Romantic Camping trip part 4

Mission: Capture his heart!


It was Baro. My eyes widened and I couldn’t move.

“Do you know this guy?” Yongguk asked.

“It’s Baro.” Sohyun said. BAP’s eyes widened.

“YA! WAKE UP!” Niel yelled kicking him. Baro’s eyes slightly opened.

“Where am I? Jihyun?” He said, he was looking up, in Jihyun’s direction.

“Yea. What do you lat remember?” She asked.

“I was chasing the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I didn’t even know why I was chasing her. She looked frightened and familiar.” He said. “Sorry… I thought she would be able to take my heart away from Sungmi.” He said and stood up. I couldn’t move and someone’s grip tightened on my waist. I looked and saw L.Joe’s concerned smile. I chuckled back. Baro turned around and his heart fell.

“S-Sungmi? And L.Joe?” He said and scoffed. “You were the one I was chasing?” I nodded.

“I’m soo sor-“ He held his hand out to me and I slapped it away. I got off L.Joe.

“Don’t. I won’t accept. I still haven’t forgiven you, for what you did to Jieun.” I said. He fell down to his knees and was tearing up.

“Baro!” Someone yelled we all turned. Baro took my hands. “Please. Please forgive me. I didn’t know any other way to get your attention.” He said.

“Baro!” The voice yelled louder. *Jinyoung?* I thought.

“Sungmi, I’m really sorry.” He said. His eyes were filled with tears and I didn’t have the heart to hurt him anymore. I sighed. *I hope I do the right thing.* I thought.

“Okay, I guess. *sigh* The past is the past. Just promise me you won’t do that anymore. To anybody.” His face lit up and he hugged me. I froze in awkwardness.

“Thank you! Sooo much! I promise! To love you and only you!” He yelled. L.Joe, Daehyun, Himchan, and my eyes widened. And I slightly pushed him away. “That’s not what I meant.” I said.

“Baro. She’s dating L.Joe.” Chunji said. We all looked at him surprised. And L.Joe started smiling. *Chunji..? What..?* I thought.

“BARO! THERE YOU ARE!” Someone yelled. “Sungmi?” He said.

“Jinyoung?” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“Sorry if he’s bothering you.” Jinyoung said and grabbed Baro by the ear.

“No, it’s cool. We’re okay.” I said. He nodded.

“That’s good. How’s Jieun?” Jinyoung asked. *This guy. The real guy who loved Jieun.* I thought.

“You still like Jieun?” I whispered. He flushed red.

“WHAT?! No!” He yelled.

“S-she’s not dating anybody right?” Jinyoung asked. I sighed. *Poor Jinyoung.* I bit my lip and nodded.

“S-she is. Oh.. That guy must be really lucky. Tell me if he hurts her. I’ll mess him up.” Jinyoung said. I chuckled.

“Ahhah, umm. Sure thing.” I said and smiled. He fist-bumped me and then left. I sighed.

“That was scary…” I said.

“Tell me about it. Does Jinyoung like Jieun?” Jiyoon asked. I nodded.

“AWH! That’s soo cute!” She said.

“He didn’t know until she was hurt.” I said. She nodded. I sat down next to Sohyun.

“Chunji, why did you tell Baro me and L.Joe were dating?” I asked.

“Well, he saw in a position that made it look like it. And he might back off if he found out you were taken.” He said. I nodded.

“That’s understandable. Wait.. Do we have to act like it?” I asked.

“Knowing how much Baro is a fan of you… When he’s around. Or he might be spying on you soo… probably 24/7 just to be safe. Actually until we go home.” He said. I nodded.

“You’re making him sound like a stalker.” Sohyun said.

“Isn’t he….?” Hyuna asked.

“I guess….. I don’t know.” Sohyun said. I sat next to Sohyun.

“YAHHH! WIFEY YOU LEFT ME!” L.Joe yelled. We all gave him a look. That was weird seeing him do agyeo. He coughed.

“I mean.” He gets up and pulls me down to his lap again. I give him a weird look.

“Okay.. So the acting begins now?” I asked. Everyone nods. Daehyun had a troubled heart watching us do anything together. He tried to ignore it but his heart would hurt even more. Youngjae saw him in this state. He pulled all the BAP members to the side.

“We’ll be right back.” Yongguk said. We all nodded.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” Jihyun asked. I shrugged. “Let’s go find out!” Gayoon said. Before I could say anything about that being wrong, all of 4minute, except me & Sohyun left. I sighed.

“I hope they don’t get into fights.” I said.

“It’s okay babe. If BAP loves 4minute as much as I love you, they won’t.” L.Joe said. His eyes widened at what he said.

“Awhh~ That’s sooo sweet babe.” I said. I leaned into kissed him on the cheek and whispered “Good one.”

*That was the truth.* He thought. *If I get to be her fake boyfriend, might as well make it last.* He thought.

