Chapter 15

Time- 8:02PM

My manager came to pick me up from school. When we reached the 'house' set, we hopped out.

"Go get changed. Get the clothes from the stylist."

"Okay!" I said happily. I'm super high today! I passed my examinations! So happy! All my hard work are worth it. I went into the set and do my usual greetings. I then went upstairs, took a shower and get changed. I went downstairs afterwards to look for the others. The staffs were busy preparing, so I thought I will go look for Seung Hyun. I have not greeted him yet. He wasn't in his room so I walked around the second floor, looking for him. Then there he is. In the balcony on the first floor! But he wasn't alone, the other BigBang members were around as well! I was wondering if I should still go to him when I heard them talking about me.

"Where's Yi Jung-ssi? I have not seen her around." Dae Sung asked.

"She's about to reach. She has school." Seung Hyun replied, drinking his bottle of Coca Cola from the mouth of the bottle.

"So how's the filming, Hyung?" Seung Ri asked.

"Yeah, was it as tiring as the previous ones? And I heard that Yi Jung-ssi acting skills are not bad. Is that true?" Dae Sung asked, so eagerly.

"Yi Jung is a multi-talented artist. You will know once the drama is aired. This drama is considered quite a relaxed one already, since the production team is not so strict."

The members nodded their heads.

"Oh yeah. Ji Yong is right. She is indeed a brave girl. Her passion was really... Maybe she has more passion than us." Seung Hyun commented.

"Huh? She has to be brave. She came to Korea herself you know?" Tae Yang said.

"I don't know how to explain. It's like she's independent, matured, cheerful and all. Oh ya! She gets over things real fast. I'm amazed by it." Seung Hyun said, not knowing that I'm listening all the while.

"I still don't understand." Seung Ri said, looking blank.

"Get to know her and you will know what I meant." Seung Hyun laughed a bit as he said.

"I'm waiting for her to arrive!" Dae Sung said, with that cute smile of his. "Oh ya. Have you seen her fresh face? I'm sure you have seen. Is she beautiful?" Dae Sung's question left me nervous. I'm prepared for the worst reply already.

"Oh. I just saw it yesterday." Oh my god! I shouldn't have went out that time. I should at least wait till everyone had retired to their bedrooms and that all lights were off before going to get my things.

"How is it?" Dae Sung asked, his eyes widened slightly, his head leaning closer. The others leaned nearer to Seung Hyun as well, as they looked at him, waiting for his reply.

"She looks a bit different." My, my, my. I know my face changed when I didn't have make-up on. "I mean, she looks more like her age, a highschooler. She looked so matured with her make-up on. And one thing surprised me a little." Please, I hope he did not saw my entire face. "Her eyes are huge. This huge!" Seung Hyun said as he showed an 'OK' sign.

"Aye... Hyung, you're exaggerating. How can someone's eyes be this big?" Dae Sung replied as he showed an 'OK' sign.

"It's true. It's really that huge. And the line for her double eyelid is really deep and obvious."

"Wow, you take note of her a lot. You even know such details." Dae Sung teased.

"Her eyes are prominent. It's normal for people to realise that." Seung Hyun stated.

I'm enjoying all these upstairs. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but humans tend to become curious as to what others talk behind their back right? I decided to go downstairs to join them.

"Oppa?" I called for Seung Hyun when I was about to step into the balcony. "So you're here. I have been looking for you." I smiled and entered the balcony. "Good afternoon." I bowed as I greeted the other members. The others stood up and returned the greeting.

"You're back?" Seung Hyun asked as he handed me a bottle of Coca Cola.

"Yup. For quite sometimes already. I was looking for you after I got changed."

"Is anything the matter?"

"Nope. Just bored. Everyone is busy so I thought I should at least come to greet you." I said as I opened the bottle cap with a spoon.

"Yi Jung-ssi knows how to open with a spoon too?" Ji Yong looked impressed.

"Yes. I learnt it from Hyun Joong oppa." I smiled.

"I have always wanted to learn but Hyung refuses to teach." Ji Yong said as he eyed Seung Hyun.

