My Make Over Part 2

I Can Only Love Once

After washing and blow drying my hair, the cuttig has started. My hair was about 35 cm. It was long and it took about a year to get that lenght. But now all of my beautiful hair will be gone. Miss Ju Ri told me she will cut me hair in the same length -good, I'm not a big fen of layers- but the length will past a little bit on the mid-part in my back. I was okay with the length...well... not really. 

"Now the magic begins," said Miss Ju ri, turning me aroung so I can't see my self in a mirror. 

"Why did you turned me around," I said confused. 

"So it can be a suprise!" 

''Okay," I simled. It took only about 45 mintues to cut my hair, blow dry it and don't get me started on the curling iron. Since my har is wavy, it took forever. I think it took about at least an hour. She was telling me how to keep my hair have volume and see the waves for the whole day. She recommend me shampoo, conditioner, clay, hairspary and many more. Gave me tips on hair treatment.

Finally the har cut, blowing and curling my hait, amd the telling me tips; I get to see my hair cut. She made close eyes. As she was counting down from 5 and turned me back, I saw my new hair cut. I was amazed what she had done. I don't even recognize myself. I was very very please with my haircut that I hugged Miss Ju Ri so tight, she couldn't breathe. She tapped shoulder and released her. I bowed and said, "Sorry!" But she was still simling.

"Do you like it," said Miss Ju Ri.

"I like it... I LOVE IT," I screamed. 

"YES!!! I didn't know you will like it." My hair is not long but has a meduim wave. I love it. "Next stop... your clothes!" I nodded. We walked to one of the largest clothes ever. It had many selections. There were dresses, shoes, bags, shirts, etc... She told me to sit down at the light green coach. It was leather, so makes it cold. I was exploring and I saw... Minho!!!! I didn't want him to see me. So I looked the other way. He came up to me and asked "What school do you go to?" I said, Hanjok High, so nervously. He just smiled and he gave me a card. It has his number. 

I said, "What's this!?" 

He said, "Just call me for an hangout. I think your pretty cute." He walked away but then he turned around and he winked at me. I toltaly blushed and then I just sat back down again. Miss Ju ri called and got my clothes ready. She wants me to put on a light tan dress with an blue and light pink flowers, a white satchel, a brown belt, and then a white and two inch heel. And then put some light make up and SHINee (excluding Minho for now) to see the new me. I put on clothes but we had diffculties with the dress. The zipper broke twice and then my back strap from my scandal broke once. After fixing my clothes, we got it to be working fine. Next was the make up. 

"Follow me to the make up room," said Miss Ju Ri. 

"Okay," I said. As I was following her, I got lost because alot of carts were passsing thorugh and then some big crowd came out of now where. I just walked somewhere I found a room. But when I opened the door there was a shooting going on. I bowed and said "Sorry". 

"WAIT," screamed some american photographer. I was in shocked. He was using his hands to tell me to come. I went over to him and said in english, "Have you been model before?" Since I'm fluent to four different - including English- I can reply back. I said, "No". 

He said, "Really? Your face, posture, and your clothes; I thought you were a model." 

"Thank you!" 

"Would you want to be in this spring scene?"

"Well... I was looking for some...." Before I can finish one of the ladies took grabbed me and took me in a dressing room. The ladies just checked my make up and hair and they made a few adjustments. They brought me to my first scene. The background was a light pink color and a light brown park bench in the middle. 

I was asking, "Who would be my partner?" And then my mouth dropped and it was Minho. He was suprised. He came up to me and shaked my hand. 

"Wait... You guys have to act like your dating. Were just not sponsering clothes; were also sponser too wedding rings." We looked at each other and it was kinda awkward. "Minho hug her like she was your girlfriend." So we gave it a try. As we were hugging, the photographer took a couple of pictures. Then Minho hugged me behind and kinda swing me around and we sat at the bench and we were playing slide, Minho put his arm around me. All of the staff kept screaming kiss. I didn't want to because I never had kiss yet. If Minho kissed me it well be my first. And I want my first kiss by my crush; which is Taemin. So I whispered to Minho just to kiss me in the hand and the cheek. So as the photographer was still taking pictures, Minho suprised me by giving me a kiss in the cheek. I thought he will do it later on but I didn't exepected to do it now. The photographer was hopping for joy when he took that picture. 

He said, "That expression...ummmm.. whats your name kid?" 

I said,"My name is Mae Ri," so soft and gentle. 

"Nice name but anyway, love your expression you were shock but it was gentle and Minho your kiss was gentle and your eyes were closed soft not har like this. Miss Ruby give her my card." She hand it to me and I looked at it. He was the famous Mr. Jack. He was the photographer to every K-pop star you can think of. I was suprised and happy he can take my pictures. 

Minho said,"Ummmmm... Mae Ri I think someone is waiting for you." I looked at the right side and there was Miss Ju Ri tapping her foot. 

"So..... Mr. Jack you took my model with out asking," said Miss Ju Ri coming up to him. 

