His Girl friend and the incredible dancer

Valoruos Girl

It was weekend and jiyeon doesn’t have class. She has a plan with L, not surely exactly where they were going but she sure wherever it is she would feel great since she is with L.

She is already done getting ready to go out however she got a call from L cancelling their date, according to him something came up and it is very important.. She got no choice since it’s an important thing. She just called her t-ara members and she also told them that she will drop by to watch their performance, She don’t want her preparation to get wasted that’s why she decided to give them a visit after all she misses all her fellow members, she may be banned to perform or trained with them however she is not banned to give them a visit. She also decided to put on some oversized glasses even though her schedule was halt she is pretty aware that fans may still recognized her.

She was on her way there by foot.. When she saw this park just near the location where tara is performing. She always wanted to go there...but ever since they debut as tara they haven’t gone to any of these things. It is still early so she manages to drop by for just quite some minutes.

She turned her head she is excited to see that there are the rides. But she just decides to ride only the Ferris wheel since other rides may eat up her time. She is alone riding, she can see the view from above, it was amazing and colorful. She is really happy to see the view, she looked around furiously. Jiyeon’s eyes widen when she saw L with yoona on the park. At first she thought that she was imagining things but as soon as she reached the ground she finally have a good sight of the 2, they were obviously enjoying themselves more like a date ..

She doesn’t want to create stuff on her mind so she tried to calling him. Her first call haven’t heard by L , so he didn’t answer but her second call she knew that L notices her call but he just rejected it. She saw how L stared at his phone and rejected it. Jiyeon wanted to rush in forward and confront the two but then again she tried to call him again. While jiyeon calling him she also tries to observe how L acts. Finally L picked up her call.

J: yoboseyo?

L: jiyeonnie? Why did you called (whispering and taking a glimpse at yoona)

J: where are you?

L: I'm….. I'm in a park

Jiyeon was surprised bec. L didn’t even lie about it.

J: I see..and who are you with?

L: with a very special friend..i just can’t let her be alone..im sorry..so how are you?

Jiyeon sigh and lean on the fence.

J: I'm okay..im on my way to tara’s performance..i will visit them

L: I see. Take care then,, talk to you later okay?

J: a..aras..so

After the call Jiyeon stared at them.., something is going on between this two..She is just not quite sure what it is. She felt that they are really close.. She has thought that thinking about nonsense is just pure stupidity but she just feels malicious on how they are when they are together. Something that could justify her jealousy. Even when she felt uncomfortable on leaving them, she has to.

She leaves the park and went to watch the performance of t-ara. She went there kind of feeling down, she kept on sighing. When she arrived she saw their fans chanting and yelling for them. She tries her best to hide from her cap and shades, but it didn’t take long for the fans and other people who are watching t-ara finally notices her. They are asking for her signature and photo, so she runs towards the backstage. She tries to hide how she really feel and tries to be jolly around her fellow members.  All of them are happy to see her, they hugged her tightly.

Qri: jiyeoonie..How was school?

hyomin: we envy you

Boram: neh.. We really do

J: trust me.. It’s not as enjoyable as you think

Soyeon: at least you had a chance to take a rest

Q: and meet boys..

Hwayoung: so? Did you meet a guy there?how about friends?

J: I did..you know suzy?and iu? I'm not saying they are my friends but I'm getting along well with them

E: you mean?the one who get you into trouble?

J: yes…she is the one..

Hyomin: omo..Good for you..See it’s not bad at all to go to school

Q: let’s get back to the boys? Have you met anyone there?

J(whispering): I did but don’t tell it to manager..

S: Chinja?

J: true..

All the members get closed together

Q: so how does he look like?

J: cute anni..Handsome..he is so sweet..and has a scary but attractive stare..

Then jiyeon suddenly remembers what she saw in the park. Yoona and L together. She gazed at the air. Making all the members stared at her, they are all wondering what had happened. Jiyeon sigh.

Q: so there is a problem right?

J: wh—what(startled)

H: nothing.. so tell us more about suzy and iu

(Trying to change the topic)

And so it goes jiyeon told them, what had happened in dream high academy. Everything..She almost forgot what she had seen in the park. She is going to miss her fellow members again and perhaps it would take longer for them to see each other again.

She was happy to see them but when going home alone, she remembers something that makes her feel down.

==next day==

L manages to pick Jiyeon up today. Jiyeon didn’t talk as much as she did before. L was worried but he respects her enough to choose whether she wanted to tell him what’s wrong. When they have reached the academy, L walks with her until she has reached her room. Jiyeon smiled before leaving him. She felt sorry for not speaking but he was not talking to him that much as well..

Before she can totally entered her classroom L called her

L: jiyeonnie!! I don’t know what is wrong..What happened actually..But whenever you feel like talking that to me I'm always here...willing to listen to you

L smiled as he walked away..  Jiyeon just stared at his back

 Until when will this dream last? Or slowly..Slowly am I started to be awake?

