
Our Love Restarts [Sequel to My First short Love Story]

Three months has passed and tomorrow you'll be in the plane flying to Seoul. The apartment is ready and prepared for you to move in. Your parents hired a designer and a renovation crew to renovate the apartment to suit your liking and preferences and now its ready.

That night while packing with the help of your parents, you decided to ask them the one and only thing that has been bothering you. "Ummm..the teddy and letter that I received, they're not from just a normal, close friend right? They're from my *pause* boyfriend. Isn't it?"

Your parents looked at each other and your mum looked at you, smiled and said "Yes, honey. They're from your boyfriend. In fact he came everyday while you're uncoscious in the hospital. And I think he's part of your speedy recovery. He has many helpful acquaintences and he seek their help to pray for you. When I was clearing your things, he helped me out. He took everything that belongs to you that could remind you of him. He heard you when you said you wanted to start anew. And he thought if he can't be by your side to help you, he'll help you erase the memories of you and him."

You felt your chest, or rather, your heart aching so much till you have goosebumps all over your body. Without any control, tears spilled and rolled down you cheeks. You were sitting on the teddy's lap and your mum approached you to hug you.

"I don't know how or why, but he's the one I miss most," you said while choking on your tears. "But I'm not going back on my words. I still wanna restart my life and I believe in fate. If I'm born to meet him and be with him previously, then I will be able to be in the same situation again," you added. Your mum just hold you close and comforted you.

All the while you talked, Myungsoo was on the line. He was happy that you could actually feel him somehow somewhere in the depths of your heart. Your dad purposely called him and let him listened.


Myungsoo realised that this pain probably hurt you more than it hurts him because you can't recall anything and don't remember how he looks like.


That night, after packing, you sat in the living room with your parents and watched a korean channel and Infinite appears. You were drawn by their dance and their voices that brought the song alive. It was their song Before The Dawn. After the dance, they were interviewed. You listened attentively to their names and looked at their faces carefully.

"Annyeong haseyo. Nan Infinte visual, Kim Myungsoo imnida."

That name. That face. That voice. Everything about that person tugs at your heartstrings. And you felt like he was familiar.

"Aigoo. My daughter is attracted to the handsome one!" Your mum noticed you smiling to yourself and decided to tease you.

"Haha! Uh-oh! I'm caught red handed! I won't lie. He is good looking but I am way out of his league!" You laughed. "Tell me mummy. Do I know Infinite last time?"

"Yes, you do. And that Myungsoo guy was your ultimate favourite among the 7. Seems like you're still the same person after all!" Your mum laughed as she said that. Your dad joined in. Without you knowing, your mum left out the part that you were actually his previously.

You let a bitter laugh slipped. You felt something different everytime the camera zooms into Myungsoo and he stares directly into the camera lens. You felt like you're connected to him somehow. So you ask again "I know what I'm gonna ask is going to sound absolutely ridiculous. But, do I know this Myungsoo? Do we share some kind of a special relationship?"

Without hesitation, your mum replied "Haha! No, darling. The both of you do not know each other although I wish you both do."

Your mum's POV

I had to lie because Myungsoo really wants ____ to start her life anew; just like how she wanted. Plus, he knows what he's doing. He has his own plans. I must trust him and give him a chance

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MyungsooWifey99 #1
Chapter 18: yayy happy ending! such a cute fanfic author-nim i love it! thanks youuu xD
Danieea #2
Chapter 18: It was good author-nim^^ keep up the good work^^
nicole1208 #3
Chapter 18: Damn! :3 its a very nice FF that it only took me one day to finish this and the prev one.. xD ILY author-nim..ur daebak! :D keep up the good work! :D
OMG! SO GOOD!!!! love this story. read it all in a few hours!
keep up the good work >_<
DAEBAK! haha, you made me fell totally emotional throughout the whole story and make me fell totally in love with sweet myungmyung oppa <3 I'm sure all your other fanfics are very good as well :))
I'm not done yet ~ ! But you want me to cry before i go to sleep ? *sobs*
@MongZong :) Thank you so much!!!! I hope you enjoyed it :3
omgosh!!! what a awesome story!!! I'm in love with this fanfic!! I wanted to cry but I finish this in one sad yet a good happy ending!!