"Well... you know me Miss Ju Ri! I can't wait to take any of your good and professional models. You always make our K-pop stars ther the best." 

"Well thank you for the flatter talking but I need Mae Ri." 

"WHAT!! WHY!?!?!" 

"She has a tight schedule right now. Come on Mae Ri." I stood up but Minho grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear, "Call me right after your done, okay? I will be waiting for your call." And again he kissed me and hugged me and Mr. Jack got some pics. Miss Ju Ri was suprised and took me away. She told me not to be so close to Minho. I wanted ask why but I have a felling she won't tell me. I keep walking and we went to this room and it was a catwalk. She told me to stay and she said, "Your cue is right after when I said, My special friend and guest Mae Ri." I nodded. After each model goes one by one I started to get nervous. When the last model went, I tried not to think of it. When Miss Ju Ri waited until the crowd was silent and she said the words, "Now this model is special to me and one of the nicest and workable model I have worked for many yers. Here is Miss Mae Ri! Everybody was clapping and I took breath and walked out there. In the end I posed but when I saw in back was MINHO!!!!! He simled and waved. I couldn't wave back so I winked. 

Miss Ju Ri said, "Now now... settle down... This girl was my best model ever and also a good friend." Everybody in the crowd said, "Awwwww..." I hugged Miss Ju Ri and then she hand it to me the microphone. 

I said,"Today was a one of my favorites memories ever. I got a new makeover..." but before I can continue Miss Ju Ri stopped me. 

"Not even you get a new makeover you got one of my secret collection and my newest collection. Also, I want you to come of my New York fashion week and become my main model." 

"Oh My Gosh!!! Thank you so much! I have nothing else to say. I'm speechless!" 

"Please give your hands to Miss Mae Ri!" 

"Also, please give your hands Miss Ju Ri." I hugged her. "Also, please meet Miss Ju Ri outside in the halls." I waved her a good bye. And then Onew came behind me and hugged me. I was suprised. And then Jonghyun and Taemin came up to me and told onew to let go off me. He finally let go. All of them checked my face, hair, and clothes. They were suprised of the change. Taemin told me, "You look so pretty Mae Ri. They might be mistaken as my girlfriend." I was laughing. He simled. 

Jonghyun siad, "Your to young to date. So... Mae Ri are you doing anything tonight?" 

I said, "Well... I already got a date with someone else." 

"WHAT!!!!" said Taemin, Jonghyun, and Onew shocking. 

"I'm sorry." I felt so bad. 

Onew put his arm around me and said, "It's okay! Your very old enough to go date someone else. So... Who is the guy???" I couldn't say who was it. I just made an excuse in my head. 

"It some guy I meet a long time ago." 

"Come on whats his name." Minho comes up and hugs me. "It's him." And everybody was in shock. 

Taemin asked, "Mae Ri are you joking?" 

"No," I said. Onew was going up to Minho and congratulating him and playing with him. While, Jonghyun and Taemin were asking my questions. They kept asking some nonsense questions. And then Taemin wanted to talk to me alone. He brought me outside of the store. 

"Are you guys dating," said Taemin demanding. 

"No," I said blushing. 

"I meet him a couple of months but he doesn't know its me. He just asked me when I was shooting pictures with me."

"Okay. Did he try to kiss you?"

"Well... I told him to kiss me in the cheek but, he kissed right away. I was in shock."

"Just be careful, okay?" 

"I know." 

"I made a promise with your mom." 


I answered my phone, "Yaw Bo Yeh Yo" 

"Hello Mae Ri," said my Uncle. Who is my mom's lawyer. 

"Hi uncle! How are you?"

 "No time for questions." 

"What's wrong?" 

"I find your mom's will... well... her other half." 


"Yeah! Is there a boy name Taemin there?" 

"Taemin! Here you go!" 

"Who's this, said Taemin" 

"Hello, Taemin?" 

"Yes! This is me!"

"So, I was reading rest of the will and she wants you to marry Mae Ri." 

Taemin stuttered," R-r-r-reee-really?" 


"Are you okay with that?" Taemin told me to cover my ears and walk like thirty steps away from him. 

"Can you not tell your niece this?"

"I promise!" 

"Well, when I met Mae Ri she was cute but since we spent every moment together I started to fall in love her." 

"That's so sweet boy." 

"Is anyting else?" 

"Nope! That's it! And your goal is toget Mae Ri!" 

"Okay! Bye" 

Taemin screamed, "Mae Ri!" I ran up to him. And ask so many questions and some simple and confusing answers. Rest of the members were looking for me and once Minho found us. He quickly ran to me and hugged me. And this day was a really long day. I slept in the car ride. Thats how tired I am.  


Sorry it took long to update and it is a really long story!!! Hope you enjoy!!!! =D Leave comments and tell me if you like it or not. I need feedback!!! So please support this story!!!!

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xiaobae #1
I can't wait for more.