
Is Being Pretty Everything?


|So Young’s POV|

Another web site was opened by me.

"Oh...god...I can't even...Why don't I have so much money to buy you all?! I only have enough to buy one half of these jeans here!"

Sighing I skipped to another page, starting with faked sobs again as Janey opened my door. "Duh, could you stop crying? Mui and the others are here."

"Dongsaeng ah~ unnie is too poor to buy new clothes! She's allowed to sulk and sob!" I stamped with my feet on the ground and she went out without closing the door and screamed. "Stop talking in 3rd person, that's stupid!"

"Close the door, Janey!"





"So Young, your language!" I heard my mom calling from downstairs and I shut my door with a loud thud.

I looked at the screen for some seconds before I walked out of the door, downstairs.

"Umma? How do I get money?"

"Hmm, depends on what you want." my mom looked into the pan and I sighed. "There're those clothes on this website...I want them so badly! But I'm too poor!"

"You won't get money from me at all." she already warned me and I groaned. "That's what I'm saying, I want to earn some on my own. Do you know where I can get some money?"

She swept with a kitchen towel next to the pan. "Maybe a job, part time job?"

"What kind of?" I tapped my chin and my mother shrugged. "I really don't know. Maybe my brain will work when I'm not as stressed as now."



"Ah." I nodded and left the kitchen. "I'll just ask my friends!"

When I arrived in my room in front of my laptop, I immediately saw Yuri online, so I started a video call. "Annyeong unn-"

"Can you hear me, Yangie?" she asked desperately and I nodded laughing. "Yuri, coul-"


"Maybe if you shut up, I'll be able to answer you!"

She coughed slightly and flipped her hair long hair back. I miss my hair, oh god!

"So eh...why did you call me?" Yuri asked and I sighed loudly. "I need a job so I can buy some new clothes...but I don't have any idea at all what to do."

"What job do you want?"

"I would go stripping. I just want some money." I bluntly spoke into the camera and she just tilted her head from left to right. "Why don't you...just do babysitting?"

"Play with kids and get money? Good idea. Oh wait! Do you think Jiah needs a babysitter?!"

Yuri shook her head already. "She has a twelve years old sister. She doesn't need one. Does your mom know somebody?"

"Molla~ but I'll ask!...Aigoo! I'm so scared of the math exam this month. I'll just sit there and die. Die, I tell you!"

She pulled her hair in frustration. "Get some help or get better in math!"

"As if I'm not trying but Janey and mom can't do anything!"

I heard her snickering.


"Sorry, I asked Janey? She's almost 6 years younger! What did she say?"

"She just laughed and shook her head, walking away."

"What a loyal family you got here."

I smiled brightly and suddenly someone shouted Yuri's name.

She turned around and groaned. "Yeah mom, I'm coming!" She faced me again. "Gotta help my mom with dinner now. See you on Monday, okay?"

"Ey sure. Bye!" 

We both "hung up" and I also heard my mom shouting my name. 

I went out of my room quickly. "Yeah?!"

"Call your sister and her friends! Dinner's ready!"

I knocked hard against Janey's door. "Yah! If the army in there is ready, dinner's done! Come down!"

"Shut up! You're annoying!" I heard Janey shouting angrily and I shook my head, walking downstairs. "They grow up so fast~"

I laughed and arrived in the kitchen.

"Will they come?" my mother looked up and I nodded. "Think so."

Quickly we gathered all around the kitchen table and started eating eagerly.

At once I looked up. "I asked Yuri and she suggested me to take care of kids like in babysitting. And she asked if you maybe know someone."

"Right where you're asking...yeah, I do! The friend of a friend in the agency has a young daughter and she's working from morning to evening. Maybe you could call her. Her name is...uhm Hong Ga In. Yes, I think it was Hong."

I nodded happily, ready to do it right after the dinner.  


"I call her now!" I shouted from the living room and dialed the number from my mother's phone.

I waited and waited and nobody picked up but after a while a woman out of breath answered the phone. "Yeoboseyo?"

"A-annyeonghaseyo! Here's Kim So Young! I'm the daughter of someone you're working with." I beamed into the phone and she replied happily. "Oh yes! I already heard of you! Ehm, why are you calling?"

"I'm in the need of a part time job and my mom said you have a young daughter. do you need a babysitter?"

