(You're) A Beautiful Scenery

It's A LEGIT Love Triangle



"Oppa, oppa," Hyejin's voice sounded through Sungjong's ears followed by a soft, squishy hand caressing his cheeks.

He slightly opened his eyes and, although it was blurry, he could see Hyejin's silhouette looking down at him.  He felt warm because of those soft hands but then it started patting his eyes.  He then heard a cute baby chuckle.

*Baby?  I thought those were Hyejin's hands?*

He finally opened his eyes and saw Hana on his side while playing with his face and Hyejin just beside them giggling.

"What time is it?" Sungjong asked with his morning voice and Hyejin chuckled.

"It's 5:45 am," Hyejin answered.

Sungjong covered his eyes, "What?  Why did you wake me up so early?"

Hyejin moved to sit on the bed where Myungsoo was supposed to be with Hana in between them, "You're the only one not awake.  Everyone is already preparing breakfast."

Hana kept wanting to play with Sungjong so she got on top of him and started playing with his mouth.  Sungjong shook his head to get Hana off his mouth.

Hyejin giggled at the two, "Everyone's an early bird in this house although it took some time to wake me up."  she sheepishly grinned.  "And I wanted to show you something."

"What?" Sungjong asked now turning to face Hyejin.

Hana started poking Sungjong's eyes while chuckling and Hyejin had to get her off him.  She laid Hana on her stomach as she laid down on the bed.  She started playing peek-a-boo with Hana and Sungjong got closer to her to play as well.

Hyejin noticed their closeness and she became flustered but Sungjong seemed to be occupied and didn't notice.

"Didn't you come here to take pictures of the scenery?" Hyejin asked.

For a minute there Sungjong was blank.  He forgot all about his camera but he nodded in response.

"The sun haven't shone yet.  I wanted to show you a perfect spot where you could see it.  It's beautiful," Hyejin said.

Sungjong turned his head to Hyejin and has now acknowledge their closeness.  Their face were just a few inches from each other and he could see that she was flushed.  They were staring at each other both frozen not even the baby could alter them.

"Wow!  You guys look like a family already," Sunggyu's voice rang through their ears and they both looked away.

They then darted their attention to the door and saw Sunggyu leaning on the open door's frame.

"S-Sunggyu oppa, what are you doing here?" Hyejin asked.  Her ears becoming redder than they were before.

"Just checking on what happened to the 'couple' who are absent downstairs where everyone is," Sunggyu put air quotes on the word "couple".


"Imonim, we're just going somewhere," Hyejin told her aunt as she put on her shoes.  "We'll be back by breakfast."

"Okay, be careful now," their aunt said.

"Ne," both Hyejin and Sungjong said in unison.

Once outside the house Sungjong asked, "Where did the others go?  I didn't see them in the house."

"They all went to omonim," Hyejin answered.


Hyejin glanced at her phone the time was 6:17 am.  It was still dark meaning the sun haven't risen yet.  "They said on the morning news that the sun rises at 6:19 today.  We still have two minutes."

They were on a mountain cliff.  All around them were trees and grasses and up in front was a beautiful view of the ocean.

"I came here a lot when I was kid," Hyejin said. 

Sungjong looked up from adjusting his camera, "You come here alone?  Isn't it dangerous?"

Hyejin shrugged, "I never got in any trouble going in here." She sat comfortably on a big boulder by the side..  "It's peaceful here so I come here when I have a lot in my mind."

Hyejin closed her eyes as she felt the breeze blow on her face.  It was warm and cool considering that it was already spring.  She heard the camera's flash so she opened her eyes and saw Sungjong looking at the picture he just took.

"D-did you take a picture of me?" She asked and Sungjong nodded.  "Wae?  Oppa, delete it."

She walked up to him and tried to steal the camera but Sungjong held it up high where she couldn't reach it.

"Didn't I come here to take pictures of the beautiful scenery?  Well I took one," Sungjong showed her the picture.

She blushed seeing her face on the camera.  But before she could do anything, the sun finally rose.

"Wah~ yaepunde," Sungjong's eyes were sparkly and Hyejin giggled at how amused he was.

