Chapter 16

Loving You Forever

Charmaine stood by the rail staring out at the open sea.  Night has fallen and it made the water look black against the darkened sky.  A breeze drifted through her hair causing tendrils to lightly splay across her forehead and face.  She pushed it back with her fingers and took a deep breath.  The pungent smell of the salt water filled her nostrils and gave her a peaceful, calming feeling.  Looking distractedly at the dark water she thought about Raymond and with it came a glowing smile.  She was anticipating meeting his mother tomorrow night.  Meeting Raymond's mother brings their relationship to the next level and Charmaine wanted that more than anything else.  For the first time in her life, she has finally met someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with.  Raymond was everything she could ever ask for.  He was handsome, charming, sweet and smart.  And those dark smoldering eyes of his… eyes that seem to have a life of its own.  One look into them and Charmaine could feel her entire being heat up.  But it wasn't his physical attributes that appeals to her.  It was the way he made her feel whenever they were together.  She felt special, cherished, as if she was the most important thing in his life.  Her thoughts turn to the kisses that they shared and she could feel her face flush at the memory.  Raymond has a bold sensuality in him that at times makes her shy and awkward and at others wanting to match it.  Closing her eyes as she recalled every detail of their kisses she wasn't aware that someone was watching her.

From a short distance Ben watched her.  The drink in his hand forgotten as he instead drank in the lovely sight before him.  Charmaine didn't know he was on board the yacht.  He had remained hidden until the yacht pulled away from the dock.  Now that the yacht was gliding aimlessly out in the waters he decided it was time to make his presence known to her.  He walked slowly towards her, his eyes fixated on her face.  Her cheeks were flushed and she had a dreamy expression on her face.  With her eyes closed she didn't see him coming until he was standing a foot away.  "Hello Charmaine," Ben said in a low whisper.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, Charmaine jumped.  Stunned by who it was, she asked hesitantly, "B-Ben, what are y-you doing here?"

"Have you forgotten that Derek and I are friends," Ben said casually.  "He invited me of course."

Smiling faintly at him and fighting back the rising panic within, Charmaine said, "I didn't realize he had invited people other than company employees."

"Well when he asked to use my yacht I invited myself," Ben said.  He saw the unease on her face and said lightly, "You look as if you don’t want me here."

Taken aback by his words and realizing that she was again being silly for fearing someone she had no reason to, Charmaine gave him a warm smile and said softly, "Please don't think that way."

Instantly relieved that she does not harbor any ill feelings towards him, Ben inclined his head towards the door that leads to the interior cabin of the yacht and asked, "What are you doing out here by yourself?  All your co-workers are inside partying the night away."

Charmaine looked up at the twinkling stars and smiled, "I wanted some air and it's really beautiful out here."

"It is," Ben agreed and stood next to her as they both gaze at the stars above.  After a moment, he turned to look at her.  She was still looking up at the sky with a soft smile on her face.  Wisp of hair framed the side of her face and Ben had never seen anyone as beautiful as Charmaine was at this very moment.  Clearing his throat he asked in a low voice, "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure," Charmaine responded automatically but did not turn his way.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ben asked openly.

The question made Charmaine swing her head around to look at him.  What she saw on his face made her heart pummel and her pulse soar frantically.  It was the same look of adoration and wanting that she often sees in Raymond whenever they are together.  Only on Ben it appeared sinister and lewd and again that feeling of fear crept into her making her body tremble.  Looking away from his piercing eyes, she stammered, "I better get back inside."  She was about to walk past him but was stopped.

Holding firmly onto her arm, Ben said, "Stay and chat with me for a bit."

"I-I have enough air and I feel a bit cold," Charmaine stuttered while she tried to twist her arm from his unrelenting hold.

With his grip iron tight on her, Ben pulled her resisting body closer to him until she was standing directly in front of him.  Leaning down he murmured into her ear, ""Charmaine, I have a confession to make."

Charmaine stood immobilized at the forced proximity while her mind screamed for her to get away from him.  Get far, far away.  She tried again to twist her arm free but that only made him tighten his hold on her.  Knowing she had no choice but to hear his confession and play it out she rasped, "I'm listening."

"I'm in love with you," Ben said slowly.  "Have been since the first time I met you."

Charmaine's eyes flew to his face and she said softly, soothingly, "I'm sorry but I already have someone in my life who I love very much."  She twisted her arm one more time and asked in that same soft voice, "Can you please let go of my arm?"

Ben frowned at her response but nevertheless released her.  "I won't give up," he told her and the frown on his face disappeared and was replaced with a challenging smile.  "I will do whatever it takes to win you over," he added louder.

Charmaine was alarmed by his words and yet at the same time felt helpless that she was unable to change his feelings.  "I'm sorry Ben," she said dimly and quickly hurried down the stairs into the cabin.

Ben watched her retreating back with a mixture of disappointment and exhilaration.  This was only a small set-back.  He had no doubt that Charmaine will eventually change her mind about him.  And when that time comes he would indeed be the luckiest man in the world.


Raymond arrived home earlier than his usual time.  He looked into the dining room and saw his mom setting dishes onto the table.  "Hi Mom," he greeted uncertainly.  Since their fight the other night his Mom barely spoke two words to him.

Gigi looked up and with a beaming smile said, "You're just in time for dinner.  Go wash up and come out to eat."

Raymond stood transfixed as he wondered about the sudden change in Gigi's mood.  After a moment's hesitation he walked over and asked, "You're not angry at me anymore?"

Gigi giggled and patted his face, "Of course I'm not!  I'm your mother.  Mothers do not hold grudges against their children."

Relieved by Gigi's cheery attitude and believing that she has finally decided to accept Charmaine, Raymond felt that tomorrow night was going to be alright and a new beginning for the three of them.  "I want to tell you about…"

"Let's eat and then talk."  Gigi pushed him in the direction of the bathroom and ordered, "Now go wash up."

During the meal whenever Raymond tried to bring up the subject of Charmaine, Gigi would right away cut him off by asking nonsensical questions about the police station.  After helping his mom wash and put away the dishes Raymond decided now was the time to tell her that he had invited Charmaine to dinner tomorrow night.  Sitting down beside her on the couch he said, "Mom, about Charmaine…"

Gigi switched on the television and asked with disinterest, "Charmaine?  Is that her name?"

"Yes, her name is Charmaine Sheh," Raymond answered.  "She…"

"Sssshhhh," Gigi broke him off.  "Tonight is the final episode of Sister Fa."  On cue the theme song of Sister Fa played across the screen.

"Mom, I need to tell you something about Charmaine.  She…"

Exasperated by Raymond's endless need to talk about his current girlfriend, Gigi turned abruptly to look at him and said with a tinge of annoyance, "I don't want to miss the finale.  Let's talk about her AFTER my birthday dinner."

Raymond watched as Gigi quickly riveted her gaze back on the television screen.  "Sure," he mumbled. 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.