"Oh. You have to exert quite a lot of force and the position must be right." I said as I opened the last bottle on the table. I then handed it to Ji Yong who was the only one who did not have a drink.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I smiled.

"So how's filming?" Ji Yong asked, not knowing I have heard their conversation.

"It's fine. I just need to NG lesser." I said as I the Coca Cola through the straw.

"I want to see the making of the drama! Hyung, can I?" Dae Sung then showed his puppy face to Seung Hyun, causing me to laugh a little. He's just so cute!

"Ask the director." Seung Hyun answered simply and Dae Sung pouted.

"Yi Jung ah!" My manager called for me. I stood up and excused myself. "It's time for the filming. Get ready." My manager told me. I nodded and went back to the balcony.

"Oppa, it's time to film." I take another sip of Coca Cola and we all left the balcony.

The other BigBang members were sitting at the side, looking at us film.

"Okay. Stand-by!"


I was in the living room, sitting on a sofa, reading the magazine when Seung Hyun called for me. I looked up and saw Seung Hyun walking towards me from the stairs. I stood up and walked away. I don't feel like talking to him.

"Why must you always walk away when I tried to talk to you?"

"Because I know I would bound to get irritated by you. So it's the best if we don't talk." When I was about to walk pass him, I added, "I will leave by this week. So please stop making up stories." I was invited to a party yesterday and he was there as well, and guess what he did? He said to everyone that I'm a tenant living next to his room and even tried to kill him because of jealousy. I know he just enjoys seeing me being mad but don't you think he's really getting overboard? I walked up the stairs when he grabbed my hand. I stopped and he did not utter a word. Knowing that he has nothing to say, I flung his hand away and walked up.

"Cut! Okay. Next scene."

I took the script and started reading.


I handed the script to my manager and went into stand-by mode.


I opened the door and stepped out of the toilet, seeing Seung Hyun standing outside, leaning against the wall. He saw me coming out but he made no response so I simply walked away.

"When are you leaving?" He asked, still leaning against the wall, not looking at me.

"Soon. I have already found a house. When everything is ready, I will leave." I suddenly have the urge to cry. Before my tears began to fall, I quickly walked back to my room.

I sat on my bed. I don't want to leave. But why must Seung Hyun made my life so miserable? I had started to fall for him but he doesn't seem to know that what he says and does hurt me a lot. Tears came rolling down. I did not stop myself from tearing. The door then swung opened. I turned away and wiped my tears.

"Why are you crying?" Seung Hyun said, standing infront of me.

"Because I'm too happy. It's tears of joy." I replied sarcastically.

Seung Hyun squatted down and lifted my chin. "You called this tears of joy? You don't even look happy in the first place." He said, expressionless.

"You came in suddenly and because I see you, I'm not happy." He knows the reason why I'm crying so why must he say that? Even when I'm crying, he still wants to make fun of me.

"I will pretend I didn't hear that since you are crying." He said as he sat on my bed, beside me.

"What do you want?" I asked coldy. He kept quiet. I'm about to tear again so I got up and went for the door.

"Leaving again?" He spoke.

"I already told you many times. If you are not leaving, I will." I said, in a calm tone. He got on his feet and pulled me back, blocking the door.

"You and I are not leaving." He said in a loud voice. I'm so tired at him raising his voice at me whenever he likes. I came from a rich family too. What right does he have to do that? I pushed him out of my way. I'm not letting him take control of me.

"Move." I shoved him away but he was too strong for me.

"I don't want to." This is what he said to me. He is still teasing me. He is a kid who doesn't know when to stop!

"Stop it!" I yelled in distress. "I'm not your puppet. So please stop it." I cried as tears spilled out of my eyes.

No response from him. So I pushed him away again.

"I said you and I are not leaving." He grabbed my hands. I'm so depressed. I pulled my hands out of his and squatted down, burying my head in my hands and cried. Seung Hyun went on his knees as well, lifted my face and wiped my tears.
I pushed his hands off my face and stood up. "I'm sorry. I want to be alone." I said, my back facing him, waiting for him to leave.

"Not until I get a chance to speak."

"Speak up." I'm not interested in what he's going to say. I just want him to leave as soon as possible.

