The game ended

Just be mine already!-Hiatus-

Taemin Pov

He leaned closer and in a short time he was near my ear, his warm breath tickling my neck. I hold my breath, feeling how my heart was beating in an extremely fast way. In that moment I forgot about anything else except those three words. I wanted him to tell me…to tell me what I wanted to hear, for what I waited so long.

``Taemin…`` His husky voice was making me shiver in bliss. I closed my eyes.

Say it Onew. Say it.

``I…I’m not so stupid to lose the game so easy.``


I snapped my eyes open and I saw him in front of me, with a goofy smirk on his face.


``Don’t tell me that you thought I will tell you those words so easy and lose the game``

I couldn’t even hear what he was saying anymore. The sound of my breaking heart was terrible loud and the pain I felt was like someone took my heart out of my chest and stepped on it. So painful…Onew’s words were so cruel.

Why was it so hard for him to tell me that he loves me? Does he really care so much about that damn bet? Does he really want to see me in a ing skirt so much? I could crossdress every time he would ask for…because I love him and I want to make him happy.

Why is it so horrible for him to be topped by me? Am I so weak that he thinks I can’t pleasure him enough?Why…I just want to make him feel dominated for once because…in that way I can reassure myself that he won’t leave me or he won’t cheat on me just because he would get bored of me. I just want to show him how much I love him, how important he is for me…Why can’t he see this?My love.

…Maybe he doesn’t love me? Maybe he just acted all this time. Maybe he just wanted a good . Maybe he just wants to humiliate me by getting me dressed as a girl and then he would leave me.

I’m scared.

I’m so scared because I never felt how is to love and more exactly how is to have your heart broken.

And I don’t want to know it.

``Taemin?Yah…are you ok?`` I heard Onew’s angelic voice that I love so much while his hand reached my shoulder.

I love him…so why can’t he love me too?

I’m his…so why can’t he be mine?

I abruptly stood up,letting his warm hand fell from my shoulder . I looked down at him but my vision started to get blurry for an unknown reason. I opened my mouth and I felt my bottom lips trembling. I knew I was going to stutter. I knew I was going to say something untrue. But in that moment…in that part of a second I felt like that. I felt that sickening feeling on my stomach and heart that made me dizzy and confused about everything.

``I-I hate y-you!`` I yelled, the silence of the morning crashing by my stuttering voice.

I didn’t waste any other second as I quickly ran away from him.

What could I do after saying those words that I already regret?

Just ran from now.

The corridors were empty as the students were already in classes.That’s good because I didn’t want anyone to see me like this.

I kept running down the hallways without knowing were exactly I was heading to…well at least till I bumped into someone in front of the school’s library.


I barely could recognize Minho voice as he pulled me up from the floor. He grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him. But I just squeezed my eyes close, letting my tears fell without stopping on my flushed cheeks. I just wanted to be alone…To cry for my solitude.

``Why are you crying?`` His deep voice couldn’t reach me anymore. Everything became mute for me…

I grabbed his shirt and pulled myself closer to his chest, my tears wetting the soft material.

``It hurts…It hurts so much…`` I murmured as I placed my hand on my heart.

I felt Minho’s hand creeping on my back, drawing invisible circles while his other hand tangled on my hair. He didn’t ask me anything…he just kept telling me that everything will be ok.

Sometimes I wonder why he can understand people so well.

I started to feel relaxed in his embrace but suddenly I heard Key’s and Jonghyun’s voice coming from inside the library. And they were getting closer.

I didn’t want Key to see me like this.

I pushed Minho away with my small hands and he didn’t do anything…he just watched me in silence as I ran away…again.

No one’s Pov

``Oh Minho! You are still here?`` Key asked Minho as he came out from the library. Minho just nodded while he still looked at the now empty corridor.

``Why is your shirt wet?`` Key raised one of his eyebrows as he pointed at Minho’s shirt. Minho just sighed and shook his head.

He kept asking himself is he should tell Key about Taemin or not. He knew very well that Key would probably run after Taemin and that wasn’t good. Minho knew that Taemin wanted to be alone alone. He knew very well how Taemin felt because he felt like that too. He knew how having your heart broke was.

But he still shouldn’t hide that from Key. In the end he will still find out about it.

``Because Taemin cried on it.`` Minho responded and as expected he saw how Key’s expression darkened and how worried he became.

``Ha?! When?! Why?!`` Key grabbed Minho’s collar.

``Some time ago…because Onew made him cry.`` Minho said blankly. He knew that what he said was true, he just knew. He didn’t want to cause Onew problems but that was the only way to make Key get angry and forget about going to Taemin.

``Wh-What?! Oh god, I’m so gonna kill that bastard! I will skin him alive!`` Key quickly left Minho and Jjong alone as he ran like an animal for his prey.

Minho and Jjong were looking at each other in awkwardness.

``I will leave then…`` Minho announced as he turned around but as he was ready to leave for good he was stopped by Jjong who grabbed his hand.

Minho looked at Jjong, not managing to read his expression.