“Ohh~ You guys should practice some couple stuff!” Chunji said. And he winked at L.Joe without me noticing.

“Like what?” I asked. He made a thinking face and his face brightened all of a sudden.

“First instead of sitting on his lap, turn sideways and wrap your arms around his neck.” I did as I was told and Chunji smiled as L.Joe flushed pink.

“Awhh~ Noooow. Kiss!” Chunji said. My eyes widened. * I KNEW IT. TEEN TOP WHY MUST YOU-

L.Joe crashed his lips onto mine and I froze. Butterflies flew into both of our stomachs and we both turn slightly pink. Chunji made it look like we were really in that position.

“Okayy~ You guys have to kiss for like 2 minutes.” Chunji said. My eyes widened, I was about to back my head away, but L.Joe leaned in more. *I hate you Chunji. This is soo awkward.* I thought.

*CHunji, you’re a genius.* L.Joe thought. *But why do I like it…?* I thought.


“Okay. Um… How do I say this.” Daehyun said and scratched his head.

“You made a plan with Jieun to make Sungmi jealous.” Youngjae said. And BAP crossed their arms.

“H-how did you know?” Daehyun said.

“Forget that. Why’d you do it..?” Jongup said.

“I-I was mad…. Because-“ Daehyun was interrupted.

“You like her. Don’t you?” A voice spoke. BAP looked around and saw 4minute except Sohyun & me.

“You like our Sungmi, don’t you Jung Daehyun.” Jihyun said.

“I-I-I don’t!” He yelled. “I don’t.”

“Why are you mad? Why are you jealous she’s with L.joe? When you wish she could be yours?” Hyuna questioned.

“I-I wasn’t jealous.” He said.

“Then tell us.” Jiyoon said. “Daehyun we’re your friends too. We love Sungmi as much as you do.”

“No you don’t.” He said. Gayoons eyes widened.

“He’s right. He doesn’t like Sungmi. He loves her.” Gayoon said. Daehyun’s face flushed under his mask. Hyuna pulled his mask down from his face.

“Your cheeks are pink. You love her, don’t you?” Yongguk said. Daehyun nodded.

“Do you really like Jieun?” Jiyoon asked. He shook his head.

“I’m breaking up with her, when we get back.” He said.

“Knowing Jieun, she won’t care.” Jiyoon said. Youngjae looked at her.

“Baro’s back. Knowing him, he’ll follow Sungmi back into the city and most likely attend our school again. Soooo~ Jieun will probably chasing him again.” She said.

“That makes sense.” Yongguk said. “Soo Daehyun, do you want to win Sungmi’s heart? Or her grow to like you?”

“I suggest the first one. L.Joe really loves her.” Zelo said.

“Yea.. He does. We all see your little battles with him, except Sungmi.” Jiyoon says.

“The way you were glaring at L.Joe when Sungmi was forced to sit on his lap. When L.Joe wanted to go to the woods to check on her, but you did. We all see it. We all know.” Jihyun said.

*Does that mean Sungmi knows?* He thought.

“But.. We don’t know if Sungmi knows. That’s the problem. And she’s never fallen in love. Soo~ It’s unpredictable.” Jiyoon said. He nodded.

“I’m going to get her to like me. I don’t want to have a war when we can walk down a road instead.” Daehyun said. Everyone nods.

“Do you want our help? Or do you want to be on your own?” Jihyun asked.

“What about L.Joe? Isn’t he your friend too?” Jongup asked.

“Well… Honestly, if Sungmi never liked L.Joe before. Why would she now?” Jiyoon said.

“My sweetie is sooo smart.” Youngjae said and back-hugged her. He also then kissed her on the cheek. She flushed pink.

*People’s minds can change.* Daehyun thought.  

“Let’s go back. Their probably waiting for us.” Yongguk said and everybody walked back.


“Okay. I think you should be done.” Chunji said. I broke the kiss. I never felt so out of breath in my life. L.Joe felt the same way as we were breathing heavily.

“Okay. Do that tomorrow in front of Baro. But make it more passionate.” Chunji said with a smirk. My eyes widened as my face reddened.

“I’m going to go make dinner.” I said and quickly scrabbled off of L.Joe.

Chunji went next to L.Joe. “How was it?” Chunji asked. “I wanna try next.” He joked.

L.Joe shoved him off the chair and he fell backwards. *Note to self. Bug Ricky, not L.joe.* Chunji thought.

I grabbed some seafood teen top bought and began frying to make fried noodles and began frying food.

“We’re back!” Someone yelled. BAP & 4MINUTE finally came back. Zelo walked up behind me and hugged me.

“UMMA~ Do you need help?”  Zelo asked. I smiled and nodded. He handed me the noodles. I was moving the box of ramen when Chunji said, “Hey L.Joe you should help her.”

“OW!” Zelo shouted. I accidentally dropped the ramen box on his foot when I heard what Chunji said.

