Chapter 2

Isle of Love

Chapter 2


Jiyong P.O.V


I woke up feeling sore all over my body and my head hurts like hell. My legs and back feels like they suffered from a massive training in a week.


I open my eyes just to be greeted by unfamiliar place.


Where am I? This isn’t the ship and no, this isn’t my room either.


Oh you’re awake already! I heard a girl’s voice.


I got up from the bed and sit up.


Hmmm yeah... Where am I by the way?


You? Where? Oh … you’re here in Heaven!!! She said smiling to me like an angel.


Heaven? What? wait are you an Angel?


Huh?? wa…wait!!  Heaven? Im dead... As in I’m in heaven?


Oh no! this isn’t happening.. this is just a dream.. I know it.. right? KWON JIYONG wake up now….


NO! NO! NO! this can’t be happening . this can’t be true.. I’m KWON JIYONG for god sake, I still have a career and I still have to release all my song that I’ve written and no, BIGBANG won’t be complete without me…


OH GOD!!! No please,,,, Let me live again!!!!!! I screamed……


Dara P.O.V


After I finished making a porridge for my visitor. I hurriedly check the room where he is now sleeping. When I entered the room I saw that he is already awake.


Oh you’re awake already! I said to him.


Hmmm yeah... Where am I by the way? He asked me..



You? Where? Oh … you’re here in My Heaven!!! I said to him smiling.


Heaven? What? wait are you an Angel? He asked me I can confusion on his face..


I was about to ask him If he wants to eat, when he started ranting about him dead……great…. Kwon jiyong… bigbang….. or something like that…

He’s so funny… I thought…. It’s been to long since I saw and had a talk with any other people.


OH GOD!!! No please,,,, Let me live again!!!!!! He screamed making my eardrums hurt.


YAH!!! What are you saying?? NO one’s dead… Why are you dead? I mean I can see you and hear you clearly… AISH for a man you are so noisy!!! I scolded him…


Eh!!! But… but… you said I’m in HEAVEN already….


Well duh.. I do say you’re in MY HEAVEN, which means MY HOME… mister…


So I’m not dead? He asked me?


No you’re not…


Aish… It’s your fault… saying something that I’m in HEAVEN... he said pointing at me…


YAH!!! Just be grateful I saved you….


Saved? What happen to me by the way?



I saw you near by the seashore this morning. And gawd you are so heavy with that thin body of yours, I have to drag you here all by myself…


HUH!! Drag? You drag me? Poor me.. That’s explain my aching body.. He said


Oh oh… sorry about that but I don’t have any choice… You might get sick if I just let you sleep there.


Oh by the way… are you hungry? I cooked something for you….


Do you want me to bring it here or you want to come with me to the kitchen?


I’ll come with you….



Authors P.O.V



Sit there I’ll prepare it for you… She said to the boy..


Hmmm.. ok tnx…


Jiyong was now on the table when dara came along with a tray.  He almost pukes when he saw the food that was being served.


YAH! wh…wha… what kind of food is that? Are you a witch or something? He said while pointing at the food.


That’s a porridge mister, don’t you know that and I’m not a witch…She retort back..


Porridge..? Last time I check porridge is supposed to be white not black, an… and… what is that thing that floating there….? He asked nervously..


Oh it’s a Herb plant, And this is a lizard tail… Its good for your body… she said proudly..


Now.. eat…. So that you will have you’re strength back…


No thanks! I might get sick for real if I eat that…


YAH!!! You ungrateful bastard,,, Don’t you know the trouble I’ve went to just to get you that.


I don’t care!!! Its not I ask for it anyway…


You…..!!!!! Sandara was now fuming with anger, nobody has done this kind of thing to her since she came to this island. “FINE!!! Suit yourself then!!! She said stomping out of the room.


Jiyong P.O.V


Aigoo!! I think I step on the line this time.


Well you can’t blame me… I mean just look at what she is trying to feed me…Aish… just looking at it is giving me a Goosebumps…


But I know… That is really awful of me… I should apologize to her.


Aigoo… I’m hungry… what will I eat then…?


I look at the so called porridge and gulp… I… I’ll taste it.. Maybe it will take my hunger just a little.


I took the spoon and braced myself. Ok on the count of three.. 1….2……3……














EH!!! What is this??? Despite its weird color… It tastes so good… I think I can have some of this…


After a while..


Aaaaaaaaaaaaah,,,,, That was great…. I didn’t think I was so hungry that I almost finished half of the casserole. Aigoo… I fell so guilty.. I should apologize to her….




Boring chapter... I'll make it up to you... just so busy right now...


Thank you for reading... :)





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napeunyeoja #1
@VictoryUra mianhe ^^ I'll fix the format this weekend. Thank u for reading ^^
Chapter 4: er i just read this now, i like this story, but can u edited the dialog one? I meant.. u should add this > ''
coz its hard for me to read which one the dialogue without that mark.
napeunyeoja #3
Chapter 24: Aigoo!!please bare with me. I think the format is so messy for chapter 24.. I'm only using my BB to update.. ^^
waaaaa the teaser make me curious,,
update soon ^^
Update soon please. I love your story!
update soon for ririn moments pleaseeeeee :)
Hope you'll update soon! :D
hillarysarang #8
bom was gettong irritating but then i realized she is dara's unnie so i understand it,, my unnie goes crazy if she see me going out with guy friends.. :)))
zeth06 #9
yay,finally freedom for jiyong from the bominator..hahaha.. I want cheesy scenes! Hoho
zeth06 #10
lol at the cat and rat.. And poor jiyong. .tsk tsk