``Key…is mine.`` Jjong said looking right into Minho’s eyes.

``I know.`` Minho rolled his eyes and as soon as Jjong let go of his hand, Minho left.

I know…you don’t need to remind me. I won’t be a threat for you anymore Minho thought.

Key Pov

I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him.

I kept repeating these words in my head as I searched for that brat who dared to make my baby cry. I don’t know the reason of Taemin’s tears but I will find out and it won’t end very nice.

``Hey! Did you saw a boy running and cryin-`` I quickly searched for the source of that familiar voice and I spotted him. My victim.

``Oh hey Kibum…`` Onew scratched the back of his head as he gave me a small smile.

``I want to see if you still can smile after I’m done with you`` I said in a very scary tone and I knew that I probably looked very scary~ because I saw him widening his eyes and murmuring a ` damn it…`.

``He..heh…I guess you did.`` he gave me a forced smile as he quickly turned around and ran.

Oh no sweety, you won’t escape so easy.

I ran after him and damn he was so fast. I tried hard to not lose him but…in the end he was just to fast for my not so athletic body.

``Ah! Damn you!``

Onew Pov


I sighed in relief as I heard Key passing by the detention room I entered to hide from him.He surely was going to kill me if he caught me.

I moved from the door and I looked inside the classroom that gave me lots of memories. More exactly the memory of my and Taemin’s first . Or oh well…. I really regret it now that I did something so horrible to him but…if I didn’t I wouldn’t be now here. I wouldn’t love him now.

I still don’t know why he got angry and cried some time ago on the roof.He even told me that he hates me…and now I’m pretty scared that he doesn’t love me anymore. I hope he didn’t really mean it because now, life without him it’s hard to bear. I don’t even want to think about him leaving me. So I should apologize as fast I can…till it won’t be too late.

But where is he…?

``Pabo…``I heard someone’s voice and I instantly knew that it was Taemin. I looked again all around the classroom and I spotted him on a corner, curled up with his knees hugged tight to his chest. His head was resting on his knees, the bangs covering his face.

He was still crying and he kept saying some words that I couldn’t understand. It seemed like he didn’t know that I was here.

I tip-toed to him ,making sure that I didn’t make any noise. I was some inches away from him and just then he raised his head and his puffy,red eyes met mine. It was like someone stabbed me. That’s how I felt when I saw his tears seeping down his pinkish cheeks.

``Minnie…``I kneeled down and wrapped my arms around his slim body, pulling him into a tight hug. His warm that I missed so much healed my heart but as soon as I felt his drops of water on my shoulder I was back to my agony.

I hated myself for making him cry.

``I’m sorry…I’m so sorry Minnie.`` I said in a low voice. I don’t know for what exactly I apologized but it was enough that I made him cry. The reason…I will find it out soon.

I felt his fingers digging on my back as he pulled me closer to him.

``A-Am I not enough? Am I so weak that you think I can’t pleasure you if I top? Am I…just a toy for you?`` His trembling voice gave me such a shock that I thought I just died.

I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away a little from him, just enough to look at him. His tears stopped, remaining just a serious face.His eyes were expressionless and it scared me.

``What are you saying Minnie? You know very well that you aren’t a toy! You are so much more! Why…why do you think in such a way?``

He just sighed and lowered his head, his hands playing with the end of his shirt.

``Then…why do you hate so much the idea of me topping you?`` he asked not looking at me.

I stood silent some moments, biting hard my lips. I tried hard to search for the perfect words to not make it sound like I don’t want him or I don’t love him.

``I’m  just…Umm…I’m just scared. I’m a when it comes to it…I never bottomed and even if I saw how pleasant is to be a bottom…I’m still scared. I’m scared that I won’t be good…I won’t pleasure my partner…I will just make him sick. I don’t want you to hate me…`` I confessed my thoughts that I kept hidden deep inside my heart. I saw how Minnie looked up at me and how his once lifeless eyes were back to normal, the sparkle of light making me smile shyly.

``You are such a pabo! You could have told me that and,and!…nah…I still would have topped you  because I’m sure that you’ll be the best I ever had. Because you are special Onew, you can’t disgust me even if you try, you are beautiful and very attractive in my eyes. What the hell I’m saying? I ing get just by hearing your voice!`` Minnie said holding my hands and squeezing them strongly.

I rolled my eyes at his words. So…I really don’t have a choice…in the end I just know that I will get topped.

But I think it won’t be so bad if is Taemin…I believe in him.

``So you don’t hate me? Because you know…on the roof…`` I said but he shook his head and wrapped his arms around my neck. Our chests rubbed together as his breath ghosted on my neck. I felt his plump and soft lips placing a small kiss on my skin,right below  my ear.

``Don’t even think ever again that I hate you…those words just slipped because I was really angry that time and I’m sorry. I can never hate you Onew…`` Taemin said tightening his grip, making me hard to breathe but I enjoyed his body’s warm, I enjoyed his touch, I enjoyed everything about him.

``…Because I love you``Taemin added, nuzzling on my neck like a kitty who needed love.

