
Is Being Pretty Everything?


|So Young's POV|

I yawned as Min, Yuri and I sauntered into school like we just slept...well, we did.

We all slept around 3 hours in this night. It wasn't funny at all for us because we had a bet: Who can stay awake the longest. First, Min around 3am...Yuri and I around 4am.

Yuri walked through the door and Min quickly hid behind her so she wouldn't have to collide with the door.

I didn't see the door closing, I was too sleepy to notice.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw this big glass door coming my way but strong hands held it open. Familiar...strong arms.

"Keep out...the door won't be soft towards girls, although they should." Luhan gave the door a funny and angry glare and I chuckled, rubbing my eyes. "Thanks, Luhan."

"No problem!...Are you that tired that you couldn't see the door coming?" He giggled and I shrugged, placing my purse in a more comfortable position. "Kind friends and I were online until late in the morning because of a bet..."

"Bet? With Yuri and Min?"

"Wow, know them?" I gaped at him with big eyes and he nodded cutely while swinging his side fringe from left to right. "Yes...why are you asking?"

I began to stutter slightly. "Because you're a kingka and we're just normal and-"

"Not all kingkas are s...yes, some are. But not all." Luhan smiled and I nodded for...nothing?

" are you...besides being sleepy?"

I tapped my chin with my pointer finger and smiled up to him. "It's are you?'s your grandpa?..."

"M-my grandpa?" He blinked a few times and my eyebrows met when I frowned. "Didn't you tell me about your grandpa? If not...oh god, I'm like forgetful! I shoul-"

"No, no! It was my grandpa but...I didn't think you'd remember what I told you about him, hehe."

Now it was my turn to blink in confusion. "N-not remember? Why should I forget it that easily? No~ I'm not that bad!"

He chuckled. "Chill...I wasn't expecting you to be so're nice."

My ears heated up and my face turned red at his compliment. "I-I am? G-gomawo..."

"Well, So Young...I have to go again! Have a nice day, okay?" Luhan waved shortly and disappeared.

I giggled. "Why is he so cute?~"


"Umma!~ I'm home!" I screamed frustrated and threw my purse on the ground, plumping down on our couch.

"You're early honey!" My mom noticed and I looked up at her as she entered the living room. "Yeah, we didn't have the last lesson...But we wrote a test in math."

"Not good?" My mother patted my head and I sighed heavilly. "Not good...Bleh, how I hate math. There's nothing in this world I despise more than math!"

"You should get a tutor like Seung Mi! It'd help!" She disappeared into the kitchen again and left me in the living room, groaning desperated as somebody entered the house. "Umma! Unnie! I'm home~" Janey brightly smiled...I could hear it from her voice and I stood up, trying not to be infected by her happiness.

"Annyeong unnie! How are you?" Janey jumped around and I stopped her by holding the back of her head. "Could you please be less annoying? Thanks."

"Yes, yes, yes...grumpy unnie." But she smiled again after the frown, "Later on, Zelo will come! Could anybody of you open the door? Would be so awesome-epicly nice of you!"

"What got into her?" I leaned over to my mom and she just shook her head slightly. "I...have no idea."

"Well, I'm in my room if somebody needs me." And with that I disappeared into my room and laid down on my bed.

I suddenly yawned and looked at my phone. "4pm...let's take a nap...!"

I popped my earphones in and listened a bit before my eyelids became heavy and almost fell close as the doorbell (as loud as it is) disturbed my plan.

Must be Zelo.

He was so sweet to Janey. I really had to say, I envied her a bit.

"Oh, of course...So Young ah!" My mother called after me and I stood up, filled with curiousity why she shouted after me.

I hopped down the stairs, arriving the door quickly. And when I stood in front of it, stammering and gaping was all I could do.

"S-So Young...can we talk?"

"Lu-Luhan?" I was surprised to see him and smiled weakly. "What brings you here?"

"Y-you said to me, I can talk to you whenever I want, didn't you?"

"Yeah, of course and-"

"Please...could you come out?"

I was taken back by the begging Luhan and nodded quickly.

I got a jacket for myself and walked out, closing the door behind me quietly.

"So, about what did you want me to talk with you?" I asked carefully and he sniffed while-


"Th-there was a mess when I came home from school."

I gulped slowly. "Was it about school and you?"

Luhan shook his head and looked down, pinching his eyes. " was about my grandpa."

My eyes widened in shock and he looked up into my my eyes. "I-is it okay for a guy to cry? Because I want to so badly."

