to follow up the stories.. in return i will update the next 2 chapters the same time as this chapter has been uploaded..

kansahamnida... \please stay supporting :)

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's love.it' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo lol.so that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break myungsoo.im sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update