
Just be mine already!-Hiatus-

Onew Pov

Oh God, what should I do now?

Key kept staring at me and Taemin, his mouth wide open like his eyes. His eyes traveled from mine to Taemin , a dead silence capturing the classroom. I didn’t dare to say a word…this Diva Key scares me way to much.

I looked down at Taemin whose small hands fisted my shirt as his head was lowered, his eyes finding the floor very interesting. I sighed seeing that nothing will happen for a time, the awkward silence hunting our voices down.

``C-Can someone explain me what I just witnessed?`` Key’s deep voice echoed in the classroom. I raised my eyes to look at him and I saw that he was watching me intensive sending cold shivers down my spine. His sharp cat-like eyes pierced my soul and I felt like he dissected my heart and brain, searching for his answers. He scared me,and oh so much. It’s unbelievable how Taemin can be friends with him. Oh wait…Taemin is pretty scary too, or just simply malefic. But I’m sure this Diva boy taught him everything he knows! And I mean the evil things!

``So?`` Key placed his hands on his hips , raising one of his eyebrows in impatience.

I sighed again and took a deep breath , wrapping my arms around Minnie’s waist and pulling him into a hug, his head resting on my chest. I felt how he relaxed and snuggled closer, begging for more warm and love. I thought my heart would burst from happiness. That feeling captured my whole body and I knew that a creepy smile was present on my face. I was just so happy knowing that Minnie was mine now.  Just mine.

I let my fingers ran through his soft hair and he closed his eyes, leaning into my touch.I caressed for a time his scalp and I knew he enjoyed it a lot. Then, my hand moved to his adorable moist cheeks and them gently. I saw how a small smile appeared on his beautiful face as he purred and pressed closer to my hand like a kitty. My kitty.

He was so cute that I felt my heart melting. It’s pretty weird that I never felt like that before, when I had with him, when our bodies were glued together. But now, just for this little touch…I feel overjoyed, I felt like a part of my heart which was empty some time ago, finally filled with love, something that unconsciously I craved for, now that I know that he become mine. Only mine.

And it seems like he feels the same because he become so sensitive and so sweet, purely innocent. He wanted me in the same way I wanted him and no, I don’t want his body, not anymore. I want his heart, I want his love.

My fingers ghosted on his neck’s skin and he sighed squeezing his eyes tighter in pleasure. My thumb and index finger grabbed his chin and slowly lifted it up. He opened his eyes and for the first time I saw how truly beautiful were his eyes, the dark brown orbs were mesmerizing me, putting a curse on me, a curse to always look just at him, only at him.His long eyelashes made his eyes look bigger and better shaped. He was oh, so beautiful. A creature I could die for. An angel that God created with his own hands, making him prettier than anyone else on Earth, meant to catch your heart.

Eventually I snapped out of my daze, seeing his eyes staring deep in mine. My eyes traveled a little down his perfect nose till they reached his an inch parted lips. His lips were a passionate anger red that made me felt pretty guilty because I knew that my rough kisses caused his pinkish lips to transform into these blood-like color. But deep inside my heart a sparkle of happiness occurred because now everyone could see that Taemin is taken. His swollen lips proved that he was owned by no other than me. His lover.

Without realizing, I leaned closer to him, feeling a burning desire to taste his addictive lips. I completely forgot that someone else was in the room, glaring at me and it seems like my Minnie forgot too. We were just too absorbed in the moment, a moment we waited for so long and finally it came.

But…destiny was against me as someone just had to interrupt us,Again.

``One more centimeter and I’ll make you regret.`` Key’s threatening voice made a wave of electricity run up my spine and I quickly stopped moving forward. I heard Minnie groaning and his failing glare made me feel extremely guilty for ruining this moment.

Wait. I’m not the one ruining it, the ing almighty diva Key is ruining it.

I placed my hands on his both shoulders and lightly pushed him some inches away from me. He tensed a little ,probably remembering that Key was here but he still decided to not turn around and look at him so he continued to rest his head on my chest. I sighed and shook a little my head in disbelief. How could Key  be such a er?

I looked straight at him while one of my hands went to the back of Taemin’s neck and I slowly drew invisible circular forms on his skin with my thumb and he quickly relaxed and sighed in pleasure. Like a kitty, I swear.

``Key, it’s really obvious what is happening here. Me and Taemin are lo-`` I quickly stopped my sentence when Taemin tugged my sleeve and cutely shook his head, showing his pleading puppy eyes.

What was wrong to him? He doesn’t want me to tell Key that we are lovers?

``Why?`` I asked him a low voice, hoping that Key won’t hear.

``I-I’m scared that he won’t accept us.``He whispered and I asked him why he think so. Key also had a boyfriend so I don’t think he won’t accept us because we are both male.

