
Valoruos Girl

Jiyeon was pretty aware that L didn’t even deny nor admitted that he liked yoona. Which confused jiyeon a lot but either or she decided just to enjoy everything while it last.

They don’t have any class so she was thinking to surprise L, and she was also curious what does L home looks like. She fixed herself as fast as she could; she also got the information about L house from suzy. She wore a blue tank top that was long and she wore short and boots to complete it she wore accessories and ribbon design on her hair accessories.

She roams around the area figuring out how to get to L house. She saw a coffee shope near the area so she decided to buy her favorite coffee just to keep her mind from functioning well. She decided to take it out along with java chip smoothie that she wanted to give to L.

She moves her head around trying to be focus on the area and address. Before she can think or blink a guy riding a bicycle bump into her. She fell on the ground, while the coffee and smoothies spill on her. She didn’t bother to look at the guy; she was worried about her top. Now she looks like in a mess. IT obviously marked on her top.

The guy was really sorry and she immediately helps her out to stand up. she careless now that she took her coffee as a bath. She was really annoyed

G:I'm really sorry…

J: look what you have done

She stared at the guy angrily but now that she looked at the guy she found out that the guy was gorgeously beautiful, what a spare that he is a guy and on her personal opinion he could have been more pretty that she is. Perfect eyes, nice pointed nose and small face and lips and the skin, how could a guy possess that kind of skin? Despite of pretty angel face he has a nice built body, very firm and manly and she can figure out that he works out but not to extent that his body is almost gross, it’s just fine enough for a woman to get attracted to his body.

With those nice firm hands he helps her. He smiled at her when he saw that she looked at him from head to toe.

G: enjoying the view?

J: bwo?(her eyes widen)

G: I'm just kidding you were staring at me like you wanted to eat me..

J: ert!!!

G: hey..your thinking way beyond..what I was just saying is that I can melt by your stare..

J: its because I was pissed off at you…how could you not look at the road..Look at me,,look at my clothes

The man just stared at her firmly, that’s when jiyeon got conscious.

J:why are you staring at me like that?

G: you said “look at me” I am looking..

J: I'm serious,,

G: I'm sorry..i can’t help myself from staring at you..Your soo..Gorgeous

Jiyeon blushed and touches her face, she almost forgot that this guy bump at her and spill her coffee over her.

J: whatever.. You just be careful next time..

She then turned around when the guy hold her arm

G: where are you going?

J: why do you care?

G: let me pay you up…my house is just near the area you can borrowed some clothes from me..

J: no thanks..

G: look I’m not BAD GUY..THAT was an accident..

J:I said no thanks..

G: can have my driver license here..(Gave her a card)..I’m not a bad person just let me help that I can lose the guilt feeling ..Please

He closes his eye that’s when jiyeon notice that the man had very long lashes longer than hers.

G: you are going to go somewhere with that look right?(he pointed at her clothes) not gonna do anything to you..if you want you can tweet or post my whole name in café and write there that if something happen to you blame me..

Jiyeon opened the card case there he saw his picture, even in his license he was really cute name is kim Sunje.. born in November 17,1986..

He was older than me huh..he doesn’t look like a bad guy after all..and I cant let L see me in this kind of state

J: arasso..where is you house?

G: just on the next block

J: I see,,

S: by the way name is kim sungje…

J: I know (waiving his license)

HE laughed.

S: right..and may have the name of the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met in my entire life?

Now jiyeons the one who laugh

J: park jiyeon

S: jiyeon?i know..

J: what?

He imitates one of their popular dance steps from bo peep bo peep. Sungje has some humor despite his perfect pretty face features.

J: then you should have not ask my name then

S:it would be weird if I said your name immediately..

J: you are right..

Sungje stopped walking. Jiyeon was confuse so she also stopped.

S: jiyeon do you believe in love at first sight?

J(smiled): no..

Sungje covered her eyes and removed it as well..

S(smiled): how about on 2nd sight?

Jiyeon can’t help herself from laughing. They laugh together while walking.

J: I have a boyfriend

S: I see..i don’t not selfish, and I don’t get easily might realized one day that you like me more..

J: you have a prince disease?

S: no I don’t have I just want to be honest with you. I really really really like you

This guy is way bold but he seems like a very honest person though.

S: fine..i can’t wait until you broke up with your bf.

J: bwo?

S:you’ve heard me..i decided ..i will court you until the end..

Jiyeon laughed.

S: I'm serious…

Jiyeon should be scared right at this time, she hated those kinds of guy but right now she is enjoying his lines and different reactions.

