
I can't read your mind

Kyungsoo finished his dinner quickly and returned to you, talking and listening to you until three hours later when the visiting hours were up. He didn't go home straight away but went to your house to pick up some clothings and things he thought you might need.


In the morning, he drove back to the hospital, hoping that he didn't forget to bring anything. You weren't in your ward, doing a final cross examination with Dr Wu and after that, the operation to remove the chip. He waited patiently, hanging around in the lounge until the stipulated time that you'll be back.

When he saw you again, it was afternoon and you were still unconscious, recovering from the effects of the anesthesia. He held your cool hands lightly in his, rubbing it gently from time to time to keep you warm.

When your eyes flickered open, they registered him with a tenderness that made him want to kiss you over and over again, hoping to soothe whatever discomfort away. But he wasn't sure whether that's a good idea, so he kissed your hand instead.

And then that familiar droning surfaced.



He can hear your mind now. Something indescribable sparked in him and he held your hand even tighter.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

Hmm... Tired.

"I'm ok."

He had to laugh at this outright denial.

"What?" You hadn't understood the implications of your lost ability just yet. Gazing into his clear black eyes, you were grateful he was just there, for you.


"Nothing." He mustered after a second.

Then you remembered it must be lunch time and was about to ask when he replied.

"I've eaten lunch, so don't worry."

It hit you just then.


He could hear your thoughts.


Somehow that made you a little nervous than usual. Without speaking, you mind spoke to him.

You can hear what I'm thinking right?

He chuckled a little before nodding. "Yes."

"So this is how it feels like... I feel so... ."

And vulnerable.

"I won't hurt you." He responded quickly.

You told yourself you had to get use to this quickly else...

You stopped.


"It's strange you know... for the past few days I've been wanting to know what you are thinking, and now that I can... it's just... strange." Kyungsoo your head absentmindedly.

"Well, for once, I thought this ability can actually be put into very good use. You can be the mouthpiece for people who can't talk."

"I guess... " He shrugged.

A glass of water please. You thought out loud.

"You can talk, you know." He smiled leniently.

I know. Just indulge me for a bit. Water.

Kyungsoo relented with a laugh and poured a glass for you.

This is quite fun actually. You sniggered.

"You better enjoy it while it lasts, my test period is only for the next 2 days." Kyungsoo held the glass as you took a sip.


"Two days... what are you going to do?"

"The usual, I guess. But for the moment..." He helped you removed the glass when you were done, then directed his attention back to you. "I'm just going to be here with you."

You smiled.

"Didn't you remember what you had set out to do?" You asked him.

"No, how about you?"

Chanyeol's brother.

Before you could stop yourself, that dreaded thought came out and Kyungsoo's confounded gaze met yours.

"W-what is it about?"

There's no escaping this time.

"Dr Kim told me... I volunteered for this because I wanted to find out an answer... and I mentioned Chanyeol's brother as the link to my answer."


If he was upset, he didn't showed it.

"I'm not sure where this is going... but, I think I've gotta find out."

His expression was unreadable and you got anxious.



"I'll find out together with you." He smiled finally and planted a kiss on your hand.


This was the first time Kyungsoo regretted he can mind read.

Unlike the others, hearing the truth from someone he loves is more hurting than with someone he doesn't.


He wondered whether your purpose in participating is actually for a person that's more important than him.


And for once, he doesn't want to know the answer.


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