I was ready to tell him that I loved him too but then something clicked on my mind.

Taemin confessed.

Taemin said those 3 words.

This means that…

A smirk formed on my face as I blew some hot air on his ear making him shiver in pleasure.

``I won the bet.`` I whispered.

I felt how he tensed up and how he placed his hands between our chests and pushed me away. His lost puppy eyes looked deep into my evil ones and soon he realized what I said.

``Wa-Wait! It just slipped me again because the moment was just…just…`` he looked so cute trying so hard to find an excuse but it was too late.

``Minnie~ Just give up. You lost and I win, meaning that I need to find you a really short skirt~`` I said in a playful tone but…I honestly didn’t expect his next reaction.

He furrowed his eyebrows and he looked really mad. He got up from the floor and turned to the door, ready to leave.

Just then I realized that my words made it sounds like I cared just about the bet…aish, when he became so sensitive?

I quickly got up too and stopped him in time. He looked back at me , anger filling his eyes. But I just rolled my eyes.

``Minnie…you know very well that I don’t care just about the bet…`` I said and he just mouthed a `liar`.

Aish…so annoying.

I tightened my grip on his wrist and I shoved him into my embrace. I made sure that my arms were strongly wrapped around his body, not letting any chance for this angry kitty to escape. Our chests were glued together.

Taemin looked up at me and told me to let him go but I just shook my head.I leaned closer to him till our forehead met and our eyes melted into each others.

``You know very well that I love you too so stop getting angry over nothing`` I whispered and I saw how he widened his eyes and how he finally stopped struggling.

``I hope you aren’t lying because I’m really going to-`` he started but I silenced him with my lips . It was just a small and sweet kiss that proved him my feelings.

I pulled back from his lips just to look at his beautiful eyes,lips and just…him. I loved everything about him, his annoying ,evil yet shy personality  and how he makes my heart beat like crazy when he’s around me or just when I’m thinking about him. I’m sure that without him I would feel incomplete because he became a part of me and I need him to be happy and enjoy my life. So I will try hard to not lose him.

``I love you, I really do. More than anything.`` I said and I saw how his eyes got watery, small tears threatening to fall.But for this time…he was crying of happiness.

``I-I love you too!`` Minnie said, quickly crashing his lips on mine, this time a deep and needy yet filled with love kiss taking place.

Finally…he became mine.

But obviously....something just had to happen to destroy our sweet moment.

``What the is going on?!`` I heard a high-pitching voice echoing in the classroom and I broke the kiss. I didn’t even hear when the door opened and someone entered inside. I should have heard.

The animal has found his prey.


First of all : check out these stories~ you won't regret it~

Faithfully waiting


Do you feel it too?



I've been busy...Ok.that's a lie. I've been lazy D: I'm so sorry my dear readers! You know how much I love you but...I just didn't feel like writing. But I'll give my best and write faster and update more often! Because the fun just now starts! OnTae's date! Minnie crossdressing! And lots of y things! Because OnTae...are really a couple=] in my mind. And JongKey are a sweet and romantic one. -Oh mind is rly upside down.

For those who wanted Tae to will get your :P don't cha worry~

I rly want to finish my other story, `hate the sin but love the sinner` so maybe I won't write long chapters for the next updates. And after that I wanna finish another short fic...and then! start another fic, a ty one xd But I won't neglect this fic!I rly like this story...the best I wrote till now.

Now...let's get to the serious business. I decided to pair Minho with someone but that won't happen very soon...I wanna end the ontae date and write something about SungxJeong cuz I miss them D:

But anyway~ VOTE's time!







Mir                                                              Ryeowook                                            Minwoo                          




Now....I wanna tell you that after seeing Sungmin's photo teaser I died. Well...I didn't but you know what I mean xD I adore his blonde hair! He's adorable!-he's my bias in suju-


Anyway~I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Luv chu~

Key-Lady GaGa Judas!~

(now some gifs that I love)

I LOLed so hard

Honestly...sometimes I get the feeling that Key is the top=]]

-adorable-he look so hot with glasses~


Bye bye~

Oh  btw! I won't get mad if you leave a comment~ I rly love to read comments, it makes me want to write faster~


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Thank you guys for all the subbies and comments! I will try and update tomorrow! ^-^


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KpopLover61 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh! It is hard to read the story!
shanlovetaeminnie #2
Chapter 44: i love tis story!!! plzs do a sequal or smth!!!
justakoreafangirl #3
I miss this fic....
moechiii #4
Chapter 44: I like this but I'm sure you arent writing for it anymore ; 3;?
justakoreafangirl #5
Still hopefully need to rush.
justakoreafangirl #6
Please make a new chapter, i lover your story <3
JongTaeLover #7
Please update soon~

I want to find out what happens next!
Chapter 8: I'm sorry as much as I wanted to read I can't >< i can't stand it when key gets hurt especially BY Taemin TT~TT please forgive me
Chapter 1: Like I care I freacking love TaeKey!!! <3
Chapter 3: I can't read cursive~