Oppas Babysitting

DAEHYUN!! OUR BABIES!! (Sequel to DAEHYUN! You Mask Freak!)

The next day, Daehyun had to go to work and you had to go back to college. You looked at Jonghyun then at Daehyun. "Call hyungs to take care of him." you thought about it for a moment, until you looked at Jonghyun. His eyes were opened and he was making weird faces. In a minute, you called Youngjae Oppa, but no one answered. "Oppas, I'm coming over. You guys will be taking care of Jonghyun, while me and Daehyun are gone."

Daehyun went to get the baby stuff ready, while you were putting Jonghyun in the carrier. "Ready?" Daehyun called, waiting with Jonghyun by the door. You went to get ready for school, you came downstairs and nodded. Daehyun grabbed the carrier and brought it to the car, while you grabbed Jonghyun's stuff and went to the car.

-at B.A.P's house-

"YOUNGJAE! YOU'RE PHONE!" Yongguk shouted and covered his ears, with his pillow. Youngjae was fast asleep with his earbuds in his ears, so he didn't hear anything. "Aish, that brain of his," Yongguk got up and went to Youngjae's room, where he started hitting him with pillows.

Youngjae woke up and looked at Yongguk. "What! You ruined my sleep, where I had a perfect dream with SNSD noonas," he said and went back to sleep covering himself with his pillow. Yongguk just looked at Youngjae with his killer glare, and scrunched his nose. 

"Well, next time don't listen to music while sleeping," Yongguk said walking out of Youngjae's room and to his room, where he laid down on his bed. 

-30 minutes later- 


Yongguk sat straight up and groaned. He sleepily walked to the door and opened it to see you, Daehyun, and the baby. "Why'd you guys wake me up at 7?" Yongguk raised an eyebrow and you looked at him blinking. "I call Youngjae oppa and I left a voicemail." you walked right past him and so did Daehyun. 

You set the baby stuff down and so did Daehyun. You grabbed Jonghyun from the carrier and kissed his forehead. "Take care of Jonghyun," you told Yongguk and gave Jonghyun to him. Yongguk had a straight face on, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"B-B-babysitting." "OOOOO..baby!" Zelo shouted and ran down the stairs to Jonghyun. Jongup followed after and stood besides Yongguk. "Jonghyun-ah," Zelo played with his hands and he smiled, making baby noises. "Well, we're gonna be going," you and Daehyun said and Zelo looked at you two. 

"Aren't you two taking Jonghyun?" 

"Ani, you guys are babysitting for the day," you said and walked out with Daehyun. Zelo blinked and then looked at Jonghyun. "What just happened?" Then Youngjae comes walking down the stairs, scratching his head. "Why do I sense something bad?" His eyes widened when he saw Yongguk with Jonghyun in his arms. 

- a moment later- 

Jonghyun started crying like crazy. "AHHH. I'm going crazy, why is he crying?" Youngjae said, trying to do whatever he can to make him stop crying. Himchan comes in covering his ears. "WHY IS HE CRYING?" Everyone shook their heads, while Zelo was on the ground rolling, his ears were going to pop any time soon.

"Ah, did you try to feed Jonghyun? He must be hungry." Jongup ran to the bag and made the baby bottle, but he had powder all over him. He then gave the bottle to Youngjae. "Here." Youngjae looked at Jongup weird and shook his head. Youngjae then slipped the bottle into Jonghyun's mouth, where he slowly quieted down and drank the milk.

"Finally peace," Yongguk said and sat on the ground. "Hyung, you didn't even do anything," Jongup said and just looked at Jonghyun. "You know from the look of it, Jonghyun kind of looks like Joyeon from the side," Jongup said and Youngjae looked at him. "Dude, because he is Joyeon's kid." 

"Whatever. Changing subject, I will punish Joyeon and Daehyun for what they've done for my Tuesday," Yongguk said and raised his fist. Jonghyun just looked at everyone in amusement. Then he slowly fell asleep. 

"Whew. Thank goodness this baby falls asleep fast," Himchan said wiping his fake sweat. Youngjae smiled and then decided to put Jonghyun in the carrier. "night night,, baby." Youngjae then smiled and looked everyone. "Whew. Well, I gotta get ready for school, have fun." Youngjae left to his room to get ready for school. 

"Wha-what!" Zelo and YOngguk said and Jongup, Himchan stood up. "We have to get ready to go to work, so have fun." They both rushed to their rooms to get ready. Yongguk looked at Zelo and he just walked away whistling. "I should get ready for summer school," Zelo said walking away, not wanting to take care of Jonghyun. Yongguk looked at the maknae with a straight face and held the back of his collar. "You're not going anywhere. I already signed you out of summer school anyways." 