``He was –is- angry when he saw us, some time ago…kissing. And he’s still angry, he just stopped us from …kissing.`` Taemin said , always a little lower the end of his sentences. Was he suddenly shy? It seems like a discovered another side of my little kitty. And honestly, I adore it.

``Minnie…I don’t care if he won’t accept us. He doesn’t have the right to decide-`` And again I couldn’t finish what I started because of someone who started to get on my nerves.

``I do. I won’t let my baby on a beast hands who could always him.`` Key said giving me a –I’m superior you- look.

``Don’t you diva majesty worry because I already did.`` I said without thinking what the I just told him. Just seconds latter when Key gasped and Taemin hit my chest and buried his head in my chest how much he could because of the embarrassment.

``Pabo`` Minnie said and I mentally slapped myself for talking without thinking.

``Y-You did what?! Taemin please tell me that he lied because I’m so gonna skin him alive if he-`` Key was cut off by Taemin’s voice.

``He did!`` Taemin yelled in my chest, hard my shirt, his knuckles getting white for all the pressure.

``Minnie…`` I rubbed his back apologizing for my stupidy. But he just shook his head and pushed away from me, facing Key. He returned to his usually side. Evil Minnie.

*pout* but I really adore shy Taeminnie.

`` He did ,Key, and you won’t do anything to him. He was just an idiot ual frustrated at first but I don’t regret him me. It’s true that I was scared of him after that but then he showed me that he can be gentle when having and I enjoyed every moment he touched me with his  filthy hands and kissed me. I liked every minute when we teased each other in the middle of a lesson and ended with a hard on. I adored every second when we made each other jealous and played dirty games. I-I just…loved being with him! So please…don’t stay between us.`` Taemin said with a deadly serious gaze that would make me shiver but Key didn’t even flinch, he kept his poker and superior expression without saying a word.

I saw him massaging his temple and thinking hard about something. One or two minute passed and Key looked back at us with a decisive face.

``Taemin come here`` Key commanded Taemin in a stern tone. Taemin hesitantly at first approached Key. Key wrapped his arms around my Minnie’s waist and pulled him into a hug, surprising me and Taemin.

Key rested his head on Taemin’s shoulder and sighed deeply. Taemin didn’t wait a second as he quickly circled his arms around Key’s body.

``I’m not happy about how you two started this…relationship but as much as I know that you has true feeling about him it’s ok, I won’t be against you two. But are you sure you don’t confuse your feeling with simple ual attraction or-``

``Key, I love Onew!`` Taemin stated and Key just sighed again and nodded his head.

``Ok,my baby.  But don’t forget that if this Onew will hurt you or make you cry, nothing will stop me from beating him to death.`` Key said his eyes never leaving me.  I think he especially talked louder, just for me to hear him clearly.

``I won’t Key. I truly love Taemin and I’ll never hurt him.`` I said and he just nodded.

``Ok sweeties~ .Then you can continue from where you left! Umma won’t interrupt again!`` Key said joyful as he hugged tightly Taemin one more time, then he quickly told us goodbye and left with the speed of the light.

I and Taemin were looking at each other in confusion, both of us dumbfounded by Key weird change of mood. We both shrugged and soon I found my Minnie back into my arms.

``Well…I have the approval from your Umma, I just need to get the approval from your Appa and then I can always marry you.`` I said and I chuckled when I saw Minnie blushing and he hit lightly my arm. Omo, so cute.

``Pabo, who said I want to marry you?`` he said , the crimson red still painted on his cheeks.

``Well, I hope you will say Yes when I’ll ask you`` I said pretty amused and he just blushed hardly and hid his face in the space between my neck and shoulder.

``I will think about it`` he whispered and I smiled hearing his words. I twisted my fingers in his head, playing with his hair . It was a moment who would look simple and completely without charm in a person’s eye but for me it was a special moment, when I could observe and love every part of his body that I didn’t pay attention till now. I could feel his fast heart beats and his hot breath against my skin that right now was making me smile and feel extremely happy. Just a small touch, just a silent moment, everything was special being with Taemin.

``Let’s just hope that we will forever be together and nothing bad will happen to tear us apart.`` I said inhaling his sweet scene.

``We will be always together. I won’t let anything or anyone to separate us.`` Taemin said in a hoarse voice as he moved away from my neck and tangled his slim fingers in my hair, forcing me down to his lips. Our lips pressed together into an innocent kiss that showed our feeling to each other.Our eyes closed softly as I parted my lips and let my tongue his bottom lip, restraining myself from biting his fleshy lip not wanting to damage it anymore. Taemin got the message and he let me slip my pink muscle inside his cavern ,tasting every inch of his sweetness. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pushing himself closer to deepen the kiss as I held the back of his neck. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart was ready to jump out from my chest.

So that’s what love means. A really beautiful feeling.


xD I don't know what to say~ I just hope you enjoyed the chapter ^-^

Luv chu~

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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~