Ga In sighed in relief. "Oh thank god! I thought I have to come home on lunch time and get half my money. You know, since last week our babysitter told me she's not able to work from morning to evening but only until noon. So, do you want to work here? I'd be amazingly happy if you could!"

I almost shrieked out of happiness. "O-oh my god! Of course, yes! Thank you!"

"I give you my address and you just come on Monday after school to my house. Your last lesson ends 2.15, right?"

"Were you also on Seoul High or why do you know the times?" I asked and Ga In replied smiling, I heard it from her voice. "Oh no! My younger brother goes to the school and when that boy is too lazy to walk home I'm sometimes able to pick him up. So I have to know the end and recesses of the school."

"Ah, okay. Well, I'll be there!" I grinned into the phone and  before we hung up, she gave me her address.

"Yay!" I jumped around, almost tripping over my feet because I was so glad she reacted so awesomely happy to my question.   


I stood in front of the door and rang the bell.

I sighed happily and entwined my fingers, waiting for the door to open.

It did, and revealed a beautiful woman in her 20ies. She immediately smiled down at me. "You're Kim So Young sshi, right?"

"Neh! But just call me So Young." I bowed lightly and she did so too, leading me into her house. "Then just call me Ga In...I'm really glad that you called me. I couldn't find another one anymore. Well, and my Ahri is just 3. Soon she'll be 4 but she's still too young to take care of herself. My husband's a business man and often far away from home. Whatever, let me show you my little angel. Ahri honey! Here's the new girl I talked about!~" Ga In shouted to the direction of a room what seemed to be the living room and from the corner of my eye I could see a cute girl jumping up from the couch. 

Ahri clung onto her mother's leg and peeked at me now and then while Ga In explained to me. "Well, I actually planned on watching you at first how you act around my daughter but I just trust you because I really have to go back to work. My boss is strict and only allows me to go home for some minutes. Just ask Ahri to show you around the house, okay? And Ahri honey, you have to tell me what So Young did, okay? I have to know." she also looked down to her daughter who nodded eagerly.

I bent down to the girl's level. "We'll have some fun, okay?" I opened my hands for her and Ahri took them with her small hands. I chuckled at her cute shyness and stood up again, still holding that quirky child.

"Okay, see you around 5, So Young sshi!" she smiled at me, than pecked Ahri. "Umma will be back soon, neh? Have fun with your unnie now, arasseo?"

She nodded and Ga In left the house.

"So," I turned to the little girl in front of me, "what do you want to do?"

"I'm hungry." she stated pouting and I giggled. "Okay, then lead me into the kitchen."

"It's right here." Ahri pointed forward and I followed her.

"What do you like to have?" I asked and opened the refrigerator. 

"Hmm, ice cream!~"

"Ahri ah~ this no good lunch food...well, what do we have here."  I looked through it and saw potato casserole. "Ahri? Did you have potato casserole yesterday? Do you want to eat it?" I smiled and she nodded quickly. "Umma's potatoes are the best~! Jjang!"

I grinned and warmed it up for her.


"Unnie, do you want some?" Ahri held up her fork and I shook my head, caressing her cheek with my pointer finger. "No~ eat yourself. You have to grow a lot!"

"But unnie! You need too! Does unnie not want to be big some day?" Her puppy eyes made me take the offer. 

I nodded, chewing the delicious casserole. "Your mom is a really good cook!"

Ahri smiled and continued eating. "Ahri ah? What does your father do? Do you know where he works?" I asked, stunning my elbows on the table to look into her eyes and she nodded. "Appa said he works at many different places! The last time I saw him he came back from China!"

"China, you say? Ah~ this is far away~ do you miss your appa sometimes?"

Ahri nodded sadly. "But appa said, he's happy when he is home so he can hug me! And sometimes he comes back with a gift for me! He brought a doll from China. Should I show you?!"

"After you ate your lunch, okay?"

Again, she just nodded and I smiled. "So your dad's traveling around the world?"

"Yeah, umma said he's a busimess man."

"Do you mean business man?"

"No, umma said busimess man!" she protested and I chuckled. "So messy because of the busy stuff and opposite?"

"Yeah, this is it!" she munched her food and I tilted my head, waiting for her to finish her food.


