A letter

Our Love Restarts [Sequel to My First short Love Story]

When Myungsoo stormed off after he heard everything you said, Infinite trailed behind him. He told his parents to stay because it’ll be rude for all of you to leave.

Myungsoo’s POV

Maybe what she said is right. Maybe that’s why I saw her ‘ghost’ the other day because she’s really leaving me behind.

Author's POV

“Yah Myungsoo! What happened?” Sunggyu asked. Myungsoo explained everything he heard calmly although it hurts him to recall everything you said. he felt insignificant.

“What are you gonna do now then?” Hoya asked.

“Yeah. you loved her so much. In fact, I know you still do,” Sungyeol pointed out.

“Yes, I still love her. I don’t need you guys to point out the obvious, alright? *sigh* I’ll return back to Seoul with you guys and let her parents look after her. But I’ll call them everyday to find out how she’s doing. Then, I’ll record a video, to update to Inspirits about her condition on our Youtube channel,” Myungsoo said. “I mean, it would be good if she gets more prayers every second;” Myungsoo added. s patted him on his back, touched by his thoughts and actions.

2 days later, Infinite are back in Seoul. The same goes for Myungsoo’s parents. Apparently, Myungsoo’s parents managed to see you and you were shocked because they’re foreigners. You wonder how you met their son but you realize that if you ponder on that, there’s no point in starting a whole new life.


You’re allowed to go home already since you have no fractured limbs.

“You can go to school starting next week, ____,” your mum said as you both walked towards your room. Your room is spacious. There’s a king-size bed, a walk-in wardrobe and a human size teddy. You walked towards it and touched its face. And you noticed your name on its foot.

“This teddy is so adorable! Who bought it?” you asked your mum.

“One of your closest friends that didn’t get to visit you because he stays overseas,” your mum said. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you want anything.” With that, she left you alone closing your bedroom behind her.

You saw a purple envelope sitting on its lap. Since the bear’s lap is large enough for you to sit, you sat on it while opening the letter to read it. Once you sat on it, you felt like you’ve been through this scene before but you shook the thought away.

The letter says:

Hello ____. I heard you’re alright now and you’re home. Duh, if not you won’t be reading this letter. Hehe. Anyway, I was one of your closest friends but I don’t wish to reveal my name because I believe in fate (do you still believe in fate?) and I’m sure we’ll be able to meet again one day and start over. Just to let you know, that I miss you so much. A lot.

Take care of yourself always.

Yours sincerely,
Your Guardian Angel

You felt lightweight after reading the letter. Somehow you yearn to meet this person. It seems like you had an amazing relationship with this person seeing how much he missed you. And you don’t even know if it’s a he or she. So you went to the kitchen and asked your mum the gender of the person. You mum told you it’s a ‘he’. You wanted to know more, like if he was your boyfriend or what, but you didn’t dare to know the answer.


During dinner with your parents, you decided to tell your parents about your future plans.

“Mummy, Dad, I have a request to make. It’s a big one so I can totally understand if you both reject it,” you said politely.

“What is it, ___ ? Just say it then we can consider it,” your mum said touching your hand.

“I’m thinking of studying abroad. And living alone. I did my research just now and I think I want to go New Zealand,” you said.

Your parents stop eating, looked at each other then look at you. Your father speaks first “You can study abroad and live on your own, honey. But, please make it in the Asia region. Is that okay?”

You didn’t reply straight away. That’s a good bargain. You didn’t take long to agree. “Okay. Seoul it is then! I mean, the country is cold like New Zealand so, I’ll survive. Singapore is like a huge oven and I’m perspiring even if I’m doing nothing. I can’t survive in this heat,” you laughed.

“Sure, Seoul it is then. We’ll look for you an apartment and a school and then you can go there and start your desired life, alright?”

“Wheeeeee!! Okay! Gomawo, omma! Appa!” your face fell. What language was that, that you just said? “What did I just say?” you asked your parents.

Your mum laughed before answering, “You just said ‘Thank you Mummy & Dad!’ in Korean.”

“Korean? How did I know Korean? When did I learn that?” You asked curiosity arouse.

“You used to listen Korean pop songs, watch Korean variety shows and watch Korean dramas. That’s how picked up their language,” your dad interrupted.

“Ahhh..okay. Hehe! Go-ma-wo!” you emphasized on the Korean word.

“Deh deh, chunmanaeyo,” your parents said, chuckling. They’re adorable, you thought and smiled.


After dinner, your parents and you visited a lot of websites to look for an apartment for you that’s close to a school, library, supermarket and mall. It took the three of you four hours before finding the perfect one. Your dad did not waste any time and gave a call to the person in charge. He said you could live there in 3 months. That’s long, you thought but it’s okay because the school you’re going to enroll in won’t start in three months also so, you’ll have time.

“So, what are you going to do in your spare time? School?” your dad asked.

“Nahh. I think I wanna take on a job. I’ll look for one tomorrow,” you answered him.


So, you got to work at THE FACE SHOP since you have interest in make-up products. You are enjoying life as it is. Your friends asked you out some times for coffee and shopping, and you join them.


On the other hand, Myungsoo knows about you wanting to study in Seoul. He was excited about it. He told Infinite and his parents about the good news. He requested your parents to update him more especially once you’ve landed in Seoul. He wants to keep a look out for you and be your Guardian Angel; just like what he addressed himself in the letter.

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MyungsooWifey99 #1
Chapter 18: yayy happy ending! such a cute fanfic author-nim i love it! thanks youuu xD
Danieea #2
Chapter 18: It was good author-nim^^ keep up the good work^^
nicole1208 #3
Chapter 18: Damn! :3 its a very nice FF that it only took me one day to finish this and the prev one.. xD ILY author-nim..ur daebak! :D keep up the good work! :D
OMG! SO GOOD!!!! love this story. read it all in a few hours!
keep up the good work >_<
DAEBAK! haha, you made me fell totally emotional throughout the whole story and make me fell totally in love with sweet myungmyung oppa <3 I'm sure all your other fanfics are very good as well :))
I'm not done yet ~ ! But you want me to cry before i go to sleep ? *sobs*
@MongZong :) Thank you so much!!!! I hope you enjoyed it :3
omgosh!!! what a awesome story!!! I'm in love with this fanfic!! I wanted to cry but I finish this in one day..so sad yet a good happy ending!!