
Valoruos Girl

Jiyeon has been sitting for several hours while scolded by their manager. However everything that he says just go in and out of her ears. Then some words that suddenly waken up jiyeon

Manager: The management decided to halt your schedule for 6 months,

Jiyeon was shock she widen her eyes

J:bwo?are you kidding?

Manager:im not..thats what have been decided

Boram:isn’t that too long?how bout schedule of tara?

Manager:tara can go as schedule without jiyeon

Qri::isn’t that too much for a punishment?

Jiyeon just nod along

Manager: jiyeon hit a fellow idol do you think suzy’s management will be silent because of this?..aiish this is the condition..

Jiyeon:but 6 months?what will I do within that period of time?

Hwayoung: you just have to practice until that time.

Manger: and I forgot to tell you..you are also banned on the premises of the company..so we enrolled you by the way in a academy.you can use their facility to train there as well

J:bwo?..ahhh(stomp her feet)

Manager:That’s what you get for hitting an idol..you should think thoroughly before doing that again…

Eunjung:maybe you can shorten the period?

Manager:aniyo..its enough..she will be back same time as the comeback for tara next year

---DREAM  high ACADEMY---

Jiyeon alighth the VAn unwillingly..She wa sanoyed that her scheduled had been halt..

She looked at the academy ther she saw a lot of student staring at her

GirL:omo!it is rally park jiyeon from tara

Boy:she is really pretty

Girl2:I’ve heard she is truly a jerk..

Jiyeon can perfectly hear what the other student are saying ,,she just rolled her eyes and just walk by. TO her surprised she saw the “reason” why she has been punished,,SUZY bae…Jiyeon gritted her teeth and snob them. Suzy just blankly stared at her..

The scene had occurred to her again

Suzy:I think you are not that good..how did you became idol at that stage?(staring blankly)

Out of annoyance jiyeon hit suzy with her right arm..Everyone saw what had happen.She was so pissed of how she told her those things emotionless..Next thing she knew she was called by the management..

Hey!!my name is park jiyeon I am member of girl group t-ara. They said I have a strong character. I ihink I have more antifans than fans itself. They call me a lot of things jerk, bad , just beauty of the group.. I don’t even remember the things they have been calling me most of it are bad things. Those hurtful things won’t even hurt me though because im pretty used to it so I just let the words come in and out of my head.And now I was stuck in dream high academy to reflect my sins.

Jiyeon decided to walk home so that she can be familiar with the place.She wears a cap to hide her face.However when she was walking she saw a fight she think it was between gangster and a guy. Out of curiosity she just can’t help herself but watch,the group of guys were no much to the guy he saw. She stared at him completely, she is scared at him.,this is the kind of person I don’t want to encounter..he is like a devil.although a really  really handsome one..  out of fear she ran away.

----next day—

Jiyeon was already late from school..All of the student were already been punished..She don’t want that so she went to the back of the school. There she tried her best to climb where she successfully did. She then stomp to a tree to use it to go down however she slip and fall into a guy. The guy was obviously hurt

Guy:arrgh..yah!!(he then looked at her)

Jiyeon looked at him aswell..jiyeon almost froze because the guy was very familiar to her it was the devil who kicked the of all the gangster, ooohh crapp..why out of all the people..

Jiyeon stand up and bow:mianhe(while biting her lips)

Guy:do I know you?you look familiar,

J:no you don’t..i mean perhaps..i. I don’t know(Stuttering)

Then out of fear jiyeon run as fast as she could while the guy just left there scratching his head.

Jiyeon talk to herself while running

J:omo this sure is punishment..what would everyone tell me if they saw me running like this..that guy is just soo scary

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's love.it' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo lol.so that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break myungsoo.im sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update