"Here! I called her dongsaeng! She's younger than me!" Ahri proudly showed me the pretty doll, waving around with her curly blonde and long hair.

"Just dongsaeng? Why didn't you give her another name like...Minah or some other name?"

"I like that. She also can't do anything against herself. She's just younger than me."

I agreed quickly and looked around in her motley and cute little room. "Do you want to play something? Or what do you like to do now, huh?"

"Can we go outside and get ice cream?!" Ahri jumped up and down and I shrugged. "I don't know if your umma allows this."

Ahri stated cutely. "Umma told me she still has to buy me ice cream...couldn't you just do it for her?"

I sighed looking at her angelic little face and agreed finally. 

I took the keys with me, helped her with putting on her clothes for outside and together we went with my money to the ice cream parlor.


"Do you like your ice cream?" I asked, mine and she mockingly looked at hers. "Mine tastes better!"

"I didn't say anything!" I pouted and she started running all of a sudden. I followed her as I noticed her sprinting to the playground in the nearby. 

She sat carefully climbed on the little castle and sat down at the beginning of the chute.

"Don't fall, Ahri." I warned her and she nodded, happily eating her ice cream.

I sat down on a bench and finished my cone too. She played a bit before we decided to head home again.

"Oh cutie, look at the time! Already 4pm!" I said as I put off my scarf and jacket, plumping down on the couch afterwards.

"Can we watch TV, unnie?" Ahri sat down next to me and I nodded, however, turning on the TV screen.


"I'm home~!" Ga In's voice echoed in the big house and when she entered the living room she saw us watching TV. "Hey you two!"

"Umma!" Ahri shouted and ran to her, hugging her tightly. Ga In picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Did you have fun?"

Ahri nodded shyly. "Hmm...Unnie and I went outside and bought ice cream!"

Ga In's gaze turned to me and I gulped. Oh god...should I have NOT gone outside?!

She let her daughter down and went over to me

patting my shoulder. "Thank you, I was so busy and I promised her ice cream but I couldn't effort the time for that. Thank you for doing that."

I smiled again, exhaling deeply. "No problem! I had fun with her! Ahri is such a cutie pie." 

"Do you want to leave now?" she asked and I nodded. "Ah yeah~ I think so~"

"Okay." she smiled and put out her wallet. "$21, okay? You paid for the ice cream. So, for the first day, you are allowed to get that much."

"Ah really? Thank you~!" I bowed as she gave it to me.

"And I just wanted to ask...I'm coming home from work at noon on Tuesday and Wednesday, so~ do you want to come on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays?"

I nodded eagerly. "I'd love to!"

"Okay, so...see you on Thursday!" Ga In beamed brightly and I did so too. "See you!"

"Take care!" she called after me as I exited her house.

I saw Ahri also waving and cutely I waved back. Facing the street again I breathed in a steady motion, grinning from ear to ear, happy that I've earned money on my own.





the update~~~~~~

so yaaaay~

the next chapter will be about the math exam she talked with yuri about~


im alrdy on it, hopefully im done with it soon ^^




*fugly kreying*

im done with the story half-way i think, this wont be a long story ;DD

why did i say this?...............................................


















anywhoo~ have fun reading lol ♥

and whoever the four persons are who pressed the arrow in the foreword . . . I LOVE YOU ♥

oh and btw, mind to check out the story i was talking bout in some chps ago? (whenever that was~)


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Chapter 18: New reader!!!
Daebak story, so update soon or I'll be le silent reader! XD
Chapter 18: better at short update than no update *___*
omg can't wait
Chapter 17: gull update more .. for you , me from le silent reader now am not anymore !!
ughh at last the lead interaction ,, xD
im excited to read the next chap ~
ppali !!! it have been like 6 months you didnt updates -.-
Chapter 13: Omg, I know I'm late on this, but omg, i tried to do that Swan Heart that Kai is doing... GODDAMN IES!
_Simone_ #5
Chapter 14: oh shxt, you got me.. i thought junhyung wrote the letter O_o
_Simone_ #6
Chapter 8: intense game! but i loved it haha so young hwaiting!
Chapter 17: FREE FOOD?!
kai * gulps loudly *
hardcoreELF #8
Chapter 17: Waaaa daebak! Update soon author-nim :) HWAITING