The Fifth Scar

✖ T H E B E A U T I F U L S C A R ✖




“The true beauty of a woman is her inherent ability 

To make better a man in every way." 





I merely stood stiffly, like a plank of wood next to Jaejoong.


He seemed comfortable in wrapping an arm around my waist, and holding my body to his taller, toned frame. With every touch he made, I bristled, and Jaejoong’s smirk seemed to grow in size. “Not close enough, sweetheart?” He ran his fingers over my cheek again, and placed his face right next to mine, like he was kissing my cheek. The director seemed to be overly excited about this, and started frantically pointing and screaming at the cameraman to take photos. I was as taut as ever, hoping that Jaejoong wouldn’t do anything, and wondering how I, such an ugly girl, had instantly become a model under this jerk’s orders.


“_______-ah, loosen up! Relax!”

I gave a smile, which turned out more like a grimace, and the director sighed.

“May I please have Jonghyun with me, too?”


Jaejoong tensed up a little as I said Jonghyun’s name, but I could have imagined it, because it was gone the moment I felt it. The director looked warily at me after my request, but luckily, decided to oblige to it. Jonghyun came running out, and I stepped over to him, while he wrapped his arms around my neck and put his head on my shoulder. This pose was familiar, something we’d done naturally, and as soon as I was holding Jonghyun’s hand again my heart stopped feeling nervous. “Good, good! You’re a natural-perfect, just move to the side a bit, you guys look great together-Jaejoong, you mind getting out of the photoshoot?”

We moved to the side, Jonghyun deciding to sit on the floor, and me on his lap. “Great pose, but can you smile a bit more?”

We started to smile automatically, but it was only when Jonghyun told me a joke that I started to genuinely laugh. “So, _____, what kind of candy do you eat when you’re about to die?”

“I don’t know. What?”

“Lifesavers,” he whipered, and we both started chuckling. The camera fired after that, and I couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Jaejoong. He looked shocked, like he’d never been asked to get away from the screen during a shoot. I smiled once I saw Jonghyun grin at Jaejoong, and we continued to pose, snapping shots together. Jaejoong looked onwards from the sidelines, and as our photoshoot wrapped up, I stuck my tongue out at him. He looked away, lost in thought, and I felt satisfied, as I had finally gotten what little revenge I could possible muster on him. As the crowd began to disperse, Jonghyun gave one last glance at him, and turned over to me. 

“Don’t get too close to him. I don’t like him, okay, _____?”

“Don’t worry, Jjong. I’ll definitely take that advice.” I smiled at him, and he left to go wash off his face. The director motioned for Jaejoong’s turn, and I took one last look at the cameras before decided to head over to the dressing rooms. All of my plans were changed, though, once I felt some strong arms suddenly pick me up from the ground. 



I looked up to the face of Jaejoong, and he gave me his trademark smirk. “Better hold on tight, sweetheart, we don’t want to hurt your ugly face any more.”


“YOU !” I screamed, but Jaejoong was already standing at the screen again. This time, the cameras went faster than I had ever seen them, and the director was once again furiously shouting orders. If it was possible, he was yelling even louder than he was earlier, and there was this mad look to his eye, like he’d finally gotten the photo he was looking for.  “Oh, ______, if you could have shown this charisma earlier, I would have hired you as a model on the spot!” Jaejoong whispered in my ear.


“WHAT CHARISMA?” I snapped back into his.


He just smiled serenely, and I felt his grip on me drop a bit. Scared, I quickly grabbed on to his shoulders, and looked down at the ground worriedly. Jaejoong scoffed. “If that was all it took for you to hold on to me, I should have just dropped you at the start.”


“Please no!” I squeaked.



Jaejoong grinned, and before I knew it, he’d lowered his face to mine and was kissing me.


♩ ♪ ♫ ♬



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BlueSolified #1
Chapter 1: I agree on most of what you said but imagine of Junho and Changmin decided to not continue as singers. The same exact thing happened to HOT except the two members that stayed did continues as a duo and how HOT hasn't come back since. At least JYJ has something to MAYBE come back to. And I'm not a Stan or anything even though Minnie is my ultimate bias. I love all the boys and I'm looking forward to your story~
Chapter 59: Ha Jae is right but I don't think that it is right of Yunho to slap her because of his anger. She's still a girl & I think it's more reasonable if Yunho have just screamed at her rather than hurting her physically. will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen to all of the characters especially on whether her decision is right. update soon :)
Chapter 58: She choose Jonghyun but I was hoping she'll choose Jaejoong. This is getting sad :( will continue reading :)
Chapter 47: So Jonghyun & Jaejoong were brothers? Jaejoong wanted to get revenge to Jonghyun but he didn't expect that the one he will use will be the one he love. this story is getting drama but that makes me more interested with this story so will continue reading :)
Chapter 29: curious on what Yunho meant that everything that Jaejoong done was a lie. will continue reading :)
Chapter 23: That was sweet of Jaejoong to comfort or help her to sleep peacefully after watching that horror movie! I find him cute on how he become jealous of Junsu with her ;) hoping she'll like him also. will continue reading :)
Chapter 19: She's so kind to save him. And Junsu even told her that it was Jaejoong who saved her from the accident. will continue reading :)
Chapter 18: finally Junsu told her who Jaejoong is that she kinda forgets! that makes me more curious & to continue reading this story of yours! will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: so it was an accident that happened that cause her that scar! I was really surprised to know that Jaejoong saved her during that accident & Jaejoong was in love with her. really wanted him to show his love for her rather than making her hate him. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: I already guess that it was Jaejoong who will be sitting beside her & who was late that they are waiting. Curious on what will her reaction after knowing the seating plans will be the same with the room plans. will continue reading :)