Chapter 31

Time- 8:43PM

2 months had past and I got back my results. They are not bad!!! So happy!!! There are a few school that I would like to go. Dong Guk University, Kyung Hee University or Chung Ang University. But after discussing with the agent, I decided to cross Chung-Ang University out as they do not really specialised in Business. Since I'm in the business course and I have the grade, my president hopes that I can get into a campus that specialised that. My president also hopes that I attend Dong Guk as Seung Gi is a graduate there but I chose Kyung Hee University as it is recognized in the field of International Business and Trade and others. I have applied for Business Administration course in the Seoul campus. I'm now just waiting to return to school. So excited! My leg got better and I have started to practise for the dance. 4 more months and I will leave for Japan. Besides dancing, I'm on diet. No meat, no sugar, no fat. I'm only allowed to take corn, lettuce or carrot. No flavoured drink. Mineral water is the only option. I'm a person who loves vegetables more than meat, so it's fine. But I use to drink sweet drinks. Wanting me to stop all drinks is a little too much for me. Working out at the gym has now become a daily routine. The muscles on my arms are quite visible when I contract them. Even abs are showing. I don't over do exercises involving my legs as I don't like legs with muscles. As though all those are not enough, I make it a habit to do at least 500 sit-ups before I sleep. No 500 sit-ups simply means no sleeping. I'm now lying on a mat, hands behind my ears, doing sit-ups. 181 more to go... Panting and sweating madly, I finally finished 500 of them.

"Ahh!" I relexed my body and lied flat, eyes closed. After catching my breath, I sat up, exhuasted. I went to take a bath and the time was 4:35AM by then. Feeling hungry, I steamed a corn and began to feed on it as I the television. I have to attend the awards ceremony later in the afternoon so after finishing my late supper/early breakfast, I went to bed.

I met up with my manager at the backstage. She shoved the night gown to me and I quickly get dressed. I came here with a tee and a pair of jeans. I took off my cap at the changing room and put on the cute pink tube dress. It was about 1.5 to 2 inches above my knees. Looking at myself in the mirror, I realised that I slimed down a lot and I looked good in the dress. Everything is worth-it. I smiled happily and went out. Sitting on the dressing table, the stylist curled my hair and put on make-up on my face. Not long after, I'm done. Sweet and gorgeous curls flowing down my shoulders, fringe swept to the right. The make-up was the normal style that I used to have. After getting ready, it's about time. My manager and I entered the car and the driver drove to the main entrance. Fans were at the sides of the red carpet with the guards holding them back, making sure they don't run out to the stretch of red carpet which the celebrities would be walking on. My manager came out first and opened the door for me. I stepped out and screams could be heard. I smiled and bowed a little and together with my manager, we walked forward. A cameraman came infront of me, wanting to take a picture. I stopped and smiled. My manager was at the side while I'm in the middle of the carpet. When I reached platform where artists are supposed to pose and the press would take pictures, I just smiled at the camera for a minute and I entered the hall. We went into backstage again and waited for the actual ceromony to begin. I'm in the waiting room with my manager, eating carrot. I'm so hungry. I want to go to the vending machine and have a small cup of coffee but my manager said 'no'. I went to the entrance of the stage together with Seung Hyun when it's about time. When Seung Hyun and my name were called, I linked arms with Seung Hyun and walked out, putting on a smile. Fans went crazy as we got on stage. We then walked down the stage and sat at a table. After everyone was seated, the ceromony began. Sitting at the table with me were Seung Hyun, Ji Eun, Tae Hyun and Su Ah. All were facing the front watching the opening performance. When they were announcing the best drama of the year, I was holding my breath. Our drama was dominated and I really hoped our show would get it. The presenters opened the envelop, and I waited with anticipation.

"KBS Awards Ceromony 2010. Best Drama Award... The playboy next door!" I looked at the people seated at the same table. I wanted this to happen but yet I can't believe that it really happened. We all looking at each other, eyes wide with expressions of shock. We went to the stage and gave flowers to the producer when our shock subsided. We went back and the ceromony continues. Soon it was the best couple award. Seung Hyun and I were dominated. As we were watching the video of the list of those dominated, Ji Eun, Tae Hyun and Su Ah were looking at us, hoping we would get it. I wouldn't mind if we don't get it. Our competitors were all so much better than us.

"Would we get it?" Seung Hyun asked.

"I don't know..." I answered as the envelop was opened.

"KBS Awards Ceremony 2010. Best Couple Award..." Seung Gi smiled to himself as he saw the results. "Who are they?" He asked the audience and fans screamed the names of their idols. I remained calm. I saw the online voting and our number of votes was not the first. Seung Gi bent closer to the mic. "KBS Awards Ceremony 2010. Best Couple Awards. The playboy next door, Choi Seung Hyun, Yi Jung!" I covered my mouth and couldn't hide my smiles. I stood up when Seung Hyun stood and went over to the stage.
I took the award and the flowers, congrolling my shock and happiness.

"Thank you... I'm so surprised..." I looked up to where my fans were located as I ransacked my mind to think of something to say. "Many things happened these days and I'm really very grateful that everybody continues to support me. Thanks to the production team. Seung Hyun oppa as well. They really took great care of me. My manager unnie, thanks for being there for me. And lastly, to those who supported me, all my fans, thank you. I will continue to work hard in all areas and improve myself. Thank you." I bowed after finishing my piece and stepped back. Seung Hyun went to the mic and sent his gratitude, then we went to the backstage. My manager gave me a spine-breaking hug, as she pounced on me once I'm behind the curtains.

