Hurricane goddesses :)

Valoruos Girl

when the door opened Yoona was already standing.. both of them are surprised yoona just stand there and didn’t even looked at them. She just stared at the floor.. L pushed jiyeon and

L: n-noona?

That’s the time when yoona lifted her head, she smiled sulkily..

J: L.. what happen to you?

She approaches L.

J: how are you..

L: im feel much better..

The way L looked yoona its different from how he looks at her before… it seems that L might still like yoona. She felt that her heart is aching. HE forget about her and remembers how she liked her. She felt like losing to a music awards for a thousand times.. well far worse than that actually. She brushed her hair and slowly walked out, but before leaving the room she looked back. The two didn’t even notice that she was about to leave. It's obvious that yoona don’t have the intention to get bothered over her while L was preoccupied with yoona arriving.

As she stepped outside the 3 brothers arrived along with tons of bags of food.

R: where are you going jiyeonnie>?

J: I just want to step outside L doesn’t remember me so don’t want to be a bothersome to him

S: I see.. so we will go inside just go inside whenever you want to arraso?

R: hyung!!

Sungje pushed ray ,,While kai decided to be left with jiyeon

K: gwaenchanna?

J: of course why wouldn’t I be?

Jiyeon glimpse inside the room. Seeing yoona laughing with sungje and ray, L is smiling as well while looking at yoona..

K: really? cheongmalyo?

J:ofcourse I am soo fine(biting her lips)..

Jiyeon sighed and took a deep breathe

J:can you turn around kai?

K: eh?wae?

J: nothing..ahh don’t mind..

KAi felt sorry so without further asking he turned around

K: so what now?

KAi was surprised when jiyeon lean on his back and she started crying,.,,

K: fine huh?

J: im not kidding anyone am I kai?

K: no.. you are very transparent..

J: let me just borrow your back for just a while

k: gwaenchannayo.. use my back whenever you want.. I'm willing to be the wall that would protect you whenever your sad..

J: (smiling) cheesy..

K: (smirk) am i?..

J: gomawoyo.. cheongmal gomawo,,,

For a while they stayed like that… and after that she still decided that she wanted to go back..

Y: ohh.. good thing kai and jiyeon are back,,,

L's expression changes..

S: you guys grabbed food there.. (pointing at the bags that they have brought)

Jiyeon decided to get a burger she takes a bite,,, yoona is just talking enthusiastically to L , while L  is attentively listening and responding o what she was talking about..  while others are busy stuffing themselves with gadgets while kai is just quietly eating as well. when

Y: eeh??!!! why can't you remember? that is not's not like you have Alzheimer..  

Everyone turned and looked at L and yoona. No one have told yoona that part of L's memories have lost well at least most of it includes jiyeon, so they were all shocked on how yoona utters words,

L: I really don’t remember?

Y: ehh? wae? but,, that is some details that you shouldn’t forget..  .. you also didn’t forget that the day after tomorrow is our 22th day right? well right after we started dating..

L: dating.?

Y: you already forgotten? is this a joke? cause its not that funny L cut it out,.. (yoona cutting slice some apples)

L: are you serious?

Y: about what? about how not funny it is ,, yes,

L: anni.. .. are we really?

Y: yah!! I said cut it out.,.

L: the truth is I really don’t remember,,

R: ahh noona.. you see hyung has amnesia

Y: bwo?

Sungje hit ray for being talkative.. but then sungje decide to explains it to L and yoona,

Y: I see. I totally understand I will help L to remember everything.. ..

S: thanks yoona..

Y: no.. it's my job as her gf.
S: you guys are seriously?

Y: neh.. I am serious.. he..well you(looking at L) told me that you will protect me forever and ever and that you will never leave me ever ever,, again

L: since when did I ever leave your side

y: you did once.. so promise me you will never again or I might actually die..

L: no.. I won't leave you..ever..

Like a bullet it hit jiyeon through… she is now bleeding like hell, she doesn’t know why she didn’t left at the first place. she is digging her own grave just by staying.. ..

Y: ani.. you promise me not to leave me for anything else… not for anyone else arraji?

L: I promise..(put a cross sign on his chest)

Yoona kept on smiling

Y: since you forget some I will let you remember that you promise me to take me to the Lotte park..

J: lotte park how annoying,, he told me that we will go there..i wish that lotte world will close at the day that you guys decide to go there..

Jiyeon cant help herself but glaring at yoona..

L: really? I did? I see. okay..once im discharged lets go to lotte world..

Y:neh….ahhm.. jieyon and kai could come along too..(yoona their way)

J/k/s/r: ehh??!!

while L was surprise and looked at yoona.

J: I don’t like amusement parks..

Y: but I've heard you really like parks and I also heard you talking bout lotte world, in fact I got that idea from you

J: is she provoking me? this girl..(biting her tongue)

L: why should they come? they really don’t have to

Y: but.. L..(stared  at L with some aegyo)

L: arraji.. yah!!! you two.. come along whenever you want or not..

K: who are you to..

Jiyeon grabbed kai's arms to shut him up..

J:  yoona~ssi.. I can just go to the lotte world with my fellow members..

Y: but if you go there with fellow tara members you will just catch everyone's attention.. and it might just cause chaos in the lotte world..but if the 4 of us go they would even notice you.. you would just blend in

J: but..

Y: what are you afraid of jiyeon?

J: nothing,,,

Y: then what's the fuss all about?

Jiyeon fierce glared at yoona while yoona did the same

J: arraji,, kai and I would love to go along with you guys..

Y(clapped): that’s a double date then..

J: neh..just don’t regret it yoona~ssi

Y: I won't.. I hope you won't regret it too..

jiyeona nd yoona just stared at each other..

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
moon_babydino #2
Chapter 46: My most heartbreaking scene was when jiyeon lean back to kai and started to cry huhuhu.poor jiyeonie .im very sad because this story is not completed.i hope authornim you will come to update this.although there's a lot of nerve wrecking part in this story i still like this .although myungsoo character is my most hate here i still want myungyeon in the end.although i know kai is more deserving to jiyeon's' really makes me sad.jiyeon has many suffering compare to myungsoo.i hope there a chance that will jiyeon revenge to make suffer also myungsoo that he will regret all his stupid acts.SO PLEASE AUTHORNIM IM BEGGING PLEASE UPDATE T________T
moon_babydino #3
Chapter 45: Now that he' have amnesia,he act like a superhero to her duhhh myungsoo -_- kai is much better than you tsk. And you jiyeon please move on okay,there is kai always for you.u should choose her than your stupid ex bf.
moon_babydino #4
Chapter 43: Poor kai... lol
moon_babydino #5
Chapter 39: Seriously i really want to kill myungsoo !!!!!!!why is it always unfair to jiyeonm authornim tell me wae waey0oooooo?!!.huhuhu
moon_babydino #6
Chapter 28: Yeah jiyeon ? BREAK UP WITH MYUNGSOO!!! (Its funny to think that im myungyeon shipper lol)
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 24: Seriously jiyeon if i were u i will break sorry authornim but myungsoo character here is very annoying although im a myungyeon shipper, thank god there is kai always for jiyeon.he deserved jiyeon than you L what a stupid boyfriend.kissing another girl.what the hell myungsoo
moon_babydino #8
Chapter 21: I hate myungsoo and yoona here ! Arghhhhhhh. You stupid myungsoo you should choose your girlfriend jiyeon!damn u
amiraazharuddin #9
Chapter 46: Where are you ??? Please update
loveminstal #10
Where are you??? i've been wating so long pliz update