"Wh-what happened?" I gasped loudly with a shaky voice and Luhan's eyes got teary. "M-my mom told me that my grandpa called my grandma's friend who she was visiting at the moment and said his chest is aching. My grandma knew it was going to be a heart attack, so she ran home. hell, why did she ran? She's almost 90!"

Suddenly he was silent and a tear rolled down his cheek.


"She got run over by a car..."

My heart skipped a beat. Is he serious? Well, he's crying. Damn, he's serious!

"A-and..." His voice had something guilty in it and he blinked a few times, "They told it my grandfather and he got a...a heart attack...and died too."

I was shocked.



How can the world be so cruel to a kind boy like Luhan? He lost both in, what? 20 minutes?

If this had happened to me, I'd be still crying like a baby.

I knew what he needed now.

I stepped closer and hugged him warmly. His arms were a bit shaky but quickly Luhan hugged me back.

"I' sorry for you...I wish I could rewind time for you and your grandparents..."

"I'm strong, I can handle that."

We parted from the hug and I expected to see a crying boy out of all that sobbing that came from Luhan, but there was only this one tear of him that lasted.

"I have to go now..." He bowed lightly and I wanted to say something but he smiled his painful smile again. "Thank you a thousand times for listening to my day. I'll be leaving then."

I was about to speak again but I saw his back already.

Don't stress him more. I thought sadly, almost crying too and went into my house again.

"Such a bad day for him. I hope he'll never have to experience such a day or situation again..."

Even my day's ed now.


I woke up with Super Junior's From U and stretched my body but fell back. I didn't want to move again actually.

The scenes of yesterday afternoon recurred in my mind.

How does he feel right now? I think he'll be home today...

I finally thought about standing up and walked into the bathroom.


Yuri and I headed to school alone. Min was sick and we thought Joon would bring us again, but well...her brother has a life too, so we were kind of late when we arrived at school.

Almost all of the students were inside except the cool kids. You know, Exo, GG and SHINee.

I walked past them quickly and ran upstairs, since I had science and it was in the second story.

I opened the door of the next corridor but stopped, looking around the corner.

Somebody stood against the wall, nobody else was there.

I closed the door and walked towards him.


He glanced up and rubbed his nose with his sleeve. "Oh...h-hey, SovYoung. I-I though I was alone."

"Why are you in school? Why aren't you home? I thought...after a death is everybody allowed to stay home?" I blinked and took some steps forward and he shrugged hurt. "My parents's going to be okay...And...I learned to make a period after that. You's a big essay...sometimes you have to make a period at the end of the sentence to start a new one."

Chills ran down my spine. "Y-you can't just say it like this...m-maybe your sentence isn't over yet."

Luhan sighed loudly. "Yes maybe...but maybe I just have a short sentence between long ones...Everybody has to accept things, even if you don't like the choice. My grandpa taught me this." There was a happy sparkle in his eyes. Not for long, but it was attendant and it made me happy. "You really loved your grandpa, right?"

"I still do...he was always like my second father. He sometimes cared more about me than my dad..." He smiled to himself and I rubbed his arm. "It's great to hear you two understood each other but..."

"You should go to your lesson. It's okay. I don't want you to be late because of me."

I nodded. "Tell me when your new sentence begins. I'll be gone now!"

I walked away and waved shortly.



i thought i couldn't finish it today~ (gonna fly to turkey for vacation tmr, 10 days :D)

hope you liked the update .. urgh, so short and useless again ;DD if there're mistakes .. mianhae~ wrote it hurriedly ;DD

lemme give you a little hint...just for MAYBE (no promise, okay) giving you a double update next week ^^ (lol, i rly dun think so :DD)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~² U CURIOUS?

i hope so .. comment and subscribe :D ♥

I LOVE YOU, READER AND SUBBIES [[comment silent readers .. i feel like talkin to myself ._______.V]]

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Chapter 18: New reader!!!
Daebak story, so update soon or I'll be le silent reader! XD
Chapter 18: better at short update than no update *___*
omg can't wait
Chapter 17: gull update more .. for you , me from le silent reader now am not anymore !!
ughh at last the lead interaction ,, xD
im excited to read the next chap ~
ppali !!! it have been like 6 months you didnt updates -.-
Chapter 13: Omg, I know I'm late on this, but omg, i tried to do that Swan Heart that Kai is doing... GODDAMN IES!
_Simone_ #5
Chapter 14: oh shxt, you got me.. i thought junhyung wrote the letter O_o
_Simone_ #6
Chapter 8: intense game! but i loved it haha so young hwaiting!
Chapter 17: FREE FOOD?!
kai * gulps loudly *
hardcoreELF #8
Chapter 17: Waaaa daebak! Update soon author-nim :) HWAITING