
It's A LEGIT Love Triangle



After lunch, Hyejin helped imonim clean up the house as the three guys sat lazily on the living room while taking care of Hana.

Hyejin was washing the dishes and imonim was sweeping the kitchen floor.  Sungjong was about to stand up go to Hyejin but Suggyu beat him to it.  Sungjong glanced at them and he could instantly tell that they were having fun while playfully having a mini water fight.

Sungjong hit his head with his fist.

*Why are you like this?  Don't mind them.  The reason you came here is because of Myungsoo.*

Sungjong glanced at the said name who was sitting on the couch while playing with his iPad.

*Right!  He's the reason you're here.*

Sungjong sat beside Myungsoo and started looking at his iPad from Myungsoo's back.  "What are you playing?"

Myungsoo looked at Sungjong but then turned his gaze back to the game.  "Wanna play?"

Myungsoo handed the tablet to Sungjong and then he leaned close to try and teach the latter on how to play the game.

Sungjong smiled.

*Gurae, this is why I'm here.*

Even though he felt content, he couldn't help but glance at the kitchen once in a while to check what was going on.


"Hyejin-ah, why don't you and Sungjong go on a date at Nampodong.  Didn't you want to go there?" imonim suggested.

"I object!" Sunggyu suddenly butted in and now everyone is looking at him.  "Sungjong can have Hyejin any time he wants when they go back to Seoul.  I only get to have her when we're here so I want to spend time with her."

"Eish, hyung.  Just let them be," Myungsoo tried to get Sunggyu out of the picture.

"Sorry, Myungsoo.  I'm not like you.  I take what I can get," Sunggyu smirked.

Sunggyu knew about Myungsoo liking Hyejin as well.  But not like Myungsoo, he actually does something about it.

*You need to learn from me, Myungsoo.*

"How about..... we play a game," Sunggyu suggested.  "Whoever wins, get to take Hyejin for a date."

"Mwoh?!" Hyejin was taken aback.  "A-anni.  There's no need for that.  We could just all go to Nampodong together."

"Andwae.  You stay away from this," Sunggyu shooed Hyejin then faced the two other boys.

"I'm fine with it but it's a little disadvantageous to Sungjong.  I mean I play soccer at school and you can play soccer but Sungjong doesn't really play soccer....." Myungsoo tried to explain.

"Andwae.  I'm fine with that.  Let's play," Sungjong said.

*I don't really like playing soccer.  No, let me rephrase that.  I don't like playing in the sun and getting sweaty.*

Sungjong's shoulder deflated.  He hates the sun burning his skin and making him sweat.  But then he glanced at Myungsoo.

*But as long as I can spend time with you.....*

They all got outside and walked to a nearby park where there is a soccer field.  Kids just finished playing on it and they made way for them to play.

"Oh, it's Sunggyu and Myungsoo hyung," the kids hollered.

"Hey, Moonsoo.  Your hyungs are here!" one kid yelled and out came Moonsoo rushing to them.

"Oh, Moonsoo.  School is already over and you didn't even come by the house?" Hyejin asked.

"Mianhe, noona.  My friends called me out here to play," Moonsoo sheepishly grinned.  He turned his gaze to the three guys getting ready to play.  "Oh, hyung let me join so it's two on two."

"Andwae.  You got nothing to do with this deal," Sunggyu rejected him.

"Deal?  What deal?" Moonsoo asked curiously.

"The one who wins gets to have a date with Hyejin," Sunggyu said carelessly.

"What?!?!  Why didn't you say so?  I'm totally in this deal," Moonsoo yelled.

Sunggyu sighed.  "Fine.  We'll team up for the first round.  Then the team who wins will compete for the second round."

The team was made.  Sungjong and Sunggyu were on a team and Myungsoo and Moonsoo were on a team.  There was no goalie since there's not enough people for it.

"This is a fair team," Moonsoo blurted out.

He knows pretty well that out of the four of them Sunggyu was the most skilled one and Sungjong is the least.  Well.... that's what he thinks.