“Mian! Um,. L.Joe it’s okay. Zelo’s enough.” I said nervously. *What was that..?* Everyone thought.

“L.Joe you have like water or something on your face.” Younggjae said. L.Joe grabbed a napkin and wiped it.

“It’s saliva.” Chunji said. “OW!” I yelled. I touch my hand against the stove by accident. *Oh.. That’s why.* 4minute thought.

“You okay?” L.Joe asked.

“I-I’m okay.” I said.

“I’ll go help her.” Daehyun said and quickly got up. 4minute giggled. Chunji and L.Joe gave them a weird look.

“Zelo can you?” I looked around and Zelo was gone. A box of ice cream was gone as well. *That boy..* I thought.

“Maybe I can help.” I looked around and saw smiling Daehyun, without his mask. “What do you need?” I was staring at his face and I didn’t notice. *Am I that handsome?* Daehyun thought.

“C-Carrots…” I said nervously. He nodded and began cutting the carrots. *What is wrong with me?* I thought. Daehyun handed me the carrots and I fried them with the rest of the noodles.

After a couple minutes of frying, I yelled. “Food’s ready!” I placed all the noodles in a tray and Daehyun carried out plates and etc. I placed the noodles in front of all of us. I began placing noodles on each plate and Daehyun passed them out.

“Yummy!” Jongup yelled.

“Wow. Best noodles I’ve ever tasted.” Youngjae said.

“Thanks guys.” I said. I took a plate and sat down in between L.Joe and Daehyun. *This is delicious..* Daehyun thought.

“Woow. Yeobo~ You make the best food ever.” L.joe praised and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Ahh.” He said and opened his mouth. I took the hint and fed him.

After eating and resting by the campfire. I decided to head off to bed.

“I’m going to brush my teeth.” I said.

“I’ll go with you.” L.Joe and Daehyun said as they stood up. I gave them both confused looks.

“Um.. Okay? Let’s go!” I said and I walked towards the tent. I grabbed my toothbrush and they grabbed theirs. We walked to the fountain. I the water and it splashed Daehyun and L.Joe on accident. My eyes widened.

“I’m sorry sorry!” I said half giggling.

“Ahhaha, be sorry!” L.Joe said and splashed water onto my face.

I made a face and giggled. We all began brushing our teeth. After brushing our teeth, we walked back to the campfire. Everyone was fast asleep by the fire. I was afraid of bugs biting them in their sleep so I decided to gently wake everyone up.

“YAH! YOUNGJAE. STOP!” Yongguk yelled. He opened his eyes. I smiled sheepishly.

“Mian Yongguk. But you guys might get bite by bugs.” I said. He nodded understanding. He carried Jihyun to their tent. L.Joe, Daehyun and I woke up all the guys and they carried all the girls to their tents.

“Awhh~ That’s sooo sweet. The guys carrying the girls to their tents.” I said. Suddenly I was lifted into a bridal position. I opened my eyes and Daehyun’s smiling face appeared.

“You do know you look better without your mask.” I said. He chuckled.

“Well~ If Jieun found out I even talked to you. She’ll kill me, but your worth it.” He said. He carried me to the tent where L.Joe had already fallen asleep. He placed me down. I laid down and so did he.

*Goonight L.Joe and Daehyun.* I thought. I kissed L.Joe and Daehyun’s forehead.

“Goodnight… Oppa..” I whispered.


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SharonLau #1
Chapter 25: BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 33: Love the story make a sequel please :)
Chapter 33: Sequel! sequel! sequel! Jebal Unnie!
Chapter 33: It ended too soon, but I like it! Great story! :D
infinite_kenn #5
Chapter 33: Baekhyun like her too ? your story made me smiled like a crazy, crying , laughing very much. i love your other story too. poor baekhyun , he didn't have much moment with her
Chapter 33: GREAT STORY LIKE DAEBAK!!! N can u do a sequel on baekhyun and kai? Cuz I'm just curious on how and why they fell in love with her.. Maybe a sequel about sungmi, kai and baekhyun's childhood with her or something like that?(suggestion) please do if you can! N gomawo, for the great story>///<
lee-chelle #7
Chapter 33: I was finally happy for DaeMi even if my heart slightly stung for L.Joe... However the last few lines... Ugh. It cracked when it was Bacons PV. *cries in the corner* lovely story btw!
Cottoncandy123 #8
Chapter 33: WOW. This Story is just AMAZING! Awhhh Baekhyun oppa liked her as well! I Loved Joemi and I love Daemi <3 This is a great story! You should write more stories like this!
fawbnerdy05 #9
Chapter 33: Wow! Daebak~
Baekhyun oppa liked her too? :((
Daemi!<3 & Joemi!<3
Best couples!!
Loved your story~
Chapter 33: whoaa, baekhyun also like her? poor bacon :( aigoo, so qt!