When they have reach sunje’s house her jaw almost drops, their house is big but sungje’s house was huge. She thought that this guy must be really rich kid, though it was obvious with his overall appearance. That was unexpected though.

They have a big outdoor garden, and the house interior was extraordinary it was more western design. She almost thought that she was in another country. Even small details she can’t see any Korean style. She move her head she was way amazed.

She was assisted in sungje’s walking closet. He apologize first before leaving her. There is no clothes for girls in his clothes what do she expect from a guys closet?. All of those clothes are from popular brands. Good thing that she knows how to style herself so she just picked the cheapest brand of cloth, it was a white polo shirt. It was not that bad when she wore it. Well actually she has thought that it really look good on her, y that’s what she have thought.

She went to find sungje she found him in their kitchen or a mini bar she was not sure but it looks like a kitchen to her. Once sungje sees her he immediately smiles as if really happy to see her.

S: my, as I have anticipated any clothes would suit you..

J: let me borrowed this first

S: you can have it if you want,,

J:if you say so..

S: I made replace on the one that I spilled.

J: Its should have not done this..

She picked up the coffee which smells good, and it has a heart cream as design on the top

J: kyeopta!!

S: its for heart..

Jiyeon laugh: cheesy…

S: call me cheesy as much as you want but I'm serious when I said I like you..

Jiyeon scratch her head when  boy walks towards them, he was wearing a jacket with his hood on, he has long hair and his bangs almost cover his eyes, but he was also gorgeous, in fact he has the same features as sungje except his height . He is a lot smaller than sungje. The boy lifts his head and stared at her, she just smiled back

S: greet your sister in law..well future sister in law..and soon gf..

Jiyeon almost drop her jaws and just stared at sungje.

S: I'm just kidding

The boy just bowed his head; true that he was like sungje, she guesses that he was his younger brother.

S: jiyeon this is my cutie younger brother kim hyunil

R: me ray ..hyung RAY!!

S: I'm sorry I was just kidding

Sungje hugged his brother and slapped his . The 2 must be really close. She can see her sister hanbyul and herself from this 2.

She took a sip on the coffee that sungje made for her. While observing ray, sungje’s younger brother sipping some soda he just got from the kitchen. She didn’t notice that sungje was observing her. Who by the way just sat in front of her.

That’s when she heard that a door slammed and few seconds later she was surprised when another guy walks by. She doesn’t know what words how to describe her surprised, perhaps if she has heart attack she could have been dead already.

Her eyes widen she almost choked. She coughs continuously that’s when the man turned his head towards them. That man almost drop his jaw, his eyes also widen. He was also surprised to see her. The man was L.

While she coughs sungje run towards her while giving her a glass of water.

S: what happen? Is it too hot?

Jiyeon shook her head

L stopped and stared at both sungje and jiyeon.

S: oh !L..Meet soulmate,,,isn’t she beautiful? The most gorgeous girl I’ve met…jiyeon this is my brother Kim myungsoo.. We call him L.

Sungje grabbed jiyeon’s hand. Jiyeon can’t keep u with what’s happening around her.

L: (stared at her)what are you doing here?

J(stuttering): I ..i w…well..

S: you knew her? Well I kind of bump into her and spilled her drinks over her so I thought that I should let her borrow my clothes..Ask her to come to our humble home

L: your that easy? Why did you just come into some stranger’s house huh?(his eyes gotten really smaller)

L was obviously mad.Jiyeon just stared at the glass of water she was holding. L was right why she has to come with him.

S: I don’t understand? Why do you mind L?

L: ofcourse I do mind hyung..that jiyeon who is the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever met and spilled her drinks over is the one I am dating …

Sungje and even ray was both shocked. And even Ray drop the apple he just pick not so long ago. Their jaws drop.

Sungje steps back and distance himself from jiyeon.

S: I didn’t know L..mianhe..who would have thought that we have same taste..

L: hyung..

S: I'm just kidding…too bad (sighs)

Sungje then looked at jiyeon.

S: I guess I can’t steal you from him… I love more my younger brother than I like you jiyeonssi ..mianhe..

Sungje winked at her. She just sh0ook her head and smiled. But she bit her lips when L is still staring at her.

J: are you mad?

L just rolled his eyes. She can’t do anything so she just lowered her eye that’s when she felt someone grabbed her. When she looked up, she saw it was Kai.

Kai?why the hell on earth is he here?