She sighs as she entered her classroom

L texted her that he won’t be able to have lunch with her since yoona needs some help on her project. Just thinking about the idea of yoona an L together makes her feel like not eating at all and so she walk around the school.

As she walks around the school, she stares at those trees getting plain from the leaves falling. She kicks at some rocks and leaves that had fallen on the ground while chewing a gum.

Then suddenly someone caught her attention a guy wearing a hood she had a glimpse on his face, and she thought she saw someone she knew. A fellow idol lee taemin, she followed him silently.

He doesn’t walk like taemin-nah..He walks like a jerk, and he is a bit taller than him..Should I call his name? What if I was wrong..i don’t want to embarrassed myself right that was she have thought

Afraid to embarrass herself so he just follow him around. They took up several stairs. Until they have reached a hidden room. The guy with his hood on, Started playing his tablet PC, then he started dancing. He moves amazingly quite well actually, more than some idols she has seen her entire life. Jiyeon’s eyes widen, she was amazed by his hand and feet movement. He Snap like a professional. She was just there at the door observing at him. She can’t see his face because the room is in full darkness.

Finally can’t wait to see who it was she entered carelessly

The guy stopped dancing soon as he found out that someone was watching.. From there jiyeon started stepping closer to him. He didn’t even turn around nor does he speak. She applaud

J: continue dancing.. You were great..

Atlas the guy turned around. With his hood on his face cant still be barely seen, just enough to recognized that it was not taemin, perhaps someone who looks like him. His hands are in his hammer pants pockets. The guy started walking towards her, in a cocky way, and then when they were just few steps away he stopped.

?: what the hell are you doing here?

J: watching you..

?:get out of here ..Leave..

J: that’s a bit rude don’t you think…I just adore how you dance..

?: now you have seen it ..I guess you can go..

Jiyeon was annoyed she bit her lips she examines his face

J: I wanted to watch you dance..

?: I don’t want you to watch me..

J: I'm not asking for your permission I am telling you that I am going to watch you..

?: if you don’t want to leave then I’ll leave..

He stared at her deep and at the same time in apathetic way. Finally she have seen his face, he is quite cute actually. With his face and dance moves perhaps it’s enough to make girls swoon over the guy. She examines his face well. Reason enough for the boy to be uncomfortable. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his tablet PC, but before he can leave jiyeon grabbed him.

J: don’t leave.. Please..

?:  bwo?..

He stared at her hand who is taking grip on his arm. Jiyeon notices how the guy stared at her hand as if he wanted to cut it down. She removed her hand slowly afraid enough what the boy might have done if she didn’t do that.

J: I enjoyed watching you.. I want to stay here but I'm afraid I can’t do that alone..You can continue dancing..if you want I will not watch you..i could close my eyes..i just wanted to forget all the thoughts that’s in my head., just stay here and keep dancing I just want a company…

But before she can say another word the guy started playing his tablet again and started dancing ignoring her presence. Jiyeon smiled this guy must be an introvert person but he definitely a sensitive and caring companion

The guy continues dancing without uttering any words. Jiyeon just sitting there aside watches him sweating, waving his hand like a god in dancing.

J: what’s your name? I haven’t seen you around..I’m jiyeon by the way.

The guy didn’t answer him, he just continue dancing

J: you don’t talk that much do you? You know you’re as good as an idol..if you want I can help you audition ..You would be a great idol..

The guy stopped dancing perhaps he was annoyed by her presence

J: mianhe..im really sorry.in just my point of view you can be really great to perform..it was say ,,,stunning..(Sigh)

She looked around; she kept silent for a while and just watches how he dances.

Jiyeon phone ring

J: yoboseyo?(whispering)..oppa… neh..dont worry I understand your quite busy..Later? I understand. I can go home by myself you don’t have to worry..

Then she pressed the end call. She sighs deeply, and then she gazed into space with blank expression. Little did she know the good dancer dances and taking a glimpse at her?

When jiyeon went back to her senses, she saw how the time passes so fast, she is already late. She bit her lips and gradually stands up as fast as she could.  But before she can opened completely the door she turned her head and smile

J: gomapseubnida..Hope to see you around..

The guy didn’t even tilt his head around. She just shook her head and opened the door


Jiyeon thought that she have mistakenly heard him talk.. Her eyebrow frowned and looked around again.

J:I'm sorry did you say anything?

K: kai..(he turned around but still he still wears his hood)

J:kai?whats kai?

K:its my name if your still interested.

Jiyeon smiled widely at him

J: nice name..and pangabseubnida..

Jiyeon waived as she left him in the room.

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's love.it' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo lol.so that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break myungsoo.im sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update