There was quite a crowd that gathered considering that they haven't seen Myungsoo and Sunggyu play against each other in a long time.

"Wah~~ it's Myungsoo and Sunggyu oppa," Some girls were ogling over them.

"Sungjong-ah, don't feel burdened much.  I'll handle this easily," Sunggyu smirked and the game began.

*Why am I against Myungsoo?  Urgh!  So not worth it.  Well, I guess I'll try winning for Hyejin then.*

"I'll defend.  You go attack, Sungjong," Sunggyu was being cocky.

*Tch.  Cocky bastard.*

But still, he did what was told.  As Moonsoo advances to the goal Sungjong got ready on his spot.  Once Moonsoo was near him, in one swift movement Sungjong was running with the ball.

Moonsoo was standing there dumbfounded and Myungsoo grew alert. 

*Woah, I didn't even know Sungjong could play and yet he's doing way better than I expected.*

Myungsoo was so distracted that he was too late when Sungjong got to him.  He tried to snatch it away but, unfortunately, Sungjong made a goal.

"Woah!" All three guys uttered including Hyejin.  Even she didn't think Sungjong would stand a chance.

Sunggyu walked up to Sungjong and slammed his arm around his shoulder, "Good.  I thought I have to do everything but I guess not."

*No wonder why coach always goes after him.  He probably want Sungjong in our team.*

Myungsoo finally got serious and decided to play with everything he got instead of giving a handicap to Sungjong.

*This might be the only time I get to spend time with Hyejin, anymore.*

"Moonsoo, defense," Myungsoo yelled as he went forward with the ball.

Moonsoo was agitated since he wants to be the one to attack but had no choice since Myungsoo got the ball.  Sunggyu was right in front of him but Myungsoo wasted no time and kicked the ball and it went straight into the goal.

The game was tight that even the crowd that was watching were clenching their fist in anticipation and excitement.  In then end, Sunggyu and Sungjong won by a point against Myungsoo and Moonsoo.

The next game was right after which was Sungjong against Sunggyu.  Like the first one, it was full of anticipation and bewilderment as Sungjong continue to amaze all of them with his hidden soccer skills.  Sunggyu ended up barely winning.

"Haven't had a game like that in a while," Sungyyu who was drenched with sweat gave Sungjong a high-five who was also in the same state.  "You're almost at the same level as Myungsoo."

Hyejin came to them holding up two bottles of water and gave both of them each, "Here guys." She looked down at Sungjong who was sitting on the ground while leaning back.  "You were pretty good.  I didn't know that you play soccer."

"Never thought I would ever play again either," Sungjong said then took a long huff of air.

"Wae?" Hyejin tilted her head to the side wondering.

"I hate the sun especially sweating," Sungjong confessed.

He looked up at Hyejin who had her trademark heart-stopping smile, "But you did today, for me....."

She was looking to her side unable to gaze at him but the smile she had on was enough to put Sungjong into neverland.

*How come I never noticed her gorgeous smile before?*

"It's our date Hyejin," Sunggyu beamed as Hyejin glanced at him.

Hyejin giggled but then nodded, "I guess so."




hahaha Ching better go read this

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sandyliuyr #1
Chapter 27: Omgggg! Please update soon!!! This is such a cheesy story and I love it so much!!!
Smileonce133 #2
Chapter 27: Update pls
Chapter 27: Update please??
Chapter 27: I fel bad for myungsoo though /frowns/
Dont worry myunggie you have me! /bricked/
UPDATE SOON , <3 puh leash?
Chapter 7: I really love Sungjong to be with her !! >.<
Chapter 27: They are sooo cute~~ xD Im happy that Sungjong really likes her now~ But I feel kinda sorry for Myungsoo... He should've confessed to her earlier... *sigh sigh I'm really happy for the Hyejong couple though kekeke xD
winniepillow #8
Chapter 27: writer-nim, i love this story A LOT. i would be sooo unhappy if you stopped this story...please update soon!
New reader. Please update soon :3
hellopanda23 #10
Gahhhh breaks my heart for myungsoo Gahhh. Why he no convince earlier. :(