 This gave her more surprised what a reunion. Kai didn’t talk he just pulled her but then L grabbed kai’s hand. She can feel the tension in the house.., this is tragedy, and she knows that she is in a very very big trouble…

She doesn’t know where should she look, on kai, on L or to both sungje and ray who she think is like they are watching a drama that they are so into. L and Kai exchange gaze as if there is some lightning that is striking both of them

L: kai? Just so you know she is my gf.

K: I know..

They still exchanging gaze..Eye to eye.

L grip tighter.

L: jiyeon is my gf...and she is mine..Im warning you to let go

This time L had this stares that more like he wanted to kill someone. Finally kai loosen up his grip on jiyeon’s hands. That’s the time that L also let go of kai’s arms. Jiyeon can see the redness that L’s grip had left. At that time all she wanted to do is run but she can’t her knees gotten so weak because of the tension. As if she was in the middle of 2 super typhoons, very frightening. But still they are in awkward position. At jiyeon’s front right side there was kai while on her left was L.

She was thankful when sungje pulled her and assist her to sit.

S: jiyeonssi ..your coffee..Drink it before it gets cold

Jiyeon just nodded, she is speechless. This is happening too fast way way fast..She can’t keep up.

S: dongsaengs how about dinner what do you guys want?

L: I don’t feel like eating dinner..

K: I'm going to my room hyung..Whatever is fine..

Kai just turned his back and walks away. Jiyeon felt sorry for kai but she can’t just go and follow him , L is in state where he want to kill Or at least that what she thought. L looked at jiyeon.

L: that shirt is it from sungje hyung?

Jiyeon looked down and nod. L pulled her and they went to his room. The room was neat and very simple.

L: wear this..

L throw a dress..

L:that was yoona’s she had left that before..

Jiyeon felt annoyed, she thought that she likes the white shirt to wear rather than yoona’s dress. Why does he have yoona’s dress anyway?

After she changed he saw L who was sitting in his couch stared at her but this time is expression is soft and way calm than before.

L: I'm sorry about a while ago..

J: that okay..

L: I just cant stand that you went to the house of a stranger you just met..what if he was a bad guy ?

J: but he wasn’t he was your brother..

L: that’s not the point ..he is still a stranger..

J: fine…I wont do it again..

L: yah you really shouldn’t..

J: you didn’t mention that you have so many brother..

L: I didn’t know that you should know.

J: they are all handsome like you

That when jiyeon sat next to him.

L: I'm glad that it was hyung who you have met and not some other jerk..

Jiyeon hugged him at the back. That’s when L started smiling again

J: I'm sorry I really do…

L: what can else can I do but forgive you if your hugging me like that.

Jiyeon pouted her lips, doing some aegyo

J: so tell me about your brothers.

L: why do you want to know?

J: because they are your brother, I should be interested to my bf brother right?

L: fine… Sunje hyung he is the oldest, he is the opposite of my character, he could also be a potential womanizer, so be careful with him second is sangbeom you have met him before right

Jiyeon nodded

L: then me…, then maknae is hyunil or simply ray.. Ray and sungje really resembles our mom, that’s why they are so pretty while on the other hand bum hyung and me looks like our dad..

Jiyeon nodded

J: how about kai?

L: what about him?and how did you met him

J: I met him at school?

L: really?(his left eyebrow raise)

J: tell me about kai…why is he here?

L: he is … father’s son with another woman,

J: he is also your brother?

L: he is not..he is just my father’s son that’s all..

She felt that L doesn’t want to talk about kai so she kept shut.

J: by the here because well supposedly I should be surprising you..However I think I was the one who got surprised about all of this..

L just smirk

J: and your ..HUGE..

L: you think so?

J: yah..and you and your brothers are like this Flowers boys know the drama  about 4 rich guys except of course you guys are guys can create a group I bet you’ll be really popular , with those me..

L: you think so?

J: cheongmal..

L: so ..sungje hyung almost hit on you..

J: not almost..Cause he did..

L: bwo?

J: but I told him I have a bf..

L: good…… that we are here let me tour you around the house.

L tour jiyeon around it was big but only because of big rooms that they have. Each of them occupies a room with built in walk in closet with a bathroom each and a spare room for their stuff, on L’s spare room she can find musical instrument.

Afterwards Jiyeon just went home. It was an interesting but really weird day.She suddenly remember a children song she used to sing..

It's a small world afterall..its a small world afterall its a small..small world

She was tired just thinking about what had happened that day. She sighs and eventually felt asleep.

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update