Meeting up

This is MBLAQ

[The weekend Cheondoong’s POV]


I got ready to go meet up Aimee and her friend and quickly grabbed a jacket to leave.


“I’ll see you guys soon!” I called as I went to turn the door, but two seconds later there was Mir. He was still annoying me about Aimee, but now it was time for me to get “irritated” and let him know that I was seeing Aimee all along.


“Where are you going dressed up so nice?” He questioned.


“Aish Mir… I’m tired of this okay.” I insisted. He looked at me curiously for the billionth time this week.


“What would you be so tired of huh?” He questioned. I rolled my eyes.


“I’m done with this Mir. Yes, I’m going to see Aimee and no, you can’t stop me! So get mad at me and throw a couple hits at me for all I care! You’re not going to stop me from going to hang out with her!” I exclaimed making sure I made myself very clear.


“So you’ve gone to see her recently?!” He questioned. I nodded with out fear.


“Yes I went to go see her earlier this week. I’m going to see her right now okay! Im not hiding anything anymore, your problems with Aimee are your problems with her not mine so keep me out of it!” I told him. He merely frowned. I thought he was going to get angry and fight at me, but he didn’t even try.


“I thought we were bros,” He commented. I sighed and hugged him.


“We are bros, but this isn’t my problem. Why don’t you try and fix it for a change? Like a man. Maybe Aimee might take you back,” I told him. His eyes seemed to brighten slightly.


“Did she say that?” he asked. I laughed and shook my head.


“No, but you should try it for a change. Anyways, see you later bro,” I told him as I left. I knew his angriness with me wouldn’t end there, but in this end this was all for the greater good.


[With Aimee Aimee’s POV]


So Saechi had arrived at my house and we sat waiting for Cheondoong.


“So your deed is as good as done,” She told me as she lounged around on the couch.


“Deed? What deed?” I questioned, not understanding what she was talking about.


“You know getting Hyomin out of the picture. I have her in the palm of my hands.’ She told me. My eyes widened something.


“You didn’t have to do that. Plus, it wasn’t all about Hyomin anyways. I mean part of it was Mir too. I want him to assure me that Hyomin isn’t in his heart,” I told her. She pouted slightly annoyed.


“Well what better way to assure that than with Hyomin out of the picture?” She wondered. I sighed sitting down next to her.


“Look as amazing as that will be. I want to be sure that he doesn’t love her you know like a woman. Once im sure that he doesn’t then send her off, but if he loves her. Please let him be happy for me.” I told her. Saechi groaned in frustration.


“Seriously?! I hate that ! Please let me send her back!” She yelled. I rolled my eyes.


“Saechi seriously you need to stop with all of your cussing. You come off as a more of a bad girl like that. If you stop cussing that will cut off like half of your bad girl image,” I scolded her.


“Ugh I can’t help it… it just comes out.” She told me. I shrugged.


“If you want this transformation to work you need to stop. I won’t matter if you look like a nice girl. If you talk like that then you’ll come off as a ,” I told her, flinching as I cussed. She merely laughed.


“Okay goodie two shoes, I see what you mean. I will try my hardest to censor myself.” She promised. I smiled and hugged her slightly.


“Awesome,” I answered.


“So where is this friend of yours? He’s taking forever.” She murmured. Then, as if Cheondoong had heard her, he arrived at the front door.


“Doongie!” I exclaimed hugging him.


“Hi there Aimee, Where is this friend of yours?” He asked. Then I turned and pointed towards Saechi.


“Cheondoong this is Saechi. Saechi this is Cheondoong.” I said.


“Nice to meet you,” Cheondoong greeted.


“What’s with this guy?” Saechi questioned. I pinched her.


“Say hi,” I exclaimed whispering at her.


“Hello,” She said in an unconvincing manner.


“Uh… sorry Cheondoong. She’s a little rough around the edges.” I muttered. I chuckled lightly.


“It’s okay,” He answered.


“Hey, I may be rough around the edges but at least I don’t have a serious case of prince disease,” She replied. I shoved her once again.


“Aish Chincha Saechi! Learn to be normal!” I exclaimed. Cheondoong then sighed.


“She’s the friend that needs help huh? Does she want to change her image or something?” Cheondoong wondered. I nodded.


“Yep and you’re going to help. You’re going to be my male opinion to everything that I change about her today,” I told him. He shrugged.


“Well… this is quite a project, but whatever gets us to the arcade faster I’m up for it,” He told me with a smile on his face. Then Saechi’s face lit up.


“Arcade! We are going to go to an arcade?” She asked. I frowned at her.


“Only if you learn to be a better girl, if not I’m going with Cheondoong by myself,” I told her. She took in a deep breath.


“Arachi songsengnim I’m under your care. Please make me in to a girl,” She insisted. I laughed and we then went on our way.


Today was finally going to be some fun for me.

So yeah.... Saechi needs some cleaning up XP but anyways please enjoy this chapter ^^


oh so  i decided to make a poll about the final chapter that is coming up ^^ I would love it if my readers would vote ^^

if you can't get there with this please follow this link

anyways until next time! Pyong!~

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Nakamoto_Yusuki #1
Chapter 5: jealous mir.. XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #2
Chapter 3: i thought ryuki is a girl XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #3
Chapter 2: lucky! mblaq sleep in her house!
but aimee is studying too hard! well, a smart girl T.T
Nakamoto_Yusuki #4
Chapter 1: Wow! So lucky aimee that she is seungho sister and can meet mblaq!!!
skyerenciel #5
Chapter 44: I read your fanfic in one shot in one day! (Luckily you already completed it >.>) or maybe not? Another one for the epilogue :3
deedae #6
Chapter 44: Epilogue pleaseee..I love ur storyyy :D I'm new n can't stop read ur fic :"
Agh, it's almost midnight here and I just finished this story!
I loved this. I seriously did.
looking forward to reading more of your fics! c:
dejalynnsaili #9
babyindigo #10
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<