
Our Love Restarts [Sequel to My First short Love Story]

When Myungsoo called his mum to tell her he's coming home for the next weekend, his mum was delighted although she knows that he's coming to distress after the tiff with you. And his mum, being considerate to your feelings did not tell him that you're with her. His mum can see that you really need the getaway.

So you spent your first two weeks with Myungsoo's mum. She teaches you lots of things. Especially on how to cook korean dishes. And in return, you teach Kim omma how to cook your race's dishes. The both of you even shop together, and do lots of things a mother and daughter would.

Eventhough you're busy throughout, you always hope for a text message from Myungsoo although you've chased him out of your life.

Sensing that something is wrong while watching a talk show with you, Kim omma asks "Is everything alright? You seem a little bit out of behaviour as of late. Did you commit a crime??"

"Haha! Anneyo, omma!" You replied while shaking your head.

"Aigoo. Don't lie to me. Although I have no daughter, that doesn't mean I don't know anything. So, tell me. Is it about your boyfriend then?" Kim omma askd, flashing a smile.

You looked into her eyes and answer "I don't have a boyfriend. I was just thinking how my life would be if I wasn't involve in that accident. Will I still be here, spending the time together with you or be somewhere else alone, or be with someone else?" You added "Or will I ever meet Myungsoo had I not be in the accident?" in your head.


The Saturday that Myungsoo's coming, you're invited to join as well. You decided to help with the dishes. At 2pm, Kim omma receives a call. From Myungsoo. He told her he has last minute filming therefore he can't make it. He apologised and said he'll just come anytime he's schedule-free. Kim omma told you, disappointed especially since the both of you have cooked a lot. You suggested to divide some and give the neighbours. She agreed.


Two weeks later, on a Tuesday, at the Kims', while you were cooking in the kitchen, you heard Kim omma inviting someone in and she sounds extremely cheerful. She was chirping and her tone was higher than always. You were refraining yourself to take a peek so you stayed in the kitchen.

While you were about to take some ingredients from the fridge, your hands touched someone's and it gives you a feeling only Myungsoo can when he's with you. But you thought it can't be him.

Oh how wrong can you be as soon as an apology escaped his mouth and you hear his voice. You slowly look up to face the voice.

The both of you gulped and froze when your eyes made contact. Both of you have the longing looks in your gazes. "He's Kim omma's son?!!!!?" you thought. Oh how much you wanted to hug him there and then! But realise that you have nothing to do with him anymore. Finally you found your voice and apologise to him. His hand was still on yours and you quickly let go. You head towards the counter top near the sink to slice some spices in order to not waste time. "It'll be really great if Kim omma could walk in right now. Where is she? This is awkward," you thought.

"She's outside, doing gardening. I will not apologise about what happened to us so it won't be awkward," Myungsoo replied your "thoughts".

You swore you could feel your heart leaped to your throat. You feel like dicing yourself and cook yourself out of embarassment. You felt your whole body flushed. But Myungsoo thinks that was cute, you saying your thoughts out loud self-consciously.

"Stop invading my thoughts," you said.

"Then you should stop being in my head all the time. If you want to carry on like this, fine. I can, too," Myungsoo said before leaving the kitchen with his bottled strawberry milk. You feel like running out of the kitchen, out of the house, and cry and wail. You know you'd sound harsh towards him twice but you didn't know it hurts this bad. Without warning, your tears spilled and you were sobbing softly. You decided to start blending the spices and stir-frying the vegetables to cover your muffled cries.

Myungsoo was leaning behind the wall that divides the kitchen and the living room. He could hear you cry clearly. That makes his heart shatter and his tears rolled down his cheeks. His mum entered, and hugged him. Eventually, his mum heard their conversation when she was gardening outside, close to the kitchen's window.

"Ssshhh my son. Things will get better, trust me. Both of you have strong feelings for each other so God will help you both out. Please don't follow your ego all the time," Kim omma said to Myungsoo while cradling him slowly.


Myungsoo's dongsaeng came home too, surprisingly. And you had dinner with the Kims. Lucky for all of you, it wasn't awkward. After dinner, you helped with the dishes. Myungsoo too. The both of you worked in silence. But throughout the entire time, you keep asking yourself "So is it Myungsoo that I had known previously? Or his brother? It seems like Myungsoo. Argghhh! This is so frustrating! His parents are hiding it well from me also. Haiyy. Nevermind, I'll do my own investigation."

After cleaning up, you take your leave. You were staying near so you didn't need company.

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MyungsooWifey99 #1
Chapter 18: yayy happy ending! such a cute fanfic author-nim i love it! thanks youuu xD
Danieea #2
Chapter 18: It was good author-nim^^ keep up the good work^^
nicole1208 #3
Chapter 18: Damn! :3 its a very nice FF that it only took me one day to finish this and the prev one.. xD ILY author-nim..ur daebak! :D keep up the good work! :D
OMG! SO GOOD!!!! love this story. read it all in a few hours!
keep up the good work >_<
DAEBAK! haha, you made me fell totally emotional throughout the whole story and make me fell totally in love with sweet myungmyung oppa <3 I'm sure all your other fanfics are very good as well :))
I'm not done yet ~ ! But you want me to cry before i go to sleep ? *sobs*
@MongZong :) Thank you so much!!!! I hope you enjoyed it :3
omgosh!!! what a awesome story!!! I'm in love with this fanfic!! I wanted to cry but I finish this in one day..so sad yet a good happy ending!!