"You don't have to leave if you don't want to." He finally spoke after a long pause. "It's my parents that allow you to stay here, so you should at least wait till my parents were back before you leave. You can't simply leave as and when you like."

"I wanted to. But someone wanted me to leave so badly." I said, back still facing him.

"What have I done that make you think that way?" He suddenly got irritated.

I got irritated too, hearing the tone he used. I turned to face him and looked into his eyes. "Everything you did was actually hinting me to leave, wasn't it?"

"You know why I'm saying all these to you. So stop being stubborn. Just wait till my parents were back, then we will decide again." He turned and walked off when I snapped back at him.

"No. I don't know what are you talking about. And I will leave when everything is ready." Seung Hyun turned back to face me.

"You knew. So stop acting like you don't."

"What are you talking about?! Stop being ridiculous, Seung Hyun." I'm so so frustrated.

"Stop acting!" He boomed.

"Why are you shouting at me?!" I yelled back. "If there's something I should but I don't know, just tell me and I will know!" I shouted, trying to get some sense into him.

"I don't wish to say." He answered, looking away.

"Then leave." He's just wasting my time.

"Why are you always calling me to get out when this is my house?"

"Fine. I WILL LEAVE!" Damn! He's really getting on my nerves. I took a few steps towards the door but Seung Hyun grabbed my hand, pulling me in. Another hand holding onto my cheek and our lips met.

"Pff!" I laughed in the peck and pulled away immdiately the moment our lips touched. "ARHHHH...! I can't do this...!" I cried softly as I squatted down and buried my face in my hands. I'm so shy.

"What do you mean by you can't? You just did it." Director Cha said, smiling at himself. "Okay. From Yi Jung starts to walk off. Stand-by!" What?! Wait! Not yet! I have not get myself prepared!


I walked towards the door, when Seung Hyun pulled me by my arm, held my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss. I stared blankly at him, which make it more difficult to control my laughter.

"Cut! Let's do that one more time."

In the end, we did that scene for about 6 times. I know that the director did that on purpose. He is having a great time sitting there, looking at the monitor, smiling together with the other staffs. The BigBang members as well.

"Cut! Next scene." I quickly took a step back. I looked at the script and found out that the next scene is worse.

Scene 57:
'Seung Hyun moves lips. Yi Jung slowly closes eyes. Both kiss passionately.'

I smiled nervously as I read.

"You can do it." My manager nudged me and winked at me. She was like more excited than me.

"Unnie!" I cried with a nervous smile plastered on my face. How can she still tease at me when I'm already so nervous?



Seung Hyun lips moved, his hand caressing my head and another moved to my waist. I was still in a state of shock. But I got lost after a while and returned his kisses. Seung Hyun pulled me in closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck. When we really can't control anymore, we NGed.

"Why is it so long?" I asked Director Cha. He just refuses to say 'Cut'.

"Why did the you all laughed? The feel was prefect so we thought it would be good that the kiss last longer. Let's do it again since the both of you NGed. Stand-by!" I swore I saw him suppressing his laughter as he spoke. The BigBang members were teasing us with their face expressions. Especially Dae Sung, flashing that smile of his as he pointed at Seung Hyun childishly. I turned to look at Seung Hyun. He ignored Dae Sung and was shy as well My manager's hands were at as she talked to the stylist, having so much fun. Everyone is enjoying our awkward moment!


I felt his lips moving. His lips over mine over and over again. I soon got lost in his sweet kisses and kissed him back. I tilted my head a little to deepen our kiss. Seung Hyun's hand moved to my back and caressed it while another on my waist, pushing me closer to him. We were in our own world, our lips covering one another.

"Cut! Okay."

Seung Hyun let me go and I quickly turned away. I'm sure I'm like a tomato right now! We then went over to the monitor to look at our performance as usual. I was covering my mouth as I laughed shyly, and occasionally goes, "ARHH...! Oh my god..!"

The BigBang members went off after awhile and the filming continued.

After we called for the day, I got changed and went to the balcony. I did not went to sleep as I have assignments to complete and I thought that it would be refreshing to feel the night breeze as I'm cracking my head on the Maths problems. I walked to the balcony and saw Seung Hyun there, reading the script. Luckily I had some podwer on my face.