"Ahhh...! Congratulations!!!!" My manager cheered. The others congratulated as well. "Get the best female newcomer award. Then a week break is coming your way..." My manager said. My president had promise me previously that I would get my first break after two years. Anywhere I want to go, it's up to me. I just smiled, deep down in my heart I really want the break. I can go anywhere you know?! Although it's just a short one week, it's more than enough for me. On the other hand, I know it's not easy. I do not have the confidence that the award is mine. After putting the award away, we went back to the hall. The people around the table become so excited as well and congratulated us. Soon it's the newcomer awards time. The male first. Like me, whether Seung Hyun get it or not, he didn't really mind. But who doesn't anticipates? Not only Seung Hyun anticipates, the whole table was like praying for Seung Hyun's name to be called. We all turned to Seung Hyun and stood up as his name was called. We clapped like the loudest. He came back after awhile. And now, it's my turn to get nervous. I want my break! But I wouldn't be sad if I don't get it. Waiting for the presenters to finish what they have to say, I pretended that I'm not anticipating.

"There are two winners for this catagory. They are...?" The presenter asked and the fans again, screamed all sorts of names. "Yes. It's Yi Jung and Min Su Ah!" Oh my god! That was what I'm thinking at that moment. Su Ah was like so damn shocked as well. We just looked at each other, not even standing up for about 2 seconds. Our lips cruved up when the others came and shook hands with us. Seung Hyun hugged me a little and together with Su Ah, we went up. Su Ah started her piece first and stepped back.

"Er..." Soft laughters of happiness poured from my mouth. "Once again, I thanked the people around me who guided me and giving me the chance to participate in the drama. Fans as well." My fans screamed as they waved their banners and purple balloons when I paused and looked up at them. They then screamed out a cheer for me. "Thank you... 'Thank you' is the only thing in my head now. Thank you everybody." I bowed and leave with Su Ah. Tears came. Tears of joy.

"Unnie..." I ran to my manager when I saw my manager. Again, she hugged me and praised me. I've totally forgotten about the one week break I'm getting. I'm just so... After the awards ceromony, Seung Hyun and I were at the small stage outside, posing with our awards. Su Ah then joined us later. We then went home. Seung Hyun and I had agreed to celebrate outside with the others. Su Ah definintely and perhaps the other BigBang members. We will meet at the restuarant. After getting a shower, I put on my blazer and a scarf before stepping out. I pulled my fringe down and went to the main road. As I was walking, I stopped by a provision shop to grab a warm pad. When I came out and continued walking, I sensed someone following me. I dropped my wallet on purpose and bent down to retrieve it and turned to look. A paparazzi I guessed? He was behind one of the walls. I pretended that I forget to get something and returned to the same provision shop and randomly grabbed a bottle of mineral water. I then walked back to my apartment block. When I walked past the wall that I saw the man hiding behind, I peeked and there he was, back facing me, talking on the phone. Another hand was hidden from my sight. Holding a camera yeah? I walked back home at normal pace. Closing the doors behind me, I quickly called Seung Hyun and Su Ah to let them know what happened and apologised to them. Darn...
Okay. Another chapter here. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it. Please do comment. ^^ (Finally Winglin is operating after a long wait... :D)

To coocoo, Hello! Thank you for your support! :D

To sweetgirl, Hello! Nice to see your comment again. ^^ Thank you for your support!

Started- 8:43PM, 210810
Stopped- at'.', 10:35PM, 210810

Continued- 'forget to check the time' 1+PM perhaps?, 230810
Ended- 2:45PM, 230810

Posted: 9:14PM, 290810

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ThatFanGirlA #1
Chapter 58: Continue your damn story author!!!!!!!!!!!
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 58: Rereading it also, please update!!!
Miss the story so much!!!
bmsqrdd #3
Chapter 58: Rereading this again. I love the Playboy Next Door so much. how do you do this???? I do hope you also continue this. :,)
bmsqrdd #4
Chapter 58: waaaaaa! glad to finish this and have to read the sequel now :)) i really love your story, lol it left me hanging XD
woah wait! where did Jung's parents took of? @.@ Choon Yeo and Seunghyun cam too late to fetch the parents +_+
hhhhmmm... i'm guessing that there might be dogfights on the sequel lol XD (Choon Yeo vs. Seunghyun)
and Taehyun! finally he was able to tell how he felt for Ji Eun :))
but really thank you for creating this wonderful story :))
~hwaiting authornim! :)
thesharkfeeds #7
Chapter 31: I know I'm late but this story is sooooo good!
Loeeezy #8
Chapter 58: Plase please please keep writing this bonus and the other story. I love it too much.
Chapter 58: Waaaahhhh so many TaeJi moments here!!! Hahaha idk why but i imagined taehyun as lee minho! Hahahaha btw, I'm so loving Hyun-Jung moments here, it's sooo.... Idk! So warm? So nice? So deep? Kyaaahhh!! All i know is that that i like it so muchhhh!! :D :D :D
Chapter 58: aegominina finally unnie update this!!!thankyouuuuuuuuuuu!!!^^ actually because i havent read this in very long time so i got confused i lil bit but overall i love this but kinda sad because Yijung-Seunghyun moment got cut by Taehyun and Jieun!lol hahahahaha Seunghyu u jelly huh?lol well im waiitng for the next chapter....^^