What is this feeling that keeps tugging my heart??

Our Love Restarts [Sequel to My First short Love Story]

One week has passed since you last saw Myungsoo. You have to admit that you miss him. You need to see him. And the feeling is similar to that of you missing the man that gave you the letter + teddy. You wondered if there's something wrong with your heart too due to the accident.

You can't help it anymore so you dialled his number (which he personally saved his number to your contacts and name himself as 'housekeeper') and oh, he answered it upon the first ring! Impressive! "Yobeseyo. It's been a week. Shouldn't you be here for housekeeping at my place already? You're 2 hours late! I should let your agency know about this," you hung up and you laughed aloud satisfied with your playfulness. Myungsoo didn't have the chance to say anything! You're sure that would leave him dumbfounded!



Myungsoo's POV

"Ah boya?!? I'm not that caller's housekeeper! Why is she all angsty??" Myungsoo thought. "Oh no. Jankkaman! That was ____!!! I should go to her place now." And so Myungsoo rushed out of his dorm, head to the supermarket to get the supplies for you and then cabbed to your place.

End of Myungsoo's POV


"So I'm your housekeeper now, huh? Thats how you show your agreement? Do you realise I didn't get your number?" Myungsoo asked you from your doorstep.

"What are you rambling on?? I was sure I called my housekeeper, Nani. Gosh. Oh god! Did you nab her and then took her phone to answer my phonecall just now?? Oh my god!! Where is she?? What did you do -" yep, you bet. Your sentence got cut off again. You're surprised that you could pull off an act so fast! You just don't want Myungsoo to be so full of himself just because you agreed to hire him.

"Will you calm down?? I am way too busy to commit such crime! I saved my number in your phone and saved it as 'Housekeeper'. I deleted your original 'Housekeeper' number. Tch," Myungsoo explained. "Ok look. Can we talk inside? Just let me in first and put these items down alright?"

"Oh right. Come on in then," you invited him in. "Actually I know who I was calling. I was just teasing."

Myungsoo just raised his eyebrow and then continue taking out the food items he bought. You helped him by putting them in the food cabinet. The both of you worked in silence and is actually enjoying each other's company. You smiled to yourself, not realising that Myungsoo saw. He smiled too.

"So you said you knew? So you love playing around, huh?" He asked interrupting your happy thoughts. You blushed.

"Well, life is all about having fun. But of course doing it the right way. And since I didn't kill anyone or rob a bank when doing so, its not against the law, is it?" You asked, smirking at him.

"You're such a playful young lady. But very well then. Because I was rotting away in my dorm anyway. So where do I start?"

"Hmmm...start cooking!! I'm famish!!!!"

And so Myungsoo cooked and you just sat in the kitchen, drinking latte while reading a novel. You were reading way too intently to notice his face so close to you. You were reading a funny part and you started to laugh. That's when you looked up and you touched him; your nose brushed his. The both of you froze and gaze lovingly in each other's eyes. Your heart palpitates way too fast for you to comprehend what's going on.

"You have beautiful pair of black pupils. They look so round I thought they were contact lenses. I've done cooking! Let's eat!" Myungsoo stopped the moment. You're thankful he stopped it or you would've kissed him and embarass yourself.

"Self control, ____," you remind yourself.


The rest of the day while he cleaned your house, you cooked dinner. You cooked 4 dishes and you could only hope he'll love it since you cooked your mum's favourite dishes, not korean dishes. You know that's a sign to start learning korean dishes.

On the other hand, while Myungsoo was cleaning your study room, he saw the human size teddy he bought for you. The one with only your initials. He wondered why the teddy is not in your bedroom. (Btw, your bedroom is the only place you prevent him from cleaning because its too personal. He didn't argue.)

"Hey, ____. That's a huge teddy you've got! It must cost a lot!" Myungsoo joined you in the kitchen.

"Haha. Yeah, it's pretty ain't it? It's one of the few things I treasure a lot. It always ease the ache in my heart when I miss that person," you shared.

"But why is it in your study?"

"I was doing some reading in there before you arrived. And it was accompanying me. Haha. Now I sound like a retard. Thanks for asking," you said sarcastically.

"Hahahaha! You don't sound like a retard! I doubt you ever will! Because you sounded worse than that!!" Myungsoo laighed playfully.

"YAH KIM MYUNGSOO! HOW DARE YOU!!" You shouted at him and smudge chocolate onto his well sculptured face. It's the chocolate you're using to bake chocolate fudge. He didn't want you to be the only one to have the fun, so he dipped his three fingers in the chocolate and wanted to paint it on your face but you ran. He chased you and the both of you ran everywhere in the house while laughing, screaming and calling out to each other. Finally he caught your left wrist from behind and turned you to make you face him.

"Lets be fair. I'll smudge this on you but not on your beautiful face," Myungsoo said. He smudged it on your lips. You shivered at his gentle touch. After he's done, he leaned in and kissed you. Well, he your lips as well to clean the mess he made. You only manage to place your hands on his chest and enjoy every second. You didn't have the energy to push him away. He made you so... weak. In a good way of course.

"There. You're all clean now," Myungsoo chuckled.

"Thanks. But I'm not gonna clean yours. Go wipe it or wash it yourself!" You stormed off. You weren't exactly furious. You weren't at all. You purposely did that to see what he's gonna do next.

As if he knew what you were thinking, he said "Don't tell me you're mad at me for stealing that kiss. It was indirect!"

"Shut up and eat. Don't enjoy it too much."

You both hold some conversations while eating. There was a lot of laughing and you really feel like you've known this Myungsoo. You really enjoy his company. He's not boring as he seems on television. In fact, he's a very knowledgeable young man.


Myungsoo cleaned the plates while you called your parents and shared with them about your day.

Your parents could tell you're realky happy from the way your voice sound.


You were both watching the Tarzan movie in cartoon version that night.

"What would you do if you're Jane? Would you stay with Tarzan in the forest or go?" Myungsoo asked.

"I might stay. What about you? Would you stay or leave with Jane?" You smiled while asking him back.

"I'll go wherever Jane goes. But, I'll try to persuade her to stay with me," Myungsoo answered honestly.

"Why go wherever Jane goes?" You ask curiously.

"Because she's got my heart and I can't possibly let her get away with it, right? That's daylight robbery!" Myungsoo exclaimed.

"I guess," you replied softly and leaned your head on his left shoulder. Soon you fell asleep. He carries you to your bedroom and tucked you in your bed. He went back to the living room, switched off the lights and lie down on the sofa. He drifted off to sleep thinking of you.

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MyungsooWifey99 #1
Chapter 18: yayy happy ending! such a cute fanfic author-nim i love it! thanks youuu xD
Danieea #2
Chapter 18: It was good author-nim^^ keep up the good work^^
nicole1208 #3
Chapter 18: Damn! :3 its a very nice FF that it only took me one day to finish this and the prev one.. xD ILY author-nim..ur daebak! :D keep up the good work! :D
OMG! SO GOOD!!!! love this story. read it all in a few hours!
keep up the good work >_<
DAEBAK! haha, you made me fell totally emotional throughout the whole story and make me fell totally in love with sweet myungmyung oppa <3 I'm sure all your other fanfics are very good as well :))
I'm not done yet ~ ! But you want me to cry before i go to sleep ? *sobs*
@MongZong :) Thank you so much!!!! I hope you enjoyed it :3
omgosh!!! what a awesome story!!! I'm in love with this fanfic!! I wanted to cry but I finish this in one day..so sad yet a good happy ending!!