He took pictures of the sun rise and Hyejin watched it as well.  It was a beautiful sight and she was happy that she could see it with Sungjong.

"You're the only person who I showed this place to," Hyejin blurted out still looking at the sun as the surrounding begins to brighten up.

Sungjong stopped taking pictures and looked at her.  "Jinjja?  Myungsoo doesn't know where this is?"

Hyejin shook her head, "Anni.  It's my secret place." She then looked at Sungjong then placed her index finger on her lips.  "Don't tell Myungsoo."

Sungjong giggled and so did Hyejin.  It was finally bright and the sun was finally up.  They stayed for a while sitting on the grass as the sunlight hit them but it wasn't as agitating as the sunlight when it's noon.  It was fresh and it felt good on their skin.

(A/N: I heard that sun in the morning is actually healthy.  I remember my mom would always tell me to take my baby sister outside to get her exposed to the sun and go back inside at 8am when it starts to heat up.)

They stayed there for a while until a text came asking them where they where.


"Where did you guys go?" Myungsoo asked as soon as they got inside the house.

"Oh, I just gave Sungjong oppa a mini-tour," Hyejin answered.

"You guys must be hungry let's go eat up," Imonim announced and everyone sat down on the table.

"Aboji is already at the restaurant?" Hyejin asked.

"Eo.  They need him there early," Myungsoo answered.

Sungjong's phone started going off so he excused himself out of the table and went to the living room to answer it.

"How's omonim?" Hyejin asked once all of them started eating.

"She's getting discharged from the hospital later today," Myungsoo answered.  "That means you and Sungjong are going back to Seoul today."

"Aish.  Just go back tomorrow.  Another day won't hurt," imonim suggested.  "Besides you guys haven't even seen anything in here yet.  Take a day off and go to Nampodong."

"Nampodong?!" Hyejin perked up.  "I haven't been there since forever."

"Myungsoo, let's go!" Hyejin tried to convince Myungsoo.

"But you have school," Myungsoo reasoned. "And besides I'm going back tomorrow, too."

"Then let's all go back together," Hyejin suggested.  "Please~~~"

She added a pouty face knowing that Myungsoo wouldn't be able to resist it.

He heaved out a sigh then nodded, "Fine.  But tomorrow we're all going back to Seoul."

"Yes, sir," Hyejin jokingly saluted Myungsoo.

Sungjong came back into the dining room.

"Who was that?" Hyejin asked.

"Oh, just my mom asking why I didn't come home last night," Sungjong answered.

"Mwoh?  Wae didn't you tell your mom?" Hyejin asked worriedly.  "She must've been really worried."

"Oh, it's fine.  It's not like she cares anyways," Sungjong said carelessly and started eating like the rest of them.

Hyejin sat there quietly trying to study Sungjong's face while she nibbled on her chopsticks.

*How can you say your parents doesn't care about you?*

"Eish!  I'm late for school!" Moonsoo came running from his bedroom.

He got a piece of toasted bread from the table and quickly went to get his shoes on.

"Bye, Moonsoo.  Have a great day in school," Hyejin bid farewell.

"Bye, noona," Moonsoo got out of the house running.

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sandyliuyr #1
Chapter 27: Omgggg! Please update soon!!! This is such a cheesy story and I love it so much!!!
Smileonce133 #2
Chapter 27: Update pls
Chapter 27: Update please??
Chapter 27: I fel bad for myungsoo though /frowns/
Dont worry myunggie you have me! /bricked/
UPDATE SOON , <3 puh leash?
Chapter 7: I really love Sungjong to be with her !! >.<
Chapter 27: They are sooo cute~~ xD Im happy that Sungjong really likes her now~ But I feel kinda sorry for Myungsoo... He should've confessed to her earlier... *sigh sigh I'm really happy for the Hyejong couple though kekeke xD
winniepillow #8
Chapter 27: writer-nim, i love this story A LOT. i would be sooo unhappy if you stopped this story...please update soon!
New reader. Please update soon :3
hellopanda23 #10
Gahhhh breaks my heart for myungsoo Gahhh. Why he no convince earlier. :(