The Thirty-Second Scar

✖ T H E B E A U T I F U L S C A R ✖




“Oh baby tell me why you act so strange,

But tonight, I don't want you to damn explain,






Jonghyun’s head turned, facing Jaejoong’s in shock.


“Think about it. You’re going to be healed. And you’ll be able to get whatever that you’ve missed out on for years. For all those years that you’ve wished you could rid yourself of S.A, you can finally do that. You can even get the girl you like. You don’t have to hold back anymore, and only look at her-you can finally hug her. Hold her. And tell her that you’ve always been in love with her.


After all that waiting, you can finally have her.”


Jaejoong parked the car swiftly at the curb, right outside of Jonghyun’s apartment. Jonghyun looked disgruntled, but he instantly regained his composure and smirked as he heard Jaejoong’s words. Though they were serious, he’d pretended to take them light-heartedly.


“What makes you think I’m in love with anyone? Do you think I’m like you, taking the closest, best-looking girl and then making a move on her?’


“No. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have wishful thoughts towards someone.”


“Like who?”




Jonghyun scoffed, and looked away. “She’s just my best friend-”


“That you’ve been in love with forever. So if you want to show her that you’re strong enough to take care of her, then you should come to America with me. And I’m not trying to make your life a living hell or anything, because it already is-I’m trying to help you.”


“Why should you? It’s not like we’re close friends. And weren’t you in love with ______, too? Didn’t you have feelings for her?”


Jaejoong sat silently, at a loss for words. 


“You ing , are you just using her? Are you that heartless? _________ has already gone through so much, and now you’re using her feelings towards you? For what reason are you doing this? I thought that you liked her, so I was going to give her up to you. I was going to have you protect her. But you repay me like this? You can’t even be genuine towards her? Listen, _________ is not that type of girl. She’s strong on the outside, but she’s also sensitive on the inside, and doing this will only hurt her. She’ll never forget this, if you’re just playing around. You should stop this-”


Jaejoong smiled bitterly at Jonghyun.


“What right do I have to love her?”


♩ ♪ ♫ ♬


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BlueSolified #1
Chapter 1: I agree on most of what you said but imagine of Junho and Changmin decided to not continue as singers. The same exact thing happened to HOT except the two members that stayed did continues as a duo and how HOT hasn't come back since. At least JYJ has something to MAYBE come back to. And I'm not a Stan or anything even though Minnie is my ultimate bias. I love all the boys and I'm looking forward to your story~
Chapter 59: Ha Jae is right but I don't think that it is right of Yunho to slap her because of his anger. She's still a girl & I think it's more reasonable if Yunho have just screamed at her rather than hurting her physically. will surely wait for your next update to know what will happen to all of the characters especially on whether her decision is right. update soon :)
Chapter 58: She choose Jonghyun but I was hoping she'll choose Jaejoong. This is getting sad :( will continue reading :)
Chapter 47: So Jonghyun & Jaejoong were brothers? Jaejoong wanted to get revenge to Jonghyun but he didn't expect that the one he will use will be the one he love. this story is getting drama but that makes me more interested with this story so will continue reading :)
Chapter 29: curious on what Yunho meant that everything that Jaejoong done was a lie. will continue reading :)
Chapter 23: That was sweet of Jaejoong to comfort or help her to sleep peacefully after watching that horror movie! I find him cute on how he become jealous of Junsu with her ;) hoping she'll like him also. will continue reading :)
Chapter 19: She's so kind to save him. And Junsu even told her that it was Jaejoong who saved her from the accident. will continue reading :)
Chapter 18: finally Junsu told her who Jaejoong is that she kinda forgets! that makes me more curious & to continue reading this story of yours! will continue reading :)
Chapter 12: so it was an accident that happened that cause her that scar! I was really surprised to know that Jaejoong saved her during that accident & Jaejoong was in love with her. really wanted him to show his love for her rather than making her hate him. will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: I already guess that it was Jaejoong who will be sitting beside her & who was late that they are waiting. Curious on what will her reaction after knowing the seating plans will be the same with the room plans. will continue reading :)