"Oppa, not sleeping?"

"I will sleep later. Have to memorise the script first." He smiled at me. "Have work to do?" He asked when he saw the book in my hand.

"Yup. Can I join you?"

"Sure." He said as he pulled the chair out beside him and I sat on it and began to solve the problem.

"Did the formula changed? I used another formula for this kind of questions during my school days." I looked up at him to see him looking at my book. "Huh?" I looked at him, confused. He took a pencil and started to write the steps on a piece of paper from the stack I brought out for rough work.

"What's the answer?" He asked with his eyes on the book, solving the problem. I flipped to the answer keys of the book. "9y+4ac-x/bx."

"There." He pushed the paper infront of me. I looked at the steps Seung Hyun wrote. I remembered Mrs Park using the formula I used for this kind of question. Seung Hyun then explained the steps to me. I tugged the loose strand of hair behind my ears as I transferred the steps to the book. I continued with the next question and Seung Hyun went back to his script. But most of the time, he was pointing out my mistakes and teaching me the correct steps.

Now, he knows that I at Maths...!
Okay! Finally finished this chapter. This should be posted yesterday. I replied the comments and all but I accidentally click 'Quit' instead of 'Summit'. I'm sorry for my carelessness. Okay. But I'm going to say what I wanted to say since yesterday. The comments from you guys are really making me happy. And I wanted to make friends with all of you. If you all don't mind, please feel free to add me in msn. ([email protected]) :D Thanks for reading and hope that you all have enjoyed. ^^

To ChristineJL, Hahs. I have been thinking about how the story in the drama would be. Hope that it's alright in this chapter. :) Thanks for reading and your support ^^

To sweetgirl, I'm also feeling so so jealous as I wrote the story. How I wished to be next to Seung Hyun... I'm glad that you like my story. Actually Seung Hyun saw her fresh face. He laughed because he find it adorable of Yi Jung to get so flustered. I'm sorry that I have not made in clear in the last chapters. Takecare! :D


Started- Date- 190710
Time- 8:02PM
Stopped- Date- 190710
Time- 10:14PM
@ '.'

Continued- Date- 200710
Time- 7:55PM
Ended- Date- 200710
Time: 10:18PM? (Can't remember the timing for this.)

Re-type- Date- 210710
Time- 7:59PM
Finished- Date 210710
Time- 9:38PM

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ThatFanGirlA #1
Chapter 58: Continue your damn story author!!!!!!!!!!!
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 58: Rereading it also, please update!!!
Miss the story so much!!!
bmsqrdd #3
Chapter 58: Rereading this again. I love the Playboy Next Door so much. how do you do this???? I do hope you also continue this. :,)
bmsqrdd #4
Chapter 58: waaaaaa! glad to finish this and have to read the sequel now :)) i really love your story, lol it left me hanging XD
woah wait! where did Jung's parents took of? @.@ Choon Yeo and Seunghyun cam too late to fetch the parents +_+
hhhhmmm... i'm guessing that there might be dogfights on the sequel lol XD (Choon Yeo vs. Seunghyun)
and Taehyun! finally he was able to tell how he felt for Ji Eun :))
but really thank you for creating this wonderful story :))
~hwaiting authornim! :)
thesharkfeeds #7
Chapter 31: I know I'm late but this story is sooooo good!
Loeeezy #8
Chapter 58: Plase please please keep writing this bonus and the other story. I love it too much.
Chapter 58: Waaaahhhh so many TaeJi moments here!!! Hahaha idk why but i imagined taehyun as lee minho! Hahahaha btw, I'm so loving Hyun-Jung moments here, it's sooo.... Idk! So warm? So nice? So deep? Kyaaahhh!! All i know is that that i like it so muchhhh!! :D :D :D
Chapter 58: aegominina finally unnie update this!!!thankyouuuuuuuuuuu!!!^^ actually because i havent read this in very long time so i got confused i lil bit but overall i love this but kinda sad because Yijung-Seunghyun moment got cut by Taehyun and Jieun!lol hahahahaha Seunghyu u jelly huh?lol well im waiitng for the next chapter....^^