"BYE HYUNG & MAKNAE!!!" Jongup, Himchan, and Youngjae shouted, before walking out of the door. "Have fun," Youngjae said making fun of them. "Better leave before I come and make you, which I know you don't like," Yongguk threatened. They both gulped and quickly closed the door. 

"Aishhh..." Yongguk messed up his hair and looked at the baby carrier. "Hyung, we should be happy that he is asleep," Zelo said and Yongguk nodded. He went to sit on the coach and laid his head back, "Gonna take a nap." Zelo just walked up to his room and closed the door behind them. 

-3 hours later- 

Jonghyun squirmed in his sleep and then started crying. Yongguk, who was sleeping peacefully, his head shot straight up. "Who dares to wake me up?" He looked around and then saw Jonghyun's hands moving around in the carrier. *OH MY GOSH.* 

Yongguk walked over to Jonghyun and went down to his knees. He didn't know what to do with this baby. "How am I supposed to do this?" Yongguk reached his hands out and put Jonghyun in his hands. He looked at the baby in front of him, Jonghyun just blinked and looked at Yongguk. He started smiling and giggling. 

"HYYUUUNNGG!!! I heard a baby cry," Zelo came running down the stairs and looked at his hyung with a tilted head. He blinked and looked at Yongguk. "HYUNNGG! That's not how you're supposed to be holding a baby." Zelo came and grabbed Jonghyun from him. 

"This is how." Zelo held the baby the correct way. Yongguk just blinked at the maknae and rolled his eyes. He went to sit down on the coach and laid his head back. "Aigoo..Jonghyun...don't mind uncle Yongguk. He doesn't know how to handle kids, I don't think he likes kids," Zelo said and carried Jonghyun away from the livingroom and to his room. 

-in zelo's room- 

"Welcome to my room!" Zelo said opening the door to let Jonghyun look around. His room was well organize, a little messy, but okay for a high school. "You see over there is my mic and my music that I write, one day. I will teach you how to make music and rap." Jonghyun reached his hands out to the mic and Zelo chuckled. He made his way to his 'little studio.' 

Zelo gave the mic to Jonghyun, who was looking at it, like it was an alien. "Don't worry. You'll be able to use it, in the future. You'll be the best rapper in the family." 

Yongguk, who was downstairs just looked up at the ceiling. *Hmmm...I'm bored.* 


You were in school, eating lunch with nana and her boyfriend. You looked at your phone, worrying about Jonghyun. Your phone had a picture of Daehyun and JOnghyun sleeping together. *I wonder how the oppas are handling right now* you thought and sighed. 

Nana looked at you and then at your plate of food. "Hey, Joyeon. You should eat, don't worry about your baby. They're probably handling the baby well," Nana said and you nodded. You looked at your phone and set it aside, where you started eating. 

When you finished eating, you decided to call Yongguk Oppa. "Yobeseyo," you heard his husky voice. "How's Jonghyun?" "Pretty well actually, since Zelo's connecting with him," he said and you nodded. "That's good then. If there's any problem, call me or Daehyun. I'll put it on vibrate," you told him. "Aniya. This will be uncle and nephew connecting time. We'll handle it and just focus on school." 

You sighed and smiled a little. "Araso, oppa." "Well, you shouldn't be the one worrying. We should be the one, since you have him to us," he joked a little, which made you chuckle. "Araso. I'll be going." "neh." you hung up and held your phone tight. 


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how's the babysitting so far? It will be getting more interesting later on. 


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Demilee_16 #1
Chapter 30: That was such a great way to end a story!
Chapter 29: HahA BABY MAMAS
Chapter 2: HAHAAHA ROFLAB At this on dae's proposal:
"Yoo Joyeon, the girl who came in my life, by kicking my shin and making me fall down. I got a big bruise from that and I still remember it clearly."
OMG XDDDD Y U NEED TO SAY THAT? *dies of laughter*
Been re-reading both fics. This is just really addicting!
Chapter 11: Omgg the story just killed me ahhh, great job Author Nim<3
^^ very good
Chapter 3: these cuties XD oh my goodness too cute
Chapter 29: Aww.. I love the sequel as well can you do another fanfic where Yongguk gets his girl?? Niways you're a genius!! ^-^
Chapter 29: thank you for